3 e2 docs http
Divran edited this page 2021-04-22 20:49:42 +02:00

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httpRequest(String Url)

Starts a new request (20 ops)

Number = httpCanRequest()

Returns whether you can make a new request (delay has been met or previous request timed out) (5 ops)

Number = httpClk()

Returns whether the execution was run because of a completed request (5 ops)

String = httpData()

Returns the data received from the last request (5 ops)

Number = httpSuccess()

Returns whether the previous request was successful (5 ops)

String = httpRequestUrl()

Returns the URL of the last request (5 ops)

String = httpUrlEncode(String Data)

Returns formatted string to be placed in the URL (5 ops)

String = httpUrlDecode(String Data)

Returns decoded URL data (5 ops)

runOnHTTP(Number Rohttp)

Sets whether to run the expression when a request finishes (5 ops)