0 E2: EGP Objects
Denneisk edited this page 2023-12-14 23:36:37 +00:00

This page contains a complete list of EGP objects and their fields that can be modified in E2.

3D Tracker

Maps a world position to a position on the EGP relative to the player. Currently not entirely accurate on EGP Screens.

WireLink:egp3DTracker(Number index, Vector pos[, Number directionality])

Public Fields Description Default value
Number angle The angle of the object 0
Number directionality Specifies whether the object is visible behind (-1), in front of (1) the EGP, or both (0). HUD is unaffected by directionality 0
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
Entity parententity The parent entity of the object NULL
Number target_x The x position of the tracker relative to the world or parententity 0
Number target_y The y position of the tracker relative to the world or parententity 0
Number target_z The z position of the tracker relative to the world or parententity 0
Number x The x position of the object 0
Number y The y position of the object 0


A filled rectangle.

WireLink:egpBox(Number index, Vector2 pos, Vector2 size)

Public Fields Description Default value
Number a The alpha of the object 255
Number angle The angle of the object 0
Number b The blue of the object 255
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
Number g The green of the object 255
Number h The height of the object 0
String material The material of the object ""
Number r The red of the object 255
Number w The width of the object 0
Number x The x position of the object 0
Number y The y position of the object 0

Box Outline

An outline of a rectangle.

WireLink:egpBoxOutline(Number index, Vector2 pos, Vector2 size)

Public Fields Description Default value
Number a The alpha of the object 255
Number angle The angle of the object 0
Number b The blue of the object 255
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
Number g The green of the object 255
Number h The height of the object 0
String material The material of the object ""
Number r The red of the object 255
Number size The size of the outline 1
Number w The width of the object 0
Number x The x position of the object 0
Number y The y position of the object 0


A filled oval.

WireLink:egpCircle(Number index, Vector2 pos, Vector2 size)

Public Fields Description Default value
Number a The alpha of the object 255
Number angle The angle of the object 0
Number b The blue of the object 255
Number fidelity The number of vertices the circle uses 180
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
Number g The green of the object 255
Number h The height of the object 0
String material The material of the object ""
Number r The red of the object 255
Number w The width of the object 0
Number x The x position of the object 0
Number y The y position of the object 0

Circle Outline

An outline of an oval.

WireLink:egpCircleOutline(Number index, Vector2 pos, Vector2 size)

Public Fields Description Default value
Number a The alpha of the object 255
Number angle The angle of the object 0
Number b The blue of the object 255
Number fidelity The number of vertices the circle uses 180
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
Number g The green of the object 255
Number h The height of the object 0
String material The material of the object ""
Number r The red of the object 255
Number size The size of the outline 1
Number w The width of the object 0
Number x The x position of the object 0
Number y The y position of the object 0


A line between two points.

WireLink:egpLine(Number index, Vector2 pos1, Vector2 pos2)

Public Fields Description Default value
Number a The alpha of the object 255
Number angle The angle of the object 0
Number b The blue of the object 255
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
Number g The green of the object 255
String material The material of the object ""
Number r The red of the object 255
Number size The size of the line 1
Number x The x position of the beginning of the line 0
Number x2 The x position of the end of the line 0
Number y The y position of the beginning of the line 0
Number y2 The y position of the end of the line 0

Line Strip

A line between multiple points.

WireLink:egpLineStrip(Number index, Vector2/Vector4 ...)

Public Fields Description Default value
Number a The alpha of the object 255
Number angle The angle of the object 0
Number b The blue of the object 255
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
Number g The green of the object 255
String material The material of the object ""
Number r The red of the object 255
Number size The size of the line 1
Table vertices The vertices of the line in the format vertices[number] = { x = number, y = number } {}


A filled polygon.

WireLink:egpPoly(Number index, Vector2/Vector4 ...)

Public Fields Description Default value
Number a The alpha of the object 255
Number b The blue of the object 255
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
Number g The green of the object 255
String material The material of the object ""
Number r The red of the object 255
Table vertices The vertices of the poly in the format vertices[number] = { x = number, y = number } {}

Poly Outline

A polygon outline.

