Table of Contents
- Array
- Array = array(...)
- Vector2 = Array:vector2(Number)
- Stcontrol = Array:stcontrol(Number)
- Matrix = Array:matrix(Number)
- Effect = Array:effect(Number)
- String = Array:string(Number)
- ComplexNumber = Array:complex(Number)
- Entity = Array:entity(Number)
- Matrix4 = Array:matrix4(Number)
- Ftrace = Array:ftrace(Number)
- Matrix4 = Array:matrix2(Number)
- WireLink = Array:wirelink(Number)
- Vector4 = Array:vector4(Number)
- Quaternion = Array:quaternion(Number)
- RangerData = Array:ranger(Number)
- Tracedata = Array:tracedata(Number)
- Bone = Array:bone(Number)
- Number = Array:number(Number)
- Angle = Array:angle(Number)
- Vector = Array:vector(Number)
- Matrix4 = Array:setMatrix2(Number, Matrix4)
- Matrix4 = Array:setMatrix4(Number, Matrix4)
- Number = Array:setNumber(Number, Number)
- Entity = Array:setEntity(Number, Entity)
- Tracedata = Array:setTracedata(Number, Tracedata)
- Bone = Array:setBone(Number, Bone)
- Ftrace = Array:setFtrace(Number, Ftrace)
- Angle = Array:setAngle(Number, Angle)
- Vector4 = Array:setVector4(Number, Vector4)
- Quaternion = Array:setQuaternion(Number, Quaternion)
- Effect = Array:setEffect(Number, Effect)
- Vector2 = Array:setVector2(Number, Vector2)
- Vector = Array:setVector(Number, Vector)
- RangerData = Array:setRanger(Number, RangerData)
- String = Array:setString(Number, String)
- ComplexNumber = Array:setComplex(Number, ComplexNumber)
- Stcontrol = Array:setStcontrol(Number, Stcontrol)
- Matrix = Array:setMatrix(Number, Matrix)
- WireLink = Array:setWirelink(Number, WireLink)
- Angle = Array:pushAngle(Angle)
- Vector4 = Array:pushVector4(Vector4)
- Vector = Array:pushVector(Vector)
- Matrix4 = Array:pushMatrix4(Matrix4)
- ComplexNumber = Array:pushComplex(ComplexNumber)
- RangerData = Array:pushRanger(RangerData)
- Entity = Array:pushEntity(Entity)
- Effect = Array:pushEffect(Effect)
- WireLink = Array:pushWirelink(WireLink)
- Ftrace = Array:pushFtrace(Ftrace)
- Stcontrol = Array:pushStcontrol(Stcontrol)
- Tracedata = Array:pushTracedata(Tracedata)
- Vector2 = Array:pushVector2(Vector2)
- Bone = Array:pushBone(Bone)
- Number = Array:pushNumber(Number)
- Matrix4 = Array:pushMatrix2(Matrix4)
- Quaternion = Array:pushQuaternion(Quaternion)
- Matrix = Array:pushMatrix(Matrix)
- String = Array:pushString(String)
- Vector4 = Array:insertVector4(Number, Vector4)
- WireLink = Array:insertWirelink(Number, WireLink)
- Effect = Array:insertEffect(Number, Effect)
- Stcontrol = Array:insertStcontrol(Number, Stcontrol)
- Tracedata = Array:insertTracedata(Number, Tracedata)
- Quaternion = Array:insertQuaternion(Number, Quaternion)
- Entity = Array:insertEntity(Number, Entity)
- Vector2 = Array:insertVector2(Number, Vector2)
- Ftrace = Array:insertFtrace(Number, Ftrace)
- RangerData = Array:insertRanger(Number, RangerData)
- Matrix4 = Array:insertMatrix2(Number, Matrix4)
- Angle = Array:insertAngle(Number, Angle)
- String = Array:insertString(Number, String)
- Matrix4 = Array:insertMatrix4(Number, Matrix4)
- Bone = Array:insertBone(Number, Bone)
- ComplexNumber = Array:insertComplex(Number, ComplexNumber)
- Vector = Array:insertVector(Number, Vector)
- Number = Array:insertNumber(Number, Number)
- Matrix = Array:insertMatrix(Number, Matrix)
- Number = Array:popNumber()
- Vector2 = Array:popVector2()
- Matrix4 = Array:popMatrix2()
- Vector = Array:popVector()
- Entity = Array:popEntity()
