5 e2 docs custom ftrace
Divran edited this page 2021-04-22 20:49:42 +02:00

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Ftrace = noFTrace()

Returns invalid flash trace object (1 ops)

Ftrace = Entity:setFTrace(Vector Vp, Vector Vd, Number Nl)

Returns flash trace local to the entity by origin position, direction vector, length distance (20 ops)

Ftrace = newFTrace(Vector Vp, Vector Vd, Number Nl)

Returns flash trace relative to the world by origin position, direction vector, length distance (20 ops)

Ftrace = Entity:setFTrace(Vector Vp, Vector Vd)

Returns flash trace local to the entity by origin position, direction vector, length distance from direction vector (20 ops)

Ftrace = newFTrace(Vector Vp, Vector Vd)

Returns flash trace relative to the world by origin position, direction vector, length distance from direction vector (20 ops)

Ftrace = Entity:setFTrace(Vector Vp, Number Nl)

Returns flash trace relative to the entity by origin position, direction vector from up, length distance (20 ops)

Ftrace = newFTrace(Vector Vp, Number Nl)

Returns flash trace relative to the world by origin position, direction vector from up, length distance (20 ops)

Ftrace = Entity:setFTrace(Vector Vp)

Returns flash trace local to the entity by origin position, zero direction vector, zero length distance (20 ops)

Ftrace = newFTrace(Vector Vp)

Returns flash trace relative to the world by origin position, zero direction vector, zero length distance (20 ops)

Ftrace = Entity:setFTrace(Number Nl)

Returns flash trace relative to the entity by length distance, direction vector, zero length distance (20 ops)

Ftrace = newFTrace(Number Nl)

Returns flash trace relative to the world by length distance, direction vector, zero length distance (20 ops)

Ftrace = Entity:setFTrace()

Returns flash trace local to the entity by zero origin position, zero direction vector, zero length distance (20 ops)

Ftrace = newFTrace()

Returns flash trace relative to the world by zero origin position, zero direction vector, zero length distance (20 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:getCopy(Entity Ee, Vector Vp, Vector Vd, Number Nl)

Returns flash trace copy instance of the current object using other entity, origin, direction and length (20 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:getCopy(Vector Vp, Vector Vd, Number Nl)

Returns flash trace copy instance of the current object using other origin, direction and length (20 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:getCopy(Entity Ee, Vector Vp, Vector Vd)

Returns flash trace copy instance of the current object using other entity, origin and direction (20 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:getCopy(Vector Vp, Vector Vd)

Returns flash trace copy instance of the current object using other origin and direction (20 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:getCopy(Entity Ee, Vector Vp, Number Nl)

Returns flash trace copy instance of the current object using other entity, origin and length (20 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:getCopy(Vector Vp, Number Nl)

Returns flash trace copy instance of the current object using other origin and length (20 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:getCopy(Entity Ee, Vector Vp)

Returns flash trace copy instance of the current object using other entity and origin (20 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:getCopy(Vector Vp)

Returns flash trace copy instance of the current object using other origin (20 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:getCopy(Entity Ee, Number Nl)

Returns flash trace copy instance of the current object using other entity and length (20 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:getCopy(Number Nl)

Returns flash trace copy instance of the current object using other length (20 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:getCopy(Entity Ee)

Returns flash trace copy instance of the current object using other entity (20 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:getCopy()

Returns flash trace copy instance of the current object (20 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:addEntHitSkip(Entity Ve)

Adds the entity to the flash trace internal ignore hit list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:remEntHitSkip(Entity Ve)

Removes the entity from the flash trace internal ignore hit list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:remEntHitSkip()

Removes all the entities from the flash trace internal ignore hit list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:addEntHitOnly(Entity Ve)

Adds the entity to the flash trace internal only hit list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:remEntHitOnly(Entity Ve)

Removes the entity from the flash trace internal only hit list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:remEntHitOnly()

Removes all the entities from the flash trace internal only hit list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:remEntHit()

Removes all the entities from the flash trace internal hit list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:remHit()

Removes all the options from the flash trace internal hit preferences (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:remHit(String Sm)

Removes the option from the flash trace internal hit preferences (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:addHitSkip(String Sm, Number Vn)

Adds the option to the flash trace internal ignore hit list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:remHitSkip(String Sm, Number Vn)

