2 Expression 2 Self Aware
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Expression 2: Self-Aware Functions

With entity() you can use Entity-Support to get all the data from the expression-entity. With concmd() you can execute console commands.

Also, the chip has the ability to force itself. Forces aren't dispersed over a certain amount of time, all forces applied to an object within a tick are added up and then applied to the object. Force commands are best used with runOnTick(Number) because you won't end up applying more than 1 force per tick and it is easier to do things like defy gravity.

This page lists all of the available functions used by the selfaware extension. To see examples, check Expression 2 Examples: Self Aware.

...............Function............... Returns Description
entity() Entity Gets the entity of the expression
concmd(String) Number Takes a string and executes it in the console. Returns 1 if it succeeded and 0 if it failed. The client must enable this in the console with wire_expression2_concmd 1. The convar wire_expression2_concmd_whitelist allows you to choose which commands can be used.
applyForce(Vector) Applies force according to the vector given (Forces independently on each axis unlike a vector thruster)
applyOffsetForce(Vector,Vector) Applies force to the expression according to the first vector from the location of the second
applyAngForce(Vector) Applies torque to the expression according to the given local angle
applyTorque(Vector) Applies torque to the expression according to the given local vector, representing the torque axis, magnitude and direction
selfDestruct() Removes the expression
selfDestructAll() Removes the expression and all constrained props
ioOutputEntities(String) Array Returns an array of all entities wired to the output String.
ioInputEntity(String) Entity Returns the entity the input String is wired to.
ioSetOutput(String, *) Trigger the output String of the E2 with the value *.
ioGetInput*(String) * Get the value of the input String of the E2.
Entity:getName() String Returns the name of the E2 Entity.
setName(String) Returns 1 if the expression was duplicated
changed(*) Number Checks if the current input is different from the last input. The last value is saved based on the position in the code, so you need to be careful when using it in loops. Note internal value gets initialized as 0/empty string/..., so calling changed for the first time will return 1 unless the input is 0/empty string/... . Also note that due to E2 skipping later parts of conditionals when the result is already determined (ie 0 & <whatever> is always 0, no need to execute <whatever>), you usually want changed to be first, ie if(changed(A)&A) (not if(A&changed(A))), to ensure it never gets skipped in this way and just gets to "see" certain values, ie just 1, never 0
select(Number,*,...) * Returns the Number-th value given after the index, *'s zero element otherwise. If you mix types, the behaviour is undefined.
hash() Number Returns a numerical hash using the code of the E2 itself (Including comments).
hash(String) Number Returns a numerical hash using the string specified.
hashNoComments() Number Returns a numerical hash using the code of the E2 itself (Excluding comments).