4 e2 docs wirelink
Divran edited this page 2021-04-22 20:49:42 +02:00

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Number = WireLink:isHiSpeed()

Returns true if the linked component is high-speed capable (2 ops)

Entity = WireLink:entity()

Returns the entity of the linked component (2 ops)

Number = WireLink:hasInput(String Portname)

Returns true if the linked component has an input of the specified name (2 ops)

Number = WireLink:hasOutput(String Portname)

Returns true if the linked component has an output of the specified name (2 ops)

Array = WireLink:array(String)

Returns the array from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,array] instead (5 ops)

Gtable = WireLink:gtable(String)

Returns the gtable from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,gtable] instead (5 ops)

ComplexNumber = WireLink:complex(String)

Returns the complex from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,complex] instead (5 ops)

Matrix4 = WireLink:matrix2(String)

Returns the matrix2 from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,matrix2] instead (5 ops)

Table = WireLink:table(String)

Returns the table from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,table] instead (5 ops)

Vector2 = WireLink:vector2(String)

Returns the vector2 from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,vector2] instead (5 ops)

Angle = WireLink:angle(String)

Returns the angle from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,angle] instead (5 ops)

Matrix = WireLink:matrix(String)

Returns the matrix from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,matrix] instead (5 ops)

Matrix4 = WireLink:matrix4(String)

Returns the matrix4 from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,matrix4] instead (5 ops)

Vector4 = WireLink:vector4(String)

Returns the vector4 from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,vector4] instead (5 ops)

Tracedata = WireLink:tracedata(String)

Returns the tracedata from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,tracedata] instead (5 ops)

String = WireLink:string(String)

Returns the string from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,string] instead (5 ops)

Returns the wirelink from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,wirelink] instead (5 ops)

Effect = WireLink:effect(String)

Returns the effect from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,effect] instead (5 ops)

RangerData = WireLink:ranger(String)

Returns the ranger from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,ranger] instead (5 ops)

Number = WireLink:number(String)

Returns the number from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,number] instead (5 ops)

Bone = WireLink:bone(String)

Returns the bone from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,bone] instead (5 ops)

Stcontrol = WireLink:stcontrol(String)

Returns the stcontrol from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,stcontrol] instead (5 ops)

Quaternion = WireLink:quaternion(String)

Returns the quaternion from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,quaternion] instead (5 ops)

Vector = WireLink:vector(String)

Returns the vector from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,vector] instead (5 ops)

Ftrace = WireLink:ftrace(String)

Returns the ftrace from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,ftrace] instead (5 ops)

Entity = WireLink:entity(String)

Returns the entity from the specified address of linked component. Deprecated, use XWL[S,entity] instead (5 ops)

Vector = WireLink:setVector(String, Vector)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified vector. Deprecated, use XWL[S,vector] = X instead (5 ops)

Angle = WireLink:setAngle(String, Angle)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified angle. Deprecated, use XWL[S,angle] = X instead (5 ops)

Gtable = WireLink:setGtable(String, Gtable)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified gtable. Deprecated, use XWL[S,gtable] = X instead (5 ops)

Entity = WireLink:setEntity(String, Entity)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified entity. Deprecated, use XWL[S,entity] = X instead (5 ops)

Array = WireLink:setArray(String, Array)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified array. Deprecated, use XWL[S,array] = X instead (5 ops)

Vector2 = WireLink:setVector2(String, Vector2)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified vector2. Deprecated, use XWL[S,vector2] = X instead (5 ops)

Stcontrol = WireLink:setStcontrol(String, Stcontrol)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified stcontrol. Deprecated, use XWL[S,stcontrol] = X instead (5 ops)

Matrix4 = WireLink:setMatrix2(String, Matrix4)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified matrix2. Deprecated, use XWL[S,matrix2] = X instead (5 ops)

Matrix = WireLink:setMatrix(String, Matrix)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified matrix. Deprecated, use XWL[S,matrix] = X instead (5 ops)

Ftrace = WireLink:setFtrace(String, Ftrace)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified ftrace. Deprecated, use XWL[S,ftrace] = X instead (5 ops)