- Matrix4 = Array:popMatrix4()
- RangerData = Array:popRanger()
- WireLink = Array:popWirelink()
- Tracedata = Array:popTracedata()
- Matrix = Array:popMatrix()
- Stcontrol = Array:popStcontrol()
- String = Array:popString()
- ComplexNumber = Array:popComplex()
- Quaternion = Array:popQuaternion()
- Angle = Array:popAngle()
- Effect = Array:popEffect()
- Ftrace = Array:popFtrace()
- Bone = Array:popBone()
- Vector4 = Array:popVector4()
- Stcontrol = Array:unshiftStcontrol(Stcontrol)
- Vector4 = Array:unshiftVector4(Vector4)
- Number = Array:unshiftNumber(Number)
- Ftrace = Array:unshiftFtrace(Ftrace)
- Tracedata = Array:unshiftTracedata(Tracedata)
- RangerData = Array:unshiftRanger(RangerData)
- WireLink = Array:unshiftWirelink(WireLink)
- Quaternion = Array:unshiftQuaternion(Quaternion)
- Vector = Array:unshiftVector(Vector)
- ComplexNumber = Array:unshiftComplex(ComplexNumber)
- Matrix = Array:unshiftMatrix(Matrix)
- Effect = Array:unshiftEffect(Effect)
- String = Array:unshiftString(String)
- Entity = Array:unshiftEntity(Entity)
- Matrix4 = Array:unshiftMatrix4(Matrix4)
- Vector2 = Array:unshiftVector2(Vector2)
- Bone = Array:unshiftBone(Bone)
- Angle = Array:unshiftAngle(Angle)
- Matrix4 = Array:unshiftMatrix2(Matrix4)
- ComplexNumber = Array:shiftComplex()
- Vector2 = Array:shiftVector2()
- WireLink = Array:shiftWirelink()
- Number = Array:shiftNumber()
- Effect = Array:shiftEffect()
- String = Array:shiftString()
- Entity = Array:shiftEntity()
- Matrix4 = Array:shiftMatrix2()
- Bone = Array:shiftBone()
- Stcontrol = Array:shiftStcontrol()
- Matrix = Array:shiftMatrix()
- RangerData = Array:shiftRanger()
- Angle = Array:shiftAngle()
- Matrix4 = Array:shiftMatrix4()
- Tracedata = Array:shiftTracedata()
- Ftrace = Array:shiftFtrace()
- Vector = Array:shiftVector()
- Vector4 = Array:shiftVector4()
- Quaternion = Array:shiftQuaternion()
- Matrix4 = Array:removeMatrix4(Number)
- Ftrace = Array:removeFtrace(Number)
- String = Array:removeString(Number)
- Stcontrol = Array:removeStcontrol(Number)
- Number = Array:removeNumber(Number)
- WireLink = Array:removeWirelink(Number)
- Matrix = Array:removeMatrix(Number)
- ComplexNumber = Array:removeComplex(Number)
- Quaternion = Array:removeQuaternion(Number)
- Vector = Array:removeVector(Number)
- Entity = Array:removeEntity(Number)
- RangerData = Array:removeRanger(Number)
- Angle = Array:removeAngle(Number)
- Matrix4 = Array:removeMatrix2(Number)
- Effect = Array:removeEffect(Number)
- Bone = Array:removeBone(Number)
- Vector2 = Array:removeVector2(Number)
- Vector4 = Array:removeVector4(Number)
- Tracedata = Array:removeTracedata(Number)
- Number = Array:pop()
- Number = Array:shift()
- Number = Array:remove(Number Index)
- Number = Array:unset(Number Index)
- Number = Array:exists(Number Index)
- Number = Array:count()
- Array:clear()
- Array = Array:clone()
- Number = Array:sum()
- Number = Array:average()
- Number = Array:min()
- Number = Array:minIndex()
- Number = Array:max()
- Number = Array:maxIndex()
- String = Array:concat()
- String = Array:concat(String Delimiter)
- String = Array:concat(String Delimiter, Number Startindex)
- String = Array:concat(String Delimiter, Number Startindex, Number Endindex)
- String = Array:concat(Number Startindex)
- String = Array:concat(Number Startindex, Number Endindex)
- String = Array:id()
- Array = Array:add(Array Other)
- Array = Array:merge(Array Other)
= array(...)
