4 e2 docs matrix
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Matrix4 = matrix2()

Creates a 2x2 zero matrix (1 ops)

Matrix4 = matrix2(Vector2 Rv1, Vector2 Rv2)

Creates a matrix with vectors by columns (5 ops)

Matrix4 = rowMatrix2(Vector2 Rv1, Vector2 Rv2)

Creates a 2x2 matrix with 2D vectors by rows (5 ops)

Matrix4 = matrix2(Number Rv1, Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4)

Creates a matrix with values in order (i.j) of: (1,1), (1,2), (2,1), (2,2) (5 ops)

Matrix4 = matrix2(Matrix Rv1)

Converts a 3x3 matrix into a 2x2 matrix - all (i,3) and (3,j) are omitted (5 ops)

Matrix4 = identity2()

Creates a 2x2 identity matrix (5 ops)

Vector2 = Matrix4:row(Number Rv2)

Returns the row as a 2D vector (5 ops)

Vector2 = Matrix4:column(Number Rv2)

Returns the column as a 2D vector (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:setRow(Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4)

Sets the values of a row. The first argument given specifies the row(j), the following arguments are the values 1j, 2j (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:setRow(Number Rv2, Vector2 Rv3)

Sets the values of a row. The first argument given specifies the row, the vector contains the values to set (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:setColumn(Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4)

Sets the values of a column. The first argument given specifies the column(i), the following arguments are the values i1, i2 (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:setColumn(Number Rv2, Vector2 Rv3)

Sets the values of a column. The first argument given specifies the column, the vector contains the values to set (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:swapRows()

Swaps rows (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:swapColumns()

Swaps columns (5 ops)

Number = Matrix4:element(Number Rv2, Number Rv3)

Returns the element with indices (i,j) (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:setElement(Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4)

Sets an element's value. The first two arguments specify the indices (i,j), the third argument is the value to set it to (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:swapElements(Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4, Number Rv5)

Swaps two elements, specified by indices ( i1, j1, i2, j2 ) (5 ops)

Vector2 = diagonal(Matrix4 Rv1)

Returns a 2D vector comprising the elements along the leading diagonal (5 ops)

Number = trace(Matrix4 Rv1)

Returns the trace of a matrix (5 ops)

Number = det(Matrix4 Rv1)

Returns the determinant of a matrix (Does not work for 4x4 matrices) (5 ops)

Matrix4 = transpose(Matrix4 Rv1)

Returns the transpose of a matrix (5 ops)

Matrix4 = adj(Matrix4 Rv1)

Returns the adjugate of a matrix (Does not work for 4x4 matrices) (5 ops)

Matrix = matrix()

Creates a 3x3 zero matrix (1 ops)

Matrix = matrix(Vector Rv1, Vector Rv2, Vector Rv3)

Creates a matrix with vectors by columns (5 ops)

Matrix = rowMatrix(Vector Rv1, Vector Rv2, Vector Rv3)

Creates a 3x3 matrix with vectors by rows (5 ops)

Matrix = matrix(Number Rv1, Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4, Number Rv5, Number Rv6, Number Rv7, Number Rv8, Number Rv9)

Creates a matrix with 9 values in the following order (i.j): (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (2,1) etc (5 ops)

Matrix = matrix(Matrix4 Rv1)

Converts a 2x2 matrix into a 3x3 matrix - all (i,3) and (3,j) are filled with 0's (5 ops)

Matrix = identity()

Creates a 3x3 identity matrix (5 ops)

Vector = Matrix:row(Number Rv2)

Returns the row as a vector (5 ops)

Vector = Matrix:column(Number Rv2)

Returns the column as a vector (5 ops)

Matrix = Matrix:setRow(Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4, Number Rv5)

Sets the values of a row. The first argument given specifies the row(j), the following arguments are the values 1j, 2j, 3j (5 ops)

Matrix = Matrix:setRow(Number Rv2, Vector Rv3)

Sets the values of a row. The first argument given specifies the row, the vector contains the values to set (5 ops)

