4 e2 docs globalvars
Divran edited this page 2021-04-22 20:49:42 +02:00

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Gtable = gTable(String Groupname)

Returns the gTable. The string determines group (1 ops)

Gtable = gTable(String Groupname, Number Shared)

Returns the gTable. The string determines group, and the number determines wether or not the table should be shared (1 ops)

Gtable = gTableSafe(Number Shared)

Returns a safe gTable which group is a numerical hash created from the code of the E2 itself (1 ops)


Removes all non-shared variables and group tables you have created (5 ops)


Clears the gTable (5 ops)

Number = Gtable:count()

Returns the number of entries in the gTable. Does not add the entries in subtables (5 ops)

Table = Gtable:toTable()

Converts the GTable into a table (5 ops)

Number = Gtable:removeNumber(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the number type at the index S (5 ops)

String = Gtable:removeString(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the string type at the index S (5 ops)

Table = Gtable:removeTable(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the table type at the index S (5 ops)

Stcontrol = Gtable:removeStcontrol(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the stcontrol type at the index S (5 ops)

Matrix = Gtable:removeMatrix(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the matrix type at the index S (5 ops)

Vector4 = Gtable:removeVector4(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the vector4 type at the index S (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Gtable:removeMatrix4(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the matrix4 type at the index S (5 ops)

Removes and returns the variable of the wirelink type at the index S (5 ops)

Vector2 = Gtable:removeVector2(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the vector2 type at the index S (5 ops)

Ftrace = Gtable:removeFtrace(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the ftrace type at the index S (5 ops)

Angle = Gtable:removeAngle(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the angle type at the index S (5 ops)

Array = Gtable:removeArray(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the array type at the index S (5 ops)

ComplexNumber = Gtable:removeComplex(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the complex type at the index S (5 ops)

Quaternion = Gtable:removeQuaternion(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the quaternion type at the index S (5 ops)

Vector = Gtable:removeVector(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the vector type at the index S (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Gtable:removeMatrix2(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the matrix2 type at the index S (5 ops)

Bone = Gtable:removeBone(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the bone type at the index S (5 ops)

Entity = Gtable:removeEntity(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the entity type at the index S (5 ops)

Tracedata = Gtable:removeTracedata(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the tracedata type at the index S (5 ops)

RangerData = Gtable:removeRanger(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the ranger type at the index S (5 ops)

Effect = Gtable:removeEffect(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the effect type at the index S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the array type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the matrix2 type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the stcontrol type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the quaternion type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the bone type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the number type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the vector type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the complex type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the matrix type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the angle type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the ranger type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the matrix4 type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the effect type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the ftrace type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the tracedata type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the entity type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the string type in your non-shared table (5 ops)

Removes all variables of the wirelink type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the vector4 type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the table type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the vector2 type in your non-shared table (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the matrix2 type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the ftrace type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the vector2 type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the effect type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the number type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the array type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the complex type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the string type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the angle type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the stcontrol type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the table type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the matrix4 type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the vector4 type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the tracedata type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the entity type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the quaternion type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the wirelink type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the vector type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the matrix type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the bone type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)


Removes all variables of the ranger type in your non-shared table in group S (5 ops)

gSetGroup(String Groupname)

Sets the E2's current group. Does persist (1 ops)

String = gGetGroup()

Gets the E2's current group (1 ops)

gShare(Number Share)

Sets wether or not you want to share the variables. (1/0) Remember that there are two tables for each group: one which is shared and one which is not; values do not transition between the two (1 ops)

Number = gGetShare()

Returns 1/0 (1 ops)


Resets the group back to "default" (1 ops)

gSetEnt(String, Entity)

Sets a variable of the entity type at index S in the current group (8 ops)

gSetAng(String, Angle)

Sets a variable of the angle type at index S in the current group (8 ops)

gSetVec(String, Vector)

Sets a variable of the vector type at index S in the current group (8 ops)

gSetNum(String, Number)

Sets a variable of the number type at index S in the current group (8 ops)

gSetStr(String, String)

Sets a variable of the string type at index S in the current group (8 ops)

Entity = gGetEnt(String)

Gets a variable of the entity type from index S in the current group (8 ops)

Vector = gGetVec(String)

Gets a variable of the vector type from index S in the current group (8 ops)

Angle = gGetAng(String)

Gets a variable of the angle type from index S in the current group (8 ops)

String = gGetStr(String)

Gets a variable of the string type from index S in the current group (8 ops)

Number = gGetNum(String)

Gets a variable of the number type from index S in the current group (8 ops)

gSetVec(Number, Vector)

Exactly the same as gSetVec(N:toString(),vector) (8 ops)

gSetNum(Number, Number)

Exactly the same as gSetNum(N:toString(),number) (8 ops)

gSetEnt(Number, Entity)

Exactly the same as gSetEnt(N:toString(),entity) (8 ops)

gSetStr(Number, String)

Exactly the same as gSetStr(N:toString(),string) (8 ops)

gSetAng(Number, Angle)

Exactly the same as gSetAng(N:toString(),angle) (8 ops)

Number = gGetNum(Number)

Exactly the same as gGetNum(N:toString()) (8 ops)

String = gGetStr(Number)

Exactly the same as gGetStr(N:toString()) (8 ops)

Vector = gGetVec(Number)

Exactly the same as gGetVec(N:toString()) (8 ops)

Angle = gGetAng(Number)

Exactly the same as gGetAng(N:toString()) (8 ops)

Entity = gGetEnt(Number)

Exactly the same as gGetEnt(N:toString()) (8 ops)

Vector = gDeleteVec(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the vector type at the index S in the current group (8 ops)

String = gDeleteStr(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the string type at the index S in the current group (8 ops)

Angle = gDeleteAng(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the angle type at the index S in the current group (8 ops)

Entity = gDeleteEnt(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the entity type at the index S in the current group (8 ops)

Number = gDeleteNum(String)

Removes and returns the variable of the number type at the index S in the current group (8 ops)

Number = gDeleteNum(Number)

Exactly the same as gDeleteNum(N:toString()) (8 ops)

Entity = gDeleteEnt(Number)

Exactly the same as gDeleteEnt(N:toString()) (8 ops)

Vector = gDeleteVec(Number)

Exactly the same as gDeleteVec(N:toString()) (8 ops)

Angle = gDeleteAng(Number)

Exactly the same as gDeleteAng(N:toString()) (8 ops)

String = gDeleteStr(Number)

Exactly the same as gDeleteStr(N:toString()) (8 ops)


Exactly the same as gRemoveAllStrings(S) (Except it removes in the group set by gSetGroup instead of using the group as an argument) (5 ops)


Exactly the same as gRemoveAllEntitys(S) (Except it removes in the group set by gSetGroup instead of using the group as an argument) (5 ops)


Exactly the same as gRemoveAllAngles(S) (Except it removes in the group set by gSetGroup instead of using the group as an argument) (5 ops)


Exactly the same as gRemoveAllNumbers(S) (Except it removes in the group set by gSetGroup instead of using the group as an argument) (5 ops)


Exactly the same as gRemoveAllVectors(S) (Except it removes in the group set by gSetGroup instead of using the group as an argument) (5 ops)