Creates an array (1 ops)
Returns the vector2 stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,vector2] instead (5 ops)
Stcontrol =
Returns the stcontrol stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,stcontrol] instead (5 ops)
Returns the matrix stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,matrix] instead (5 ops)
Effect =
Returns the effect stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,effect] instead (5 ops)
Returns the string stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,string] instead (5 ops)
Returns the complex stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,complex] instead (5 ops)
Returns the entity stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,entity] instead (5 ops)
Returns the matrix4 stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,matrix4] instead (5 ops)
Ftrace =
Returns the ftrace stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,ftrace] instead (5 ops)
Returns the matrix2 stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,matrix2] instead (5 ops)
Returns the wirelink stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,wirelink] instead (5 ops)
Returns the vector4 stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,vector4] instead (5 ops)
Returns the quaternion stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,quaternion] instead (5 ops)
Returns the ranger stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,ranger] instead (5 ops)
Tracedata =
Returns the tracedata stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,tracedata] instead (5 ops)
Returns the bone stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,bone] instead (5 ops)
Returns the number stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,number] instead (5 ops)
Returns the angle stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,angle] instead (5 ops)
Returns the vector stored in the array under specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,vector] instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,matrix2] = X instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,matrix4] = X instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,number] = X instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,entity] = X instead (5 ops)
Tracedata =
, Tracedata)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,tracedata] = X instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,bone] = X instead (5 ops)
Ftrace =
, Ftrace)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,ftrace] = X instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,angle] = X instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,vector4] = X instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,quaternion] = X instead (5 ops)
Effect =
, Effect)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,effect] = X instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,vector2] = X instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,vector] = X instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,ranger] = X instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,string] = X instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,complex] = X instead (5 ops)
Stcontrol =
, Stcontrol)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,stcontrol] = X instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,matrix] = X instead (5 ops)
Sets a variable at specified index. Deprecated, use R[N,wirelink] = X instead (5 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Effect =
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Ftrace =
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Stcontrol =
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Tracedata =
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Saves the data at the end of the array (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Effect =
, Effect)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Stcontrol =
, Stcontrol)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Tracedata =
, Tracedata)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Ftrace =
, Ftrace)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Inserts the variable at the specified position. Moves all other indexes up one step to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Tracedata =
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Stcontrol =
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Effect =
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Ftrace =
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the last entry in the array. Be sure not to use popNumber() on a vector or similar, as the data may be lost (7 ops)
Stcontrol =
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Ftrace =
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Tracedata =
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Effect =
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Adds the data to the beginning of the array. Will move all other entries up one address (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Effect =
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Stcontrol =
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Tracedata =
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Ftrace =