Matrix = Matrix:setColumn(Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4, Number Rv5)

Sets the values of a column. The first argument given specifies the column(i), the following arguments are the values i1, i2, i3 (5 ops)

Matrix = Matrix:setColumn(Number Rv2, Vector Rv3)

Sets the values of a column. The first argument given specifies the column, the vector contains the values to set (5 ops)

Matrix = Matrix:swapColumns(Number Rv2, Number Rv3)

Swaps the two columns specified (5 ops)

Number = Matrix:element(Number Rv2, Number Rv3)

Returns the element with indices (i,j) (5 ops)

Matrix = Matrix:setElement(Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4)

Sets an element's value. The first two arguments specify the indices (i,j), the third argument is the value to set it to (5 ops)

Matrix = Matrix:swapElements(Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4, Number Rv5)

Swaps two elements, specified by indices ( i1, j1, i2, j2 ) (5 ops)

Matrix = Matrix:setDiagonal(Vector Rv2)

Sets the elements of the leading diagonal from the components of a vector (5 ops)

Matrix = Matrix:setDiagonal(Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4)

Sets the elements of the leading diagonal (5 ops)

Vector = diagonal(Matrix Rv1)

Returns a vector comprising the elements along the leading diagonal (5 ops)

Number = trace(Matrix Rv1)

Returns the trace of a matrix (5 ops)

Number = det(Matrix Rv1)

Returns the determinant of a matrix (Does not work for 4x4 matrices) (5 ops)

Matrix = transpose(Matrix Rv1)

Returns the transpose of a matrix (5 ops)

Matrix = adj(Matrix Rv1)

Returns the adjugate of a matrix (Does not work for 4x4 matrices) (5 ops)

Matrix = matrix(Entity Rv1)

Creates a reference frame matrix from an entity's local direction vectors by columns in the order ( x, y, z ) (5 ops)

Vector = Matrix:x()

Returns the local x direction vector from a 3x3 coordinate reference frame matrix ( same as M:column(1) ) (5 ops)

Vector = Matrix:y()

Returns the local y direction vector from a 3x3 coordinate reference frame matrix ( same as M:column(2) ) (5 ops)

Vector = Matrix:z()

Returns the local z direction vector from a 3x3 coordinate reference frame matrix ( same as M:column(3) ) (5 ops)

Matrix = matrix(Angle Ang)

Returns a 3x3 reference frame matrix as described by the angle A. Multiplying by this matrix will be the same as rotating by the given angle (5 ops)

Angle = Matrix:toAngle()

Returns an angle derived from a 3x3 rotation matrix (5 ops)

Matrix = mRotation(Vector Rv1, Number Rv2)

Creates a 3x3 rotation matrix, where the vector is the axis of rotation, and the number is the angle (anti-clockwise) in degrees. Example*: to rotate a vector (7,8,9) by 50 degrees about the axis (1,1,0), you would write V = mRotation(vec(1,1,0), 50) * vec(7,8,9) (5 ops)

Matrix4 = matrix4()

Creates a 4x4 zero matrix (1 ops)

Matrix4 = matrix4(Vector4 Rv1, Vector4 Rv2, Vector4 Rv3, Vector4 Rv4)

Creates a matrix with vectors by columns (5 ops)

Matrix4 = rowMatrix4(Vector4 Rv1, Vector4 Rv2, Vector4 Rv3, Vector4 Rv4)

Creates a 4x4 matrix with 4D vectors by rows (5 ops)

Matrix4 = matrix4(Number Rv1, Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4, Number Rv5, Number Rv6, Number Rv7, Number Rv8, Number Rv9, Number Rv10, Number Rv11, Number Rv12, Number Rv13, Number Rv14, Number Rv15, Number Rv16)

Creates a matrix with 16 values in the following order (i.j): (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,1) etc (5 ops)

Matrix4 = matrix4(Matrix4 Rv1)

Converts a 2x2 matrix into a 4x4 matrix - all (i,3), (i,4), (3,j) and (4,j) are filled with 0's (5 ops)

