1 Gates Arithmetic
Fox682 edited this page 2018-12-01 01:33:04 -07:00


1 Absolute
2 Add
3 And / Add
4 Average
5 Ceiling (Round up)
6 Clamp
7 Delta
8 Delta (Rectified)
9 Divide
10 Exp
11 Exponential Powers
12 Floor (Round down)
13 Identity (No change)
14 Increment
15 Increment/Decrement
16 Inverse
17 Log
18 Log 10
19 Modulo
20 Multiply
21 Negate
22 Pi
23 Percent
24 Random
25 Round
26 Sign
27 Square Root
28 Subtract

Inputs: Type-Number A
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Returns the absolute value of A

Inputs: Type-Number A B C D E F G H
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Adds the inputs together.
Any amount of inputs can be used.

And / Add
Inputs: Type-Number A B
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs 0 if either input is negative or zero. Otherwise, outputs A + B.

Inputs: Type-Number A B C D E F G H
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs the sum of the inputs divided by the number of inputs

Ceiling (Round up)
Inputs: Type-Number A
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs A rounded up to the nearest whole number

Inputs: Type-Number A Min Max
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Clamps A between Min and Max

Inputs: Type-Number A
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs the current value of A minus the previous value of A. This is updated whenever the value of A changes.

Delta (Rectified)
Inputs: Type-Number A
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs the current value of A minus the value of A at the previous tick.
Modulo is applied to the output to prevent it from giving values outside the -180 to 180 range

Inputs: Type-Number A B
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Divides A by B

Inputs: Type-Number A
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs the number e to the power of A

Exponential Powers
Inputs: Type-Number A B
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs A to the power of B

Floor (Round down)
Inputs: Type-Number A
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs A rounded down to the nearest whole number

Identity (No change)
Inputs: Type-Number A
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs A.
Useful for organizing your wiring

Inputs: Type-Number A Clk Reset
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Stores a number in memory, and always outputs that number. On the rising edge of Clk, A is added to the stored number. On the rising edge of Reset, the stored number is reset to 0.

Inputs: Type-Number A Increment Decrement Reset
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Like Increment, but Clk is renamed to Increment, and Decrement is added. On the rising edge of Decrement, A is subtracted from the stored number.

Inputs: Type-Number A
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs 1 divided by A

Inputs: Type-Number A
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs the logarithm to the base e of A

Log 10
Inputs: Type-Number A
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs the logarithm to the base 10 of A

Inputs: Type-Number A B
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs the remainder of A divided by B. Note: this can be negative if A is negative.

Inputs: Type-Number A B C D E F G H
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Multiplies all its inputs. You don't need to wire all the inputs if you don't need them.

Inputs: Type-Number A
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs A negated. (For example, 5 negated is -5. -2 negated is 2.

Inputs: None
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs Pi (3.14159...)

Inputs: Type-Number Value Max
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs what percentage Value is of Max. For example, 20 is 50% of 40, so this would output 50 if Value was 20 and Max was 40.

Inputs: Type-Number A B
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs a random number between A and B every tick

Inputs: Type-Number A
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs A rounded to the nearest whole number

Inputs: Type-Number A
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs -1 when A is less than 0

Outputs 0 when A is equal to 0
Outputs 1 when A is greater than 0

Square Root
Inputs: Type-Number A
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs the square root of A

Inputs: Type-Number A B
Outputs: Type-Number Out
Description: Outputs the B subtracted from A