Removes the option from the flash trace internal ignore hit list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:addHitOnly(String Sm, Number Vn)

Adds the option to the flash trace internal hit only list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:remHitOnly(String Sm, Number Vn)

Removes the option from the flash trace internal only hit list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:addHitSkip(String Sm, String Vs)

Adds the option to the flash trace internal ignore hit list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:remHitSkip(String Sm, String Vs)

Removes the option from the flash trace internal ignore hit list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:addHitOnly(String Sm, String Vs)

Adds the option to the flash trace internal hit only list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:remHitOnly(String Sm, String Vs)

Removes the option from the flash trace internal only hit list (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayMove()

Moves the flash trace ray with its own direction and magnitude (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayMove(Number Nl)

Moves the flash trace ray with its own direction and magnitude length (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayMove(Vector Vv)

Moves the flash trace ray with displacement vector (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayMove(Number Nx, Number Ny, Number Nz)

Moves the flash trace ray with displacement as three numbers (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayMove(Vector Vv, Number Nl)

Moves the flash trace ray with direction vector, magnitude length (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayAmend(Vector Vv)

Amends the flash trace ray direction using a vector (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayAmend(Number Nx, Number Ny, Number Nz)

Amends the flash trace ray direction using three numbers (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayAmend(Vector Vv, Number Nl)

Amends the flash trace ray direction using vector and magnitude (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayMul(Number Nn)

Expands the flash trace ray with a number (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayMul(Vector Vv)

Expands the flash trace ray each component individually using a vector (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayMul(Number Nx, Number Ny, Number Nz)

Expands the flash trace ray each component individually using three numbers (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayDiv(Number Nn)

Contracts the flash trace ray with a number (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayDiv(Vector Vv)

Contracts the flash trace ray each component individually using a vector (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayDiv(Number Nx, Number Ny, Number Nz)

Contracts the flash trace ray each component individually using three numbers (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayAim(Vector Vv)

Aims the flash trace ray at a given position using a vector (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:rayAim(Number Nx, Number Ny, Number Nz)

Aims the flash trace ray at a given position using three numbers (3 ops)

Entity = Ftrace:getChip()

Returns the flash trace auto-assigned expression chip entity (3 ops)

Entity = Ftrace:getBase()

Returns the flash trace base attachment entity if available (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:setBase(Entity Ee)

Updates the flash trace base attachment entity (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:remBase()

Removes the base attachment entity of the flash trace (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:isIgnoreWorld()

Returns the flash trace trace IgnoreWorld flag (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:setIsIgnoreWorld(Number Nn)

Updates the flash trace trace IgnoreWorld flag (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getPos()

Returns flash trace origin position (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getPosLocal()

Returns flash trace world origin position converted to base attachment entity local axis (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getPosWorld()

Returns flash trace local origin position converted to base attachment entity world axis (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getPosLocal(Entity Ve)

Returns flash trace world origin position converted to entity local axis (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getPosWorld(Entity Ve)

Returns flash trace local origin position converted to entity world axis (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getPosLocal(Vector Vp, Angle Va)

Returns flash trace world origin position converted to position/angle local axis (7 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getPosWorld(Vector Vp, Angle Va)

Returns flash trace local origin position converted to position/angle world axis (7 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:setPos(Vector Vo)

Updates the flash trace origin position (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getDir()

Returns flash trace direction vector (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getDirLocal()

Returns flash trace world direction vector converted to base attachment entity local axis (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getDirWorld()

Returns flash trace local direction vector converted to base attachment entity world axis (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getDirLocal(Entity Ve)

Returns flash trace world direction vector converted to entity local axis (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getDirWorld(Entity Ve)

Returns flash trace local direction vector converted to entity world axis (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getDirLocal(Angle Va)

Returns flash trace world direction vector converted to angle local axis (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getDirWorld(Angle Va)

Returns flash trace local direction vector converted to angle world axis (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:setDir(Vector Vd)

Updates the flash trace direction vector (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:getLen()

Returns flash trace length distance (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:setLen(Number Nl)

Updates flash trace length distance (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:getMask()

Returns flash trace trace hit mask enums MASK (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:setMask(Number Nn)

Updates flash trace trace hit mask enums MASK (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:getCollideGroup()

Returns flash trace trace collision group enums COLLISION_GROUP (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:setCollideGroup(Number Nn)

