Table of Contents
For the most part, articles can be written however the writer chooses, as long as it follows the code of conduct and this guide.
Home/index/landing pages can ignore most of these rules, such as Expression 2.
We consider two types of regular articles on the wiki, Documentation and Guide articles.
Documentation articles pertain to documenting how a certain part of Wiremod is used and is meant to be concrete, informative, and neutral. A documentation article can have examples but should not focus on complex examples. Documentation articles can have preambles explaining theory, usage, and other relevant information. Documentation articles should generally be limited to a single focus, such as a single E2 extension, gate category, or tool.
Guide articles pertain to instructing the reader on how to perform a task or use a feature in Wiremod and can be more personalized to the writer's style. A guide article can describe various Wiremod features but should not be overly technical. Guides can be broad but not random. Consider enhancing a preexisting guide instead of creating a new one if the subjects are similar.
Titles should be labeled by the relevant category it belongs to, separated by a colon and space.
Guide articles should have Guide
added after the category, such as E2 Guide:
. Misc
guides are exempt from this, but can do so anyway.
An Expression 2 article should be labeled E2:
A gate article should be labeled Gate:
A tool article should be labeled Tool:
Articles for developers should be labeled Dev:
Any other article should be labeled Misc:
Please link to your article from another page once you have finished writing it. This helps other people find it much easier. Generally you should do this in the index page for the category and/or sidebar. Do not link directly from unrelated categories. Misc
articles are exempt but encouraged to link if reasonable.
When linking, use the name of the article as the anchor text and only include the path to the article, such as [Expression 2](/wiremod/wire/wiki/Expression-2)
Sample code
Sample (example) code should follow best E2 practices and refrain from including deprecated features, unless there is good reason. Sample code should use syntax highlighting. There is no perfect language for syntax highlighting, but we recommend golo
, ts
, and ruby
. You are free to use any language you find fit, however.
function myFunction(MyVar:string) { print("Hello " + MyVar) } # prints 'Hello' followed by MyVar, golo
function myFunction(MyVar:string) { print("Hello " + MyVar) } # prints 'Hello' followed by MyVar, ts
function myFunction(MyVar:string) { print("Hello " + MyVar) } # prints 'Hello' followed by MyVar, ruby
Difficulty should be assigned to guides to represent the expected experience level of the reader. Difficulty is difficult to gauge objectively, so the following lists provides terse examples to help visualize the skill required. Difficulty should be represented using the same icons for consistency.
- 🔰 Beginner - "Hello World" Introduces the reader to a single concept/feature of Wiremod/E2 that is foundational to using it.
- 🟢 Easy - "Simple Cars" Presents simple concepts that should be easy after learning the syntax/usage.
- 🟨 Intermediate - "Automated Turrets" Combines previous knowledge to make a more complex example.