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the first element of the array, moving other entries down one address to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Ftrace =
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Stcontrol =
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Effect =
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Tracedata =
Deletes and returns the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate (7 ops)
Removes the last entry in the array and returns 1 if removed (2 ops)
Removes the first element of the array; all other entries will move down one address and returns 1 if removed (3 ops)
Removes the specified entry, moving subsequent entries down to compensate and returns 1 if removed (2 ops)
Force removes the specified entry, without moving subsequent entries down and returns 1 if removed (2 ops)
Returns 1 if the array contains any value at specified index (1 ops)
Returns the number of entries in the array (3 ops)
Clears the array (1 ops)
Returns a copy of the array (1 ops)
Adds all numbers in the array together and returns result (1 ops)
Gives the average of all numbers in array (1 ops)
Returns the smallest number in array (1 ops)
Returns the index of the smallest number in array (1 ops)
Returns the largest number in array (1 ops)
Returns the index of the largest number in array (1 ops)
Concatenates all values in the array (1 ops)
Concatenates all values in the array with the specified string in between each (1 ops)
Concatenates all values in the array, starting at index N, with string S in between each (1 ops)
Concatenates all values in the array, starting at index N1 and ending at N2, with string S in between each (1 ops)
Concatenates all values in the array, starting at index N (1 ops)
Concatenates all values in the array, starting at index N1 and ending at N2 (1 ops)
Returns the unique ID of the array (1 ops)
Adds the contents of the second array to the end of the first array. Returns new array (1 ops)
Merges R2 with R. Any variables with the same indexes are overwritten by R2's variables (1 ops)
Expression 2 ⚙️
Getting Started 🕊
- Syntax 🔣
- Directives 🎛️
- Editor 🖥️
- Ops 📊
Guides (In learning order) 🎓
- Learning & Getting Help 📚
- Triggers ⏲️
- Events 🎬
- Find Functions 🔍
- Physics 🚀
- EGP Basics 📈
- Lambdas λ
- Lambda Timers λ⏲️
- Tips & Tricks 📘
Tools 🛠️
Click To Expand
- 🟥 SPU
- 🟥 Address Bus
- 🟥 Extended Bus
- 🟥 Plug/Socket
- 🟥 Port
- 🟥 Transfer Bus
- 🟩 GPU
- 🟥 Dynamic Memory
- 🟥 Flash EEPROM
- 🟥 ROM
Beacon 💡
- 🟧 Beacon Sensor
- 🟧 Locator
- 🟧 Target Finder
- 🟧 Waypoint
- 🟥 XYZ Beacon
Control 🎛️
- 🟩 CPU
- 🟩 Expression 2
- 🟩 Gates
- 🟥 PID
Data 💿
- 🟧 CD Disk
- 🟥 CD Ray
- 🟧 DHDD
- 🟥 Keycard
- 🟥 RAM-card
- 🟧 Satellite Dish
- 🟧 Store
- 🟧 Transferer
- 🟥 Wired Wirer
Detection 👀
- 🟧 Adv Entity Marker
- 🟧 Damage Detector
- 🟧 Entity Marker
- 🟧 GPS
- 🟧 Gyroscope
- 🟥 HighSpeed Ranger
- 🟧 Laser Pointer Receiver
- 🟥 Microphone
- 🟧 Ranger
- 🟧 Speedometer
- 🟧 Water Sensor
Display 💻
- 🟧 7 Segment Display
- 🟥 Adv. Hud Indicator
- 🟧 Console Screen
- 🟧 Control Panel
- 🟧 Digital Screen
- 🟧 EGP v3
- 🟧 Fix RenderTargets
- 🟥 GPULib Switcher
- 🟧 Hud Indicator
- 🟧 Indicator
- 🟧 Lamp
- 🟧 Light
- 🟧 Oscilloscope
- 🟧 Pixel
- 🟧 Screen
- 🟧 Sound Emitter
- 🟧 Text Screen
Render 🖌
- 🟩 Cam Controller
- 🟧 Colorer
- 🟧 FX Emitter
- 🟧 HighSpeed Holoemitter
- 🟧 HoloEmitter
- 🟧 HoloGrid
- 🟥 Interactable Holography Emitter
- 🟥 Materializer
- 🟥 Painter
I/O 🔌
- 🟧 Adv. Input
- 🟧 Button
- 🟧 Constant Value
- 🟥 Door Controller
- 🟧 Dual Input
- 🟧 Dynamic Button
- 🟧 Eye Pod
- 🟧 Graphics Tablet
- 🟧 Keyboard
- 🟥 Lever
- 🟧 Numpad
- 🟧 Numpad Input
- 🟧 Numpad Output
- 🟧 Plug
- 🟧 Pod Controller
- 🟧 Radio
- 🟧 Relay
- 🟧 Text Receiver
- 🟧 Two-way Radio
- 🟧 Vehicle Controller
Physics 🚀
- 🟥 Door
- 🟥 Adv. Dupe. Teleporter
- 🟥 Buoyancy
- 🟧 Clutch
- 🟧 Detonator
- 🟧 Explosives
- 🟧 Explosives (Simple)
- 🟥 Forcer
- 🟩 Freezer
- 🟧 Gimbal (Facer)
- 🟧 Grabber
- 🟧 Hoverball
- 🟧 Hoverdrive Controller
- 🟥 Hydraulic
- 🟧 Igniter
- 🟧 Nailer
- 🟩 Prop Spawner
- 🟥 Servo
- 🟥 Simple Servo
- 🟧 Thruster
- 🟥 Touchplate
- 🟥 Trail
- 🟩 Turret
- 🟩 User
- 🟥 Vector Thruster
- 🟥 Vehicle Exit Point
- 🟧 Weight (Adjustable)
- 🟧 Weld/Constraint Latch
- 🟥 Wheel
- 🟥 Wire Magnet
- 🟥 Wired Npc Controller
Utilities 🛠️
- 🟧 Debugger
- 🟥 GUI Wiring
- 🟥 Multi Wire
- 🟧 Namer
- 🟥 Simulate Data
- 🟩 Wiring
- 🟥 Beam Reader
- 🟥 Implanter
- 🟥 Reader
- 🟥 Target Filter
- 🟥 User Reader
Wireless 🛜
Gates 🚥
Click To Expand
Extras 🔭
Please do not alter the e2 docs ...
pages manually.
They are autogenerated from the E2Helper. In the future, this will hopefully be its own dedicated website or tool.
Default Extensions
Basic Features: core, debug, number, selfaware,
string, timer
🌎 World: angle, color, find, ranger, sound,
🔣 Math: bitwise, complex, matrix, quaternion, vector, vector2/4
📦 Entities: bone, constraint, egp, entity, hologram, npc
👨 Players: chat, console, player, weapon
📊 Data storage: array, files, globalvars, serialization, table
💬 Communication: datasignal, http, signal, wirelink,
❓ Informational: gametick, serverinfo, steamidconv, unitconv
Additional Extensions
Disabled by default: constraintcore, effects, propcore, remoteupload, wiring
Wire-Extras (repo): camera, ftrace, holoanim, light, stcontrol, tracesystem