4 e2 docs color
Divran edited this page 2021-04-22 20:49:42 +02:00

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Vector = Entity:getColor()

Returns the color of an entity as a vector (R,G,B) (2 ops)

Vector4 = Entity:getColor4()

Returns the color of an entity as a 4D vector (R,G,B,A) (2 ops)

Number = Entity:getAlpha()

Returns the alpha of an entity (2 ops)

Entity:setColor(Number R, Number G, Number B)

Sets the color of the entity (2 ops)

Entity:setColor(Number R, Number G, Number B, Number A)

Sets the color and alpha of the entity (2 ops)

Entity:setColor(Vector C)

Sets the color of the entity (2 ops)

Entity:setColor(Vector C, Number A)

Sets the color (as vector) and alpha (as number) of the entity (2 ops)

Entity:setColor(Vector4 C)

Sets the color and alpha (as 4D vector) of the entity (2 ops)

Entity:setAlpha(Number A)

Sets the alpha of an entity (2 ops)

Entity:setRenderMode(Number Mode)

Sets the render mode of the entity (0 = Normal, 1 = TransColor, 2 = TransTexture, 3 = Glow, 4 = TransAlpha, 5 = TransAdd, 6 = Enviromental, 7 = TransAddFrameBlend, 8 = TransAlphaAdd, 9 = WorldGlow, 10 = None) (2 ops)

Vector = Entity:getPlayerColor()

Returns the player's model color as a vector (R,G,B) (2 ops)

Vector = Entity:getWeaponColor()

Returns the player's weapon color as a vector (R,G,B) (2 ops)

Vector = hsv2rgb(Vector Hsv)

Converts V from the HSV color space to the RGB color space (2 ops)

Vector = hsv2rgb(Number H, Number S, Number V)

Converts N,N,N from the HSV color space to the RGB color space (2 ops)

Vector = rgb2hsv(Vector Rgb)

Converts V from the RGB to the HSV color space (2 ops)

Vector = rgb2hsv(Number R, Number G, Number B)

Converts N,N,N from the RGB to the HSV color space (2 ops)

Vector = hsl2rgb(Vector Hsl)

Converts V from the HSL color space to the RGB color space (2 ops)

Vector = hsl2rgb(Number H, Number S, Number L)

Converts N,N,N from the HSL color space to the RGB color space (2 ops)

Vector = rgb2hsl(Vector Rgb)

Converts V from RGB color space to the HSL color space (2 ops)

Vector = rgb2hsl(Number R, Number G, Number B)

Converts N,N,N from RGB color space to the HSL color space (2 ops)

Number = rgb2digi(Vector Rgb, Number Mode)

Converts the RGB vector V to a number in digital screen format. N Specifies a mode, either 0, 2 or 3, corresponding to Digital Screen color modes (2 ops)

Number = rgb2digi(Number R, Number G, Number B, Number Mode)

Converts the RGB color (N,N2,N3) to a number in digital screen format. N4 Specifies a mode, either 0, 2 or 3, corresponding to Digital Screen color modes (2 ops)