- 🔶 Advanced - "Computers" Uses advanced logic, math, or ideas that less experienced users may be uncomfortable with.
- 🔺 Expert - "AI Robot" Covers concepts that are only relevant to advanced users.
Expression 2 ⚙️
Getting Started 🕊
- Syntax 🔣
- Directives 🎛️
- Editor 🖥️
- Ops 📊
Guides (In learning order) 🎓
- Learning & Getting Help 📚
- Triggers ⏲️
- Events 🎬
- Find Functions 🔍
- Physics 🚀
- EGP Basics 📈
- Lambdas λ
- Lambda Timers λ⏲️
- Tips & Tricks 📘
Tools 🛠️
Click To Expand
- 🟥 SPU
- 🟥 Address Bus
- 🟥 Extended Bus
- 🟥 Plug/Socket
- 🟥 Port
- 🟥 Transfer Bus
- 🟩 GPU
- 🟥 Dynamic Memory
- 🟥 Flash EEPROM
- 🟥 ROM
Beacon 💡
- 🟧 Beacon Sensor
- 🟧 Locator
- 🟧 Target Finder
- 🟧 Waypoint
- 🟥 XYZ Beacon
Control 🎛️
- 🟩 CPU
- 🟩 Expression 2
- 🟩 Gates
- 🟥 PID
Data 💿
- 🟧 CD Disk
- 🟥 CD Ray
- 🟧 DHDD
- 🟥 Keycard
- 🟥 RAM-card
- 🟧 Satellite Dish
- 🟧 Store
- 🟧 Transferer
- 🟥 Wired Wirer
Detection 👀
- 🟧 Adv Entity Marker
- 🟧 Damage Detector
- 🟧 Entity Marker
- 🟧 GPS
- 🟧 Gyroscope
- 🟥 HighSpeed Ranger
- 🟧 Laser Pointer Receiver
- 🟥 Microphone
- 🟧 Ranger
- 🟧 Speedometer
- 🟧 Water Sensor
Display 💻
- 🟧 7 Segment Display
- 🟥 Adv. Hud Indicator
- 🟧 Console Screen
- 🟧 Control Panel
- 🟧 Digital Screen
- 🟧 EGP v3
- 🟧 Fix RenderTargets
- 🟥 GPULib Switcher
- 🟧 Hud Indicator
- 🟧 Indicator
- 🟧 Lamp
- 🟧 Light
- 🟧 Oscilloscope
- 🟧 Pixel
- 🟧 Screen
- 🟧 Sound Emitter
- 🟧 Text Screen
Render 🖌
- 🟩 Cam Controller
- 🟧 Colorer
- 🟧 FX Emitter
- 🟧 HighSpeed Holoemitter
- 🟧 HoloEmitter
- 🟧 HoloGrid
- 🟥 Interactable Holography Emitter
- 🟥 Materializer
- 🟥 Painter
I/O 🔌
- 🟧 Adv. Input
- 🟧 Button
- 🟧 Constant Value
- 🟥 Door Controller
- 🟧 Dual Input
- 🟧 Dynamic Button
- 🟧 Eye Pod
- 🟧 Graphics Tablet
- 🟧 Keyboard
- 🟥 Lever
- 🟧 Numpad
- 🟧 Numpad Input
- 🟧 Numpad Output
- 🟧 Plug
- 🟧 Pod Controller
- 🟧 Radio
- 🟧 Relay
- 🟧 Text Receiver
- 🟧 Two-way Radio
- 🟧 Vehicle Controller
Physics 🚀
- 🟥 Door
- 🟥 Adv. Dupe. Teleporter
- 🟥 Buoyancy
- 🟧 Clutch
- 🟧 Detonator
- 🟧 Explosives
- 🟧 Explosives (Simple)
- 🟥 Forcer
- 🟩 Freezer
- 🟧 Gimbal (Facer)
- 🟧 Grabber
- 🟧 Hoverball
- 🟧 Hoverdrive Controller
- 🟥 Hydraulic
- 🟧 Igniter
- 🟧 Nailer
- 🟩 Prop Spawner
- 🟥 Servo
- 🟥 Simple Servo
- 🟧 Thruster
- 🟥 Touchplate
- 🟥 Trail
- 🟩 Turret
- 🟩 User
- 🟥 Vector Thruster
- 🟥 Vehicle Exit Point
- 🟧 Weight (Adjustable)
- 🟧 Weld/Constraint Latch
- 🟥 Wheel
- 🟥 Wire Magnet
- 🟥 Wired Npc Controller
Utilities 🛠️
- 🟧 Debugger
- 🟥 GUI Wiring
- 🟥 Multi Wire
- 🟧 Namer
- 🟥 Simulate Data
- 🟩 Wiring
- 🟥 Beam Reader
- 🟥 Implanter
- 🟥 Reader
- 🟥 Target Filter
- 🟥 User Reader
Wireless 🛜
Gates 🚥
Click To Expand
Extras 🔭
Please do not alter the e2 docs ...
pages manually.
They are autogenerated from the E2Helper. In the future, this will hopefully be its own dedicated website or tool.
Default Extensions
Basic Features: core, debug, number, selfaware,
string, timer
🌎 World: angle, color, find, ranger, sound,
🔣 Math: bitwise, complex, matrix, quaternion, vector, vector2/4
📦 Entities: bone, constraint, egp, entity, hologram, npc
👨 Players: chat, console, player, weapon
📊 Data storage: array, files, globalvars, serialization, table
💬 Communication: datasignal, http, signal, wirelink,
❓ Informational: gametick, serverinfo, steamidconv, unitconv
Additional Extensions
Disabled by default: constraintcore, effects, propcore, remoteupload, wiring
Wire-Extras (repo): camera, ftrace, holoanim, light, stcontrol, tracesystem