Matrix4 = matrix4(Matrix4 Rv1, Matrix4 Rv2, Matrix4 Rv3, Matrix4 Rv4)

Constructs a 4x4 matrix from four 2x2 matrices (5 ops)

Matrix4 = matrix4(Matrix Rv1)

Converts a 3x3 matrix into a 4x4 matrix - all (i,4) and (4,j) are filled with 0's (5 ops)

Matrix4 = identity4()

Creates a 4x4 identity matrix (5 ops)

Vector4 = Matrix4:row(Number Rv2)

Returns the row as a 4D vector (5 ops)

Vector4 = Matrix4:column(Number Rv2)

Returns the column as a 4D vector (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:setRow(Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4, Number Rv5, Number Rv6)

Sets the values of a row. The first argument given specifies the row(j), the following arguments are the values 1j, 2j, 3j, 4j (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:setRow(Number Rv2, Vector4 Rv3)

Sets the values of a row. The first argument given specifies the row, the vector contains the values to set (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:setColumn(Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4, Number Rv5, Number Rv6)

Sets the values of a column. The first argument given specifies the column(i), the following arguments are the values i1, i2, i3, i4 (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:setColumn(Number Rv2, Vector4 Rv3)

Sets the values of a column. The first argument given specifies the column, the vector contains the values to set (5 ops)

Matrix = Matrix:swapRows(Number Rv2, Number Rv3)

Swaps the two rows specified (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:swapColumns(Number Rv2, Number Rv3)

Swaps the two columns specified (5 ops)

Number = Matrix4:element(Number Rv2, Number Rv3)

Returns the element with indices (i,j) (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:setElement(Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4)

Sets an element's value. The first two arguments specify the indices (i,j), the third argument is the value to set it to (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:swapElements(Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4, Number Rv5)

Swaps two elements, specified by indices ( i1, j1, i2, j2 ) (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:setDiagonal(Vector4 Rv2)

Sets the elements of the leading diagonal from the components of a vector (5 ops)

Matrix4 = Matrix4:setDiagonal(Number Rv2, Number Rv3, Number Rv4, Number Rv5)

Sets the elements of the leading diagonal (5 ops)

Vector4 = diagonal(Matrix4 Rv1)

Returns a 4D vector comprising the elements along the leading diagonal (5 ops)

Number = trace(Matrix4 Rv1)

Returns the trace of a matrix (5 ops)

Matrix4 = transpose(Matrix4 Rv1)

Returns the transpose of a matrix (5 ops)

Matrix4 = inverseA(Matrix4 Rv1)

Finds the matrix inverse of a standard 4x4 affine transformation matrix ( the type created by matrix4(E) ). This should only be used on matrices with a particular format, where the top left 3x3 specifies rotation, the rightmost 3-column specifies translation, and the bottom row is (0,0,0,1) (5 ops)

Matrix4 = matrix4(Entity Rv1)

Creates a 4x4 reference frame matrix from an entity's local direction vectors by columns in the order (x, y, z, pos), with the bottom row (0,0,0,1) (5 ops)

Vector = Matrix4:x()

Returns the local x direction vector from a 4x4 coordinate reference frame matrix (5 ops)

Vector = Matrix4:y()

Returns the local y direction vector from a 4x4 coordinate reference frame matrix (5 ops)

Vector = Matrix4:z()

Returns the local z direction vector from a 4x4 coordinate reference frame matrix (5 ops)

Vector = Matrix4:pos()

Returns the position vector from a 4x4 coordinate reference frame matrix (5 ops)

Matrix4 = matrix4(Angle Ang)

Returns a 4x4 reference frame matrix as described by the angle A. Multiplying by this matrix will be the same as rotating by the given angle (5 ops)

Matrix4 = matrix4(Angle Ang, Vector Pos)

Returns a 4x4 reference frame matrix as described by the angle A and the position V. Multiplying by this matrix will be the same as rotating by the given angle and offsetting by the given vector (5 ops)