4 e2 docs find
Divran edited this page 2021-04-22 20:49:42 +02:00

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Number = findUpdateRate()

Returns the minimum delay between entity find events on a chip (2 ops)

Number = findMax()

Returns the maximum number of finds per E2 (2 ops)

Number = findCount()

Returns the remaining available find calls (2 ops)

Number = findCanQuery()

Returns 1 if find functions can be used, 0 otherwise (2 ops)

Number = findInSphere(Vector Center, Number Radius)

Finds entities in a sphere around V with a radius of N, returns the number found after filtering (30 ops)

Number = findInCone(Vector Position, Vector Direction, Number Length, Number Degrees)

Like findInSphere but with a http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalCone.html Spherical cone, arguments are for position, direction, length, and degrees (works now) (30 ops)

Number = findInBox(Vector Min, Vector Max)

Like findInSphere but with a globally aligned box, the arguments are the diagonal corners of the box (30 ops)

Number = findByName(String Name)

Find all entities with the given name (30 ops)

Number = findByModel(String Model)

Find all entities with the given model (30 ops)

Number = findByClass(String Class)

Find all entities with the given class (30 ops)

Entity = findPlayerByName(String Name)

Returns the player with the given name, this is an exception to the rule (30 ops)

Entity = findPlayerBySteamID(String Id)

Returns the player with the given SteamID32 (30 ops)

Entity = findPlayerBySteamID64(String Id)

Returns the player with the given SteamID64 (30 ops)

findExcludeEntities(Array Arr)

Exclude all entities in array from future finds (10 ops)

findExcludePlayer(Entity Ent)

Exclude specified player from future finds (put it on the entity blacklist) (10 ops)

findExcludeEntity(Entity Ent)

Exclude entity from future finds (10 ops)

findExcludePlayer(String Name)

Exclude player with specified name from future finds (put it on the entity blacklist) (10 ops)

findExcludePlayerProps(Entity Ply)

Exclude entities owned by specified player from future finds (10 ops)

findExcludePlayerProps(String Name)

Exclude entities owned by player with specified name from future finds (10 ops)

findExcludeModel(String Model)

Exclude entities with this model (or partial model name) from future finds (10 ops)

findExcludeClass(String Class)

Exclude entities with this class (or partial class name) from future finds (10 ops)

findAllowEntities(Array Arr)

Remove all entities in array from the blacklist (10 ops)

findAllowPlayer(Entity Ent)

Remove specified player from the entity blacklist (10 ops)

findAllowEntity(Entity Ent)

Remove entity from the blacklist (10 ops)

findAllowPlayer(String Name)

Remove player with specified name from the entity blacklist (10 ops)

findAllowPlayerProps(Entity Ply)

Remove entities owned by specified player from the blacklist (10 ops)

findAllowPlayerProps(String Name)

Remove entities owned by player with specified name from the blacklist (10 ops)

findAllowModel(String Model)

Remove entities with this model (or partial model name) from the blacklist (10 ops)

findAllowClass(String Class)

Remove entities with this class (or partial class name) from the blacklist (10 ops)

findIncludeEntities(Array Arr)

Include all entities in array in future finds, and remove others not in the whitelist (10 ops)

findIncludeEntity(Entity Ent)

Include entity in future finds, and remove others not in the whitelist (10 ops)

findIncludePlayer(Entity Ent)

Include specified player in future finds, and remove other entities not in the entity whitelist (10 ops)

findIncludePlayer(String Name)

Include player with specified name in future finds, and remove other entities not in the entity whitelist (10 ops)

findIncludePlayerProps(Entity Ply)

Include entities owned by specified player in future finds, and remove others not in the whitelist (10 ops)

findIncludePlayerProps(String Name)

Include entities owned by player with specified name in future finds, and remove others not in the whitelist (10 ops)

findIncludeModel(String Model)

Include entities with this model (or partial model name) in future finds, and remove others not in the whitelist (10 ops)

findIncludeClass(String Class)

Include entities with this class (or partial class name) in future finds, and remove others not in the whitelist (10 ops)

findDisallowEntities(Array Arr)

Remove all entities in array from the whitelist (10 ops)

findDisallowEntity(Entity Ent)

Remove entity from the whitelist (10 ops)