0 Tool: Turret
Vurv edited this page 2022-06-18 10:23:33 -07:00

Tool: Turret

Function Description
Purpose Throws bullets at things
Primary Fire Create/Update Turret.
Secondary Fire None
Reload None


Input Description
N Fire Makes the turret fire if "Fire" is not 0
N Force Knockback force applied by bullets
N Damage Damage to deal per bullet
N NumBullets Number of bullets to fire each volley
N Spread Firing spread
N Delay Delay in between shots
S Sound Sound to play while shooting
S Tracer Material to use for tracer rounds


Tracer dropdown
Sets the tracer the turret will use.

Sets the amount of damage each bullet will inflict at the target.

Bullet Spread
Sets how much the bullets will spread when the turret is shooting.

Bullet Force
Sets how much force each bullet will deal to the target it hits.

The amount of time the turret will wait in seconds before it fires another bullet.