Effect = WireLink:setEffect(String, Effect)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified effect. Deprecated, use XWL[S,effect] = X instead (5 ops)

Matrix4 = WireLink:setMatrix4(String, Matrix4)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified matrix4. Deprecated, use XWL[S,matrix4] = X instead (5 ops)

ComplexNumber = WireLink:setComplex(String, ComplexNumber)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified complex. Deprecated, use XWL[S,complex] = X instead (5 ops)

Bone = WireLink:setBone(String, Bone)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified bone. Deprecated, use XWL[S,bone] = X instead (5 ops)

Tracedata = WireLink:setTracedata(String, Tracedata)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified tracedata. Deprecated, use XWL[S,tracedata] = X instead (5 ops)

Table = WireLink:setTable(String, Table)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified table. Deprecated, use XWL[S,table] = X instead (5 ops)

Quaternion = WireLink:setQuaternion(String, Quaternion)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified quaternion. Deprecated, use XWL[S,quaternion] = X instead (5 ops)

Vector4 = WireLink:setVector4(String, Vector4)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified vector4. Deprecated, use XWL[S,vector4] = X instead (5 ops)

Number = WireLink:setNumber(String, Number)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified number. Deprecated, use XWL[S,number] = X instead (5 ops)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified wirelink. Deprecated, use XWL[S,wirelink] = X instead (5 ops)

String = WireLink:setString(String, String)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified string. Deprecated, use XWL[S,string] = X instead (5 ops)

RangerData = WireLink:setRanger(String, RangerData)

Sets the component's input of the specified name equal to specified ranger. Deprecated, use XWL[S,ranger] = X instead (5 ops)

WireLink:setXyz(Vector Value)

Sets the X/Y/Z to the corresponding values in the vector (15 ops)

Vector = WireLink:xyz()

Retrieves the X/Y/Z as the corresponding values in the vector (15 ops)

Returns wirelink to this E2 (5 ops)

Returns an invalid wirelink (1 ops)

Array = WireLink:inputs()

Returns an array of all the inputs that XWL has without their types. Returns an empty array if it has none (15 ops)

Array = WireLink:outputs()

Returns an array of all the outputs that XWL has without their types. Returns an empty array if it has none (15 ops)

String = WireLink:inputType(String Input)

Returns the type of input that S is in lowercase. ( "NORMAL" is changed to "number" ) (15 ops)

String = WireLink:outputType(String Output)

Returns the type of output that S is in lowercase. ( "NORMAL" is changed to "number" ) (15 ops)

Number = WireLink:writeCell(Number Address, Number Value)

Writes value into specified memory cell. Deprecated, use XWL[N] = X instead (5 ops)

Number = WireLink:readCell(Number Address)

Returns contents of the specified memory cell. Deprecated, use XWL[N] instead (5 ops)

Array = WireLink:readArray(Number Start, Number Size)

Reads an array's elements from a piece of memory. Strings and sub-tables (angles, vectors, matrices) are written as pointers to the actual data. Strings are written null-terminated (5 ops)

WireLink:writeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Number Textcolor, Vector Bgcolor, Number Flash)

Same as XWL:writeString(snnnv), with an extra argument for flashing text. 0 or 1 is recommended (20 ops)

WireLink:writeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Number Textcolor, Number Bgcolor, Number Flash)

Same as XWL:writeString(snnnn), with an extra argument for flashing text. 0 or 1 is recommended (20 ops)

WireLink:writeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Vector Textcolor, Number Bgcolor, Number Flash)

Same as XWL:writeString(snnvn), with an extra argument for flashing text. 0 or 1 is recommended (20 ops)

WireLink:writeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Vector Textcolor, Vector Bgcolor, Number Flash)

Same as XWL:writeString(snnvv), with an extra argument for flashing text. 0 or 1 is recommended (20 ops)

WireLink:writeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Vector Textcolor, Vector Bgcolor)

Same as XWL:writeString(snnv), with an extra argument for background colour (20 ops)

WireLink:writeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Vector Textcolor, Number Bgcolor)

Same as XWL:writeString(snnv), with an extra argument for background colour. This is in the form of a 3-digit RGB code. 0 is black, while 999 is white, 900 is pure red and so on (20 ops)

WireLink:writeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Number Textcolor, Vector Bgcolor)

Same as XWL:writeString(snnn), with an extra argument for background colour (20 ops)

WireLink:writeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Number Textcolor, Number Bgcolor)

Same as XWL:writeString(snnn), with an extra argument for background colour. 3-digit RGB again (20 ops)

WireLink:writeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Vector Textcolor)

Same as XWL:writeString(snn), with an extra argument for the text colour (20 ops)

WireLink:writeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Number Textcolor)

Same as XWL:writeString(snn), with an extra argument for the text colour. This is in the form of a 3-digit RGB code. 0 is black, while 999 is white, 900 is pure red and so on (20 ops)

WireLink:writeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y)

A helper function for using the Wired Console Screen. The string will be written to the screen in white text on black background. The number arguments specify the starting position - X/Horizontal (0-29 recommended) and Y/vertical (0-17) (20 ops)

WireLink:writeUnicodeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Number Textcolor, Vector Bgcolor, Number Flash)

Same as XWL:writeUnicodeString(snnnv), with an extra argument for flashing text. 0 or 1 is recommended (20 ops)

WireLink:writeUnicodeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Vector Textcolor, Vector Bgcolor, Number Flash)

Same as XWL:writeUnicodeString(snnvv), with an extra argument for flashing text. 0 or 1 is recommended (20 ops)

WireLink:writeUnicodeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Vector Textcolor, Number Bgcolor, Number Flash)

Same as XWL:writeUnicodeString(snnvn), with an extra argument for flashing text. 0 or 1 is recommended (20 ops)

WireLink:writeUnicodeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Number Textcolor, Number Bgcolor, Number Flash)

Same as XWL:writeUnicodeString(snnnn), with an extra argument for flashing text. 0 or 1 is recommended (20 ops)

WireLink:writeUnicodeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Number Textcolor, Vector Bgcolor)

Same as XWL:writeUnicodeString(snnn), with an extra argument for background colour (20 ops)

WireLink:writeUnicodeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Number Textcolor, Number Bgcolor)

Same as XWL:writeUnicodeString(snnn), with an extra argument for background colour. 3-digit RGB again (20 ops)

WireLink:writeUnicodeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Vector Textcolor, Vector Bgcolor)

Same as XWL:writeUnicodeString(snnv), with an extra argument for background colour (20 ops)

WireLink:writeUnicodeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Vector Textcolor, Number Bgcolor)

Same as XWL:writeUnicodeString(snnv), with an extra argument for background colour. This is in the form of a 3-digit RGB code. 0 is black, while 999 is white, 900 is pure red and so on (20 ops)

WireLink:writeUnicodeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Vector Textcolor)

Same as XWL:writeUnicodeString(snn), with an extra argument for the text colour (20 ops)

WireLink:writeUnicodeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y, Number Textcolor)

Same as XWL:writeUnicodeString(snn), with an extra argument for the text colour. This is in the form of a 3-digit RGB code. 0 is black, while 999 is white, 900 is pure red and so on (20 ops)

WireLink:writeUnicodeString(String Text, Number X, Number Y)

A helper function for using the Wired Console Screen. The unicode string will be written to the screen in white text on black background. The number arguments specify the starting position - X/Horizontal (0-29 recommended) and Y/vertical (0-17) (20 ops)

Number = WireLink:writeString(Number Address, String Data)

Writes a null-terminated string to the given address. Returns the next free address or 0 on failure (20 ops)

String = WireLink:readString(Number Address)

Reads a null-terminated string from the given address. Returns an empty string on failure (20 ops)

Number = WireLink:writeArray(Number Address, Array Data)

Writes an array's elements into a piece of memory. Strings and sub-tables (angles, vectors, matrices) are written as pointers to the actual data. Strings are written null-terminated (20 ops)

Number = WireLink:writeTable(Number Address, Table Data)

Same as writeArray, except it uses the numerically indexed variables of the table instead (20 ops)

Number = WireLink:writeArraySimple(Number Address, Array Data)

(20 ops)

Number = WireLink:writeTableSimple(Number Address, Table Data)

(20 ops)