4 e2 docs hologram
Divran edited this page 2021-04-22 20:49:42 +02:00

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Entity = holoCreate(Number Index, Vector Position, Vector Scale, Angle Ang, Vector Color, String Model)

Index, Position, Scale, Angle, Color (RGB), Model Creates a new hologram entity (30 ops)

Entity = holoCreate(Number Index, Vector Position, Vector Scale, Angle Ang, Vector4 Color, String Model)

Index, Position, Scale, Angle, Color (RGBA), Model Creates a new hologram entity (30 ops)

Entity = holoCreate(Number Index, Vector Position, Vector Scale, Angle Ang, Vector Color)

Index, Position, Scale, Angle, Color (RGB) Creates a new hologram entity (30 ops)

Entity = holoCreate(Number Index, Vector Position, Vector Scale, Angle Ang, Vector4 Color)

Index, Position, Scale, Angle, Color (RGBA) Creates a new hologram entity (30 ops)

Entity = holoCreate(Number Index, Vector Position, Vector Scale, Angle Ang)

Index, Position, Scale, Angle Creates a new hologram entity (30 ops)

Entity = holoCreate(Number Index, Vector Position, Vector Scale)

Index, Position, Scale Creates a new hologram entity (30 ops)

Entity = holoCreate(Number Index, Vector Position)

Index, Position Creates a new hologram entity (30 ops)

Entity = holoCreate(Number Index)

Index Creates a new hologram entity (30 ops)

holoDelete(Number Index)

Removes a hologram (20 ops)


Removes all holograms made by this E2 (20 ops)

holoDeleteAll(Number All)

(20 ops)

holoReset(Number Index, String Model, Vector Scale, Vector Color, String Material)

Similar to holoCreate, but reusing the old entity (20 ops)

Number = holoCanCreate()

Returns 1 when holoCreate() will successfully create a new hologram until the Max limit is reached Replaces holoRemainingSpawns() (2 ops)

Number = holoRemainingSpawns()

Returns how many holograms can be created this execution (2 ops)

Number = holoAmount()

(2 ops)

Number = holoMaxAmount()

(2 ops)

holoScale(Number Index, Vector Scale)

Sets the scale of the given hologram, as a multiplier (15 ops)

Vector = holoScale(Number Index)

Returns the scale of the given hologram (15 ops)

holoScaleUnits(Number Index, Vector Size)

Sets the scale of the given hologram, in source units (15 ops)

Vector = holoScaleUnits(Number Index)

Returns the scale of the given hologram in source units (15 ops)

holoBoneScale(Number Index, Number Boneindex, Vector Scale)

Sets the scale of the given hologram bone, as a multiplier (15 ops)

holoBoneScale(Number Index, String Bone, Vector Scale)

Sets the scale of the given hologram named bone, as a multiplier (15 ops)

Vector = holoBoneScale(Number Index, Number Boneindex)

Returns the scale of the given hologram bone (15 ops)

Vector = holoBoneScale(Number Index, String Bone)

Returns the scale of the given hologram named bone (15 ops)

Number = holoClipsAvailable()

Returns the maximum number of clipping planes allowed per hologram (1 ops)

holoClipEnabled(Number Index, Number Enabled)

Enables / disables clipping for a hologram with specified index (15 ops)

holoClipEnabled(Number Index, Number Clipidx, Number Enabled)

Enables / disables clipping for a hologram with specified index. Clip index is for use with multiple clipping planes (15 ops)

holoClip(Number Index, Vector Origin, Vector Normal, Number Isglobal)

Defines a plane used to clip a hologram specified by it's position, direction and number 1/0 whether the position should be global or local to the hologram (15 ops)

holoClip(Number Index, Number Clipidx, Vector Origin, Vector Normal, Number Isglobal)

Defines a plane used to clip a hologram specified by it's index, position, direction and number 1/0 whether the position should be global or local to the hologram (15 ops)

holoClip(Number Index, Vector Origin, Vector Normal, Entity Localent)

Defines a plane used to clip a hologram specified by it's position, and direction local to the given entity (15 ops)

holoClip(Number Index, Number Clipidx, Vector Origin, Vector Normal, Entity Localent)

Defines a plane used to clip a hologram specified by it's index, position, and direction local to the given entity (15 ops)

holoPos(Number Index, Vector Position)

Sets the position of the hologram (15 ops)

holoAng(Number Index, Angle Ang)

Sets the angle of the hologram (15 ops)

holoColor(Number Index, Vector Color)

Sets the color of the hologram (15 ops)

holoColor(Number Index, Vector4 Color)

Sets the color and alpha of the hologram (15 ops)

holoColor(Number Index, Vector Color, Number Alpha)

Sets the color and alpha of the hologram (15 ops)

holoAlpha(Number Index, Number Alpha)

Sets the transparency (0-255) of the hologram (15 ops)

holoShadow(Number Index, Number Has_shadow)

Enables the hologram's shadow (10 ops)

holoDisableShading(Number Index, Number Disable)

If 1, supresses engine lighting when drawing this hologram (10 ops)

Array = holoModelList()

Returns the list of valid models See holoModelAny() (10 ops)

Number = holoModelAny()

Returns 1 if models outside of holoModelList can be used. Reads convar 'wire_holograms_modelany' (1 ops)

holoModel(Number Index, String Model)

Sets the model. Must be from holoModelList unless wire_holograms_modelany is 1 (see holoModelAny()) (10 ops)

holoModel(Number Index, String Model, Number Skin)

Sets the model and skin. Must be from holoModelList unless wire_holograms_modelany is 1 (see holoModelAny()) (10 ops)

holoSkin(Number Index, Number Skin)

Changes the skin of a hologram (10 ops)

holoMaterial(Number Index, String Material)

Sets the overlay material of the hologram (10 ops)

holoPlayerColor(Number Index, Vector Color)

Sets the sub-color of a hologram with player model such as clothes or physgun (10 ops)

holoRenderFX(Number Index, Number Effect)

Changes the RenderFX for a hologram (10 ops)

holoBodygroup(Number Index, Number Bgrp_id, Number Bgrp_subid)

Index, Group ID, Group SubID Sets the bodygroups of the given hologram (10 ops)

Number = holoBodygroups(Number Index, Number Bgrp_id)

Index, Group ID Returns the number of bodygroups in the Group ID of the given hologram (10 ops)

holoVisible(Number Index, Entity Ply, Number Visible)

If 0, prevents a specific player from seeing the hologram (10 ops)

holoVisible(Number Index, Array Players, Number Visible)

If 0, prevents an array of players from seeing the hologram (10 ops)

holoParent(Number Index, Number Otherindex)

Parents the hologram to another hologram (40 ops)

holoParent(Number Index, Entity Ent)

Parents the hologram to an entity (40 ops)

holoParentAttachment(Number Index, Entity Ent, String Attachmentname)

Parents the hologram to an entity's bone by its attachment name (40 ops)

holoUnparent(Number Index)

Un-parents the hologram (40 ops)

Entity = holoEntity(Number Index)

Returns the entity corresponding to the hologram given by the specified index (2 ops)

Number = holoIndex(Entity Ent)

Returns the index of the given hologram entity (30 ops)