Updates flash trace trace collision group enums COLLISION_GROUP (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getStart()

Returns flash trace trace start position sent to trace-line (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getStop()

Returns flash trace trace stop position sent to trace-line (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:smpLocal()

Samples the flash trace and updates the trace-result by base attachment entity local axis (12 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:smpLocal(Entity Ve)

Samples the flash trace and updates the trace-result by entity position and forward vectors (12 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:smpLocal(Angle Va)

Samples the flash trace and updates the trace-result by base position, angle (12 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:smpLocal(Vector Vp)

Samples the flash trace and updates the trace-result by position, base angle (12 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:smpLocal(Vector Vp, Angle Va)

Samples the flash trace and updates the trace-result by position, angle (12 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:smpLocal(Entity Ve, Vector Vp)

Samples the flash trace and updates the trace-result by position, entity angle (12 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:smpLocal(Entity Ve, Angle Va)

Samples the flash trace and updates the trace-result by entity position, angle (12 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:smpWorld()

Samples the flash trace and updates the trace-result by the world axis (12 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:smpWorld(Entity Ve)

Samples the flash trace and updates the trace-result by entity position and forward vectors (12 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:smpWorld(Angle Va)

Samples the flash trace and updates the trace-result by entity position and angle forward (12 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:smpWorld(Vector Vp)

Samples the flash trace and updates the trace-result by position vector and entity forward (12 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:smpWorld(Vector Vp, Angle Va)

Samples the flash trace and updates the trace-result by position, angle (12 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:smpWorld(Entity Ve, Vector Vp)

Samples the flash trace and updates the trace-result by position, entity angle (12 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:smpWorld(Entity Ve, Angle Va)

Samples the flash trace and updates the trace-result by entity position, angle (12 ops)

Number = Ftrace:isHitNoDraw()

Returns the flash trace trace-result HitNoDraw flag (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:isHitNonWorld()

Returns the flash trace trace-result HitNonWorld flag (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:isHit()

Returns the flash trace trace-result Hit flag (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:isHitSky()

Returns the flash trace trace-result HitSky flag (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:isHitWorld()

Returns the flash trace trace-result HitWorld flag (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:getHitBox()

Returns the flash trace trace-result HitBox number (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:getMatType()

Returns the flash trace trace-result MatType material type number (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:getHitGroup()

Returns the flash trace trace-result HitGroup group ID number (3 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getHitPos()

Returns the flash trace trace-result HitPos location vector (8 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getHitNormal()

Returns flash trace trace-result surface HitNormal vector (8 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getNormal()

Returns the flash trace trace-result Normal aim vector (8 ops)

String = Ftrace:getHitTexture()

Returns the flash trace trace-result HitTexture string (8 ops)

Vector = Ftrace:getStartPos()

Returns the flash trace trace-result StartPos vector (8 ops)

Number = Ftrace:getSurfPropsID()

Returns the flash trace trace-result SurfaceProps ID type number (3 ops)

String = Ftrace:getSurfPropsName()

Returns the flash trace trace-result SurfaceProps ID type name string (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:getBone()

Returns the flash trace trace-result PhysicsBone ID number (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:getFraction()

Returns the flash trace trace-result Fraction in the interval [0-1] number (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:getFractionLen()

Returns the flash trace trace-result Fraction multiplied by its length distance number (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:isStartSolid()

Returns the flash trace trace-result StartSolid flag (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:isAllSolid()

Returns the flash trace trace-result AllSolid flag (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:getFractionLS()

Returns the flash trace trace-result FractionLeftSolid in the interval [0-1] number (3 ops)

Number = Ftrace:getFractionLenLS()

Returns the flash trace trace-result FractionLeftSolid multiplied by its length distance number (3 ops)

Entity = Ftrace:getEntity()

Returns the flash trace trace-result Entity entity (3 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:dumpItem(Number Nn)

Dumps the flash trace to the chat area by number identifier (15 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:dumpItem(String Sn)

Dumps the flash trace to the chat area by string identifier (15 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:dumpItem(String Nt, Number Nn)

Dumps the flash trace by number identifier in the specified area by first argument (15 ops)

Ftrace = Ftrace:dumpItem(String Nt, String Sn)

Dumps the flash trace by string identifier in the specified area by first argument (15 ops)