4 e2 docs sound
Divran edited this page 2021-04-22 20:49:42 +02:00

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soundPlay(String Index, Number Duration, String Path)

Plays sound from the E2 chip. soundPlay(string Index, int Duration, string Path to File) (25 ops)

soundPlay(Number Index, Number Duration, String Path)

Plays sound from the E2 chip. soundPlay(int Index, int Duration, string Path to File) (25 ops)

Entity:soundPlay(Number Index, Number Duration, String Path)

Plays sound from an entity. soundPlay(int Index, int Duration, string Path to File) (25 ops)

Entity:soundPlay(String Index, Number Duration, String Path)

Plays sound from an entity. soundPlay(string Index, int Duration, string Path to File) (25 ops)

soundPlay(Number Index, Number Duration, String Path, Number Fade)

Plays sound from the E2 chip. soundPlay(int Index, int Duration, string Path to File, int FadeTime) (25 ops)

soundPlay(String Index, Number Duration, String Path, Number Fade)

Plays sound from the E2 chip. soundPlay(string Index, int Duration, string Path to File, int FadeTime) (25 ops)

Entity:soundPlay(String Index, Number Duration, String Path, Number Fade)

Plays sound from an entity. soundPlay(string Index, int Duration, string Path to File, int FadeTime) (25 ops)

Entity:soundPlay(Number Index, Number Duration, String Path, Number Fade)

Plays sound from an entity. soundPlay(int Index, int Duration, string Path to File, int FadeTime) (25 ops)

soundStop(Number Index)

Stops the sound stored at the integer index and removes the entry (5 ops)

soundStop(String Index)

Stops the sound stored at the string index and removes the entry (5 ops)

soundStop(String Index, Number Fadetime)

Fades the sound stored at the string index in the integer input's amount of seconds and removes the entry (5 ops)

soundStop(Number Index, Number Fadetime)

Fades the sound stored at the first input's integer index in the second input's amount of seconds and removes the entry (5 ops)

soundVolume(Number Index, Number Volume)

soundVolume(integer Index, Volume), where Volume is a number between 0 and 1. Default Volume is 1 (5 ops)

soundVolume(String Index, Number Volume)

soundVolume(string Index, Volume), where Volume is a number between 0 and 1. Default Volume is 1 (5 ops)

soundVolume(String Index, Number Volume, Number Fadetime)

soundVolume(string Index, Volume, FadeTime), where Volume is a number between 0 and 1. Default Volume is 1 (5 ops)

soundVolume(Number Index, Number Volume, Number Fadetime)

soundVolume(integer Index, Volume, FadeTime), where Volume is a number between 0 and 1. Default Volume is 1 (5 ops)

soundPitch(String Index, Number Pitch)

soundPitch(string Index, integer Pitch) Default Pitch is 100, max is 255. Pitch is scaled linearly (like frequency), rather than by octave (5 ops)

soundPitch(Number Index, Number Pitch)

soundPitch(integer Index, integer Pitch) Default Pitch is 100, max is 255. Pitch is scaled linearly (like frequency), rather than by octave (5 ops)

soundPitch(Number Index, Number Pitch, Number Fadetime)

soundPitch(integer Index, integer Pitch, integer Fadetime) Default Pitch is 100, max is 255. Pitch is scaled linearly (like frequency), rather than by octave (5 ops)

soundPitch(String Index, Number Pitch, Number Fadetime)

soundPitch(string Index, integer Pitch, integer Fadetime) Default Pitch is 100, max is 255. Pitch is scaled linearly (like frequency), rather than by octave (5 ops)


Clears the sound table and stops all sounds (5 ops)

Number = soundDuration(String Sound)

soundDuration(string Path to File) Returns the duration of the sound. Note: If the server hasn't the file it returns 60 (5 ops)