5 e2 docs custom constraintcore
Divran edited this page 2021-04-22 20:49:42 +02:00

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enableConstraintUndo(Number State)

(1 ops)

axis(Entity Ent1, Vector V1, Entity Ent2, Vector V2)

Creates an axis constraint between two entities at vectors local to each entity (30 ops)

axis(Entity Ent1, Vector V1, Entity Ent2, Vector V2, Number Friction)

Creates an axis constraint between two entities at vectors local to each entity with friction (30 ops)

axis(Entity Ent1, Vector V1, Entity Ent2, Vector V2, Number Friction, Vector Localaxis)

Creates an axis constraint between two entities at vectors local to each entity with friction and local rotation axis (30 ops)

ballsocket(Entity Ent1, Vector V, Entity Ent2)

(30 ops)

ballsocket(Entity Ent1, Vector V, Entity Ent2, Number Friction)

(30 ops)

ballsocket(Entity Ent1, Vector V, Entity Ent2, Vector Mins, Vector Maxs, Vector Frictions)

Creates an AdvBallsocket constraint between two entities at a vector local to ent1, using the specified mins, maxs, and frictions (30 ops)

ballsocket(Entity Ent1, Vector V, Entity Ent2, Vector Mins, Vector Maxs, Vector Frictions, Number Rotateonly)

Creates an AdvBallsocket constraint between two entities at a vector local to ent1, using the specified mins, maxs, frictions, rotateonly (30 ops)

weldAng(Entity Ent1, Vector V, Entity Ent2)

(30 ops)

winch(Number Index, Entity Ent1, Vector V1, Entity Ent2, Vector V2, Number Width)

(30 ops)

hydraulic(Number Index, Entity Ent1, Vector V1, Entity Ent2, Vector V2, Number Width)

Creates a hydraulic constraint with a referenceid, between two entities, at vectors local to each (30 ops)

hydraulic(Number Index, Entity Ent1, Vector V1, Entity Ent2, Vector V2, Number Constant, Number Damping, String Mat, Number Width, Number Stretch)

Creates a hydraulic constraint with a referenceid, between two entities, at vectors local to each, with constant, damping, and stretch only (30 ops)

hydraulic(Number Index, Entity Ent1, Vector V1, Entity Ent2, Vector V2, Number Constant, Number Damping, Number Rdamping, String Mat, Number Width, Number Stretch)

Creates a hydraulic constraint with a referenceid, between two entities, at vectors local to each, with constant, damping, relative damping and stretch only (30 ops)

rope(Number Index, Entity Ent1, Vector V1, Entity Ent2, Vector V2)

Creates a rope constraint with a referenceid, between two entities, at vectors local to each (30 ops)

rope(Number Index, Entity Ent1, Vector V1, Entity Ent2, Vector V2, Number Addlength, Number Width, String Mat)

Creates a rope constraint with a referenceid, between two entities, at vectors local to each with add length, width, and material (30 ops)

rope(Number Index, Entity Ent1, Vector V1, Entity Ent2, Vector V2, Number Addlength, Number Width, String Mat, Number Rigid)

Creates a rope constraint with a referenceid, between two entities, at vectors local to each with add length, width, material, and rigidity (30 ops)

Entity:setLength(Number Index, Number Length)

Sets the length of a winch/hydraulic/rope stored in this entity at a referenceid (5 ops)

Entity:setConstant(Number Index, Number Constant)

(5 ops)

Entity:setConstant(Number Index, Number Constant, Number Damping)

(5 ops)

Entity:setDamping(Number Index, Number Damping)

(5 ops)

slider(Entity Ent1, Vector V1, Entity Ent2, Vector V2)

(30 ops)

slider(Entity Ent1, Vector V1, Entity Ent2, Vector V2, Number Width)

(30 ops)

noCollide(Entity Ent1, Entity Ent2)

(30 ops)

noCollideAll(Entity Ent, Number State)

(30 ops)

weld(Entity Ent1, Entity Ent2)

(30 ops)


Breaks all constraints of all types on an entity (5 ops)

Entity:constraintBreak(Entity Ent2)

Breaks all constraints between two entities (5 ops)

Entity:constraintBreak(String Type)

Breaks all constraints of a type (weld, axis, nocollide, ballsocket) on an entity (5 ops)

Entity:constraintBreak(String Type, Entity Ent2)

Breaks a constraint of a type (weld, axis, nocollide, ballsocket) between two entities (5 ops)