WireLink:egpPolyOutline(Number index, Vector2/Vector4 ...)

Public Fields Description Default value
Number a The alpha of the object 255
Number b The blue of the object 255
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
Number g The green of the object 255
String material The material of the object ""
Number r The red of the object 255
Number size The size of the line 1
Table vertices The vertices of the poly in the format vertices[number] = { x = number, y = number } {}

Rounded Box

A filled rectangle with curved corners.

WireLink:egpRoundedBox(Number index, Vector2 pos, Vector2 size)

Public Fields Description Default value
Number a The alpha of the object 255
Number angle The angle of the object 0
Number b The blue of the object 255
Number fidelity The number of vertices the corners use 36
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
Number g The green of the object 255
Number h The height of the object 0
String material The material of the object ""
Number r The red of the object 255
Number radius The radius of the corners 16
Number w The width of the object 0
Number x The x position of the object 0
Number y The y position of the object 0

Rounded Box Outline

A rectangle outline with curved corners.

WireLink:egpRoundedBoxOutline(Number index, Vector2 pos, Vector2 size)

Public Fields Description Default value
Number a The alpha of the object 255
Number angle The angle of the object 0
Number b The blue of the object 255
Number fidelity The number of vertices the corners use 36
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
Number g The green of the object 255
Number h The height of the object 0
String material The material of the object ""
Number r The red of the object 255
Number radius The radius of the corners 16
Number size The size of the outline 1
Number w The width of the object 0
Number x The x position of the object 0
Number y The y position of the object 0


A text object.

WireLink:egpText(Number index, String text, Vector2 pos)

Public Fields Description Default value
Number a The alpha of the object 255
Number angle The angle of the object 0
Number b The blue of the object 255
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
String font The font of the text WireGPU_ConsoleFont
Number g The green of the object 255
Number halign The horizontal alignment of the object 0
String material The material of the object ""
Number r The red of the object 255
Number size The size of the text 18
String text The text to display ""
Number valign The vertical alignment of the text 0
Number x The x position of the object 0
Number y The y position of the object 0

Text Layout

A text object with width and height.

WireLink:egpTextLayout(Number index,String text, Vector2 pos, Vector2 size)

Public Fields Description Default value
Number a The alpha of the object 255
Number angle The angle of the object 0
Number b The blue of the object 255
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
String font The font of the text WireGPU_ConsoleFont
Number g The green of the object 255
Number halign The horizontal alignment of the object 0
Number h The height of the object 512
String material The material of the object ""
Number r The red of the object 255
Number size The size of the text 18
String text The text to display ""
Number valign The vertical alignment of the text 0
Number w The width of the object 512
Number x The x position of the object 0
Number y The y position of the object 0


A filled circle with a concave "mouth" portion.

WireLink:egpWedge(Number index, Vector2 pos, Vector2 size)

Public Fields Description Default value
Number a The alpha of the object 255
Number angle The angle of the object 0
Number b The blue of the object 255
Number fidelity The number of vertices the wedge uses 180
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
Number g The green of the object 255
Number h The height of the object 0
String material The material of the object ""
Number r The red of the object 255
Number size The radius of the mouth of the wedge 45
Number w The width of the object 0
Number x The x position of the object 0
Number y The y position of the object 0

Wedge Outline

An outline of a wedge.

WireLink:egpWedgeOutline(Number index, Vector2 pos, Vector2 size)

Public Fields Description Default value
Number a The alpha of the object 255
Number angle The angle of the object 0
Number b The blue of the object 255
Number fidelity The number of vertices the wedge uses 180
Number filtering The texture filter enum of the object 3
Number g The green of the object 255
Number h The height of the object 0
String material The material of the object ""
Number r The red of the object 255
Number size The radius of the mouth of the wedge 45
Number w The width of the object 0
Number x The x position of the object 0
Number y The y position of the object 0