4 e2 docs compat
Divran edited this page 2021-04-22 20:49:42 +02:00

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String = Number:teamName()

Returns the name of the team associated with the team number (10 ops)

Number = Number:teamScore()

Returns the score of the team associated with the team number (10 ops)

Number = Number:teamPlayers()

Returns the number of players of the team associated with the team number (10 ops)

Number = Number:teamDeaths()

Returns the number of deaths of the team associated with the team number (10 ops)

Number = Number:teamFrags()

Returns the number of kills of the team associated with the team number (10 ops)

setColor(Number R, Number G, Number B)

Sets the color of the E2 chip (10 ops)

applyForce(Vector Force)

Applies force to the E2 chip according to the given vector's direction and magnitude (30 ops)

applyOffsetForce(Vector Force, Vector Position)

Applies force to the E2 chip according to the first vector from the location of the second (30 ops)

applyAngForce(Angle Angforce)

Applies torque to the E2 chip according to the given angle (30 ops)

applyTorque(Vector Torque)

Applies torque to the E2 chip according to the given vector, representing the torque axis, magnitude and direction (30 ops)

Number = Entity:height()

Gets the height of a player or npc (10 ops)