4 e2 docs debug
Divran edited this page 2021-04-22 20:49:42 +02:00

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Number = playerCanPrint()

Returns whether or not the next print-message will be printed or omitted by antispam (100 ops)


Prints all arguments to the chat area, seperated by a tab. Automatically does toString for you (Can print arrays but not tables). Works just like lua's print (100 ops)

Number = Entity:printDriver(String Text)

Posts a string to the chat of Es driver. Returns 1 if the text was printed, 0 if not (100 ops)

hint(String Text, Number Duration)

Displays a hint popup with message S for N seconds (N being clamped between 0.7 and 7) (100 ops)

Number = Entity:hintDriver(String Text, Number Duration)

Displays a hint popup to the driver of vehicle E, with message S for N seconds (N being clamped between 0.7 and 7). Same return value as printDriver (100 ops)

print(Number Print_type, String Text)

Same as print(S), but can make the text show up in different places. N can be one of the following: _HUD_PRINTCENTER, _HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, _HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, _HUD_PRINTTALK (100 ops)

Number = Entity:printDriver(Number Print_type, String Text)

Same as EE:printDriver(S), but can make the text show up in different places. N can be one of the following: _HUD_PRINTCENTER, _HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, _HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, _HUD_PRINTTALK (100 ops)

printTable(Array Arr)

Prints an array like the lua function PrintTable does, except to the chat area (100 ops)


Works like chat.AddText(...). Parameters can be any amount and combination of numbers, strings, player entities, color vectors (both 3D and 4D) (100 ops)

printColor(Array Arr)

Like printColor(...), except taking an array containing all the parameters (100 ops)


Works like MsgC. Parameters can be any amount and combination of numbers, strings, player entities, color vectors (both 3D and 4D) (100 ops)

printColorC(Array Arr)

Like printColorC(...), except taking an array containing all the parameters (100 ops)

Entity:printColorDriver(... This)

Like printColor but prints to the driver of a specified vehicle (100 ops)

Entity:printColorDriver(Array Arr)

Like printColorDriver but takes an array containing all the parameters (100 ops)