4 e2 docs npc
Divran edited this page 2021-04-22 20:49:42 +02:00

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Entity:npcGoWalk(Vector Rv2)

Tells the NPC to walk to position V (5 ops)

Entity:npcGoRun(Vector Rv2)

Tells the NPC to run to position V (5 ops)


Tells the NPC to use their melee attack (5 ops)


Tells the NPC to shoot their gun (5 ops)

Entity:npcFace(Vector Rv2)

This will rotate the NPC to face position V. This is purely aesthetic and can't be used to aim their weapon (5 ops)


Gives the NPC an SMG (5 ops)

Entity:npcGiveWeapon(String Rv2)

Gives the NPC a weapon. Example: E:npcGiveWeapon("pistol"). Other arguments include "ar2", "crowbar", "357", "shotgun", "crossbow", "rpg", "frag", etc. Other such as the bugbait or slam may be buggy (5 ops)


Stops any anything the NPC is doing, including things it decided to do by itself (5 ops)

Entity = Entity:npcGetTarget()

Returns what the npc is currently targeting (5 ops)

Entity:npcSetTarget(Entity Ent)

Sets the npcs current target (5 ops)

Entity:npcRelationship(Entity Rv2, String Rv3, Number Rv4)

Will set the NPC's relationship to the specified entity to the S input, priority N. Priority is any number between 0 and 999. The relationship string can be either "like", "neutral", "hate" or "fear". Same goes for all other relationship functions (5 ops)

Entity:npcRelationship(String Rv2, String Rv3, Number Rv4)

Same as E:npcRelationship(entity,string,number), but sets relationship to an entire class specified by the first string. Example: "npc_manhack", "prop_physics" (5 ops)

Number = Entity:npcRelationshipByOwner(Entity Rv2, String Rv3, Number Rv4)

Sets the NPC's relationship to all currently existing NPCs owned by player E. Returns number of entities added to relationships (5 ops)

String = Entity:npcDisp(Entity Rv2)

Returns the NPC's relationship to entity E (5 ops)