0 Tool: Prop Spawner
Vurv edited this page 2022-06-18 10:14:54 -07:00

Tool: Prop Spawner

Function Description
Purpose Used to set the view of the owner, or a player in a vehicle.
Primary Fire Turns a prop into a prop spawner
Secondary Fire None
Reload None


Input Description
N Spawn Spawns a prop from the prop spawner
V Undo Undo the most recently spawned prop
E UndoEnt Undo a specific entity
N SpawnEffect Whether the prop should spawn with the normal spawning effect


Output Description
N Out Returns if there are spawned props?
E LastSpawned Returns the last spawned prop
R Props Returns all props the spawner has created


Spawn Delay
Cooldown between consecutive prop spawns.

Automatic Undo Delay
How much to wait until automatically undo-ing the prop. Leave as 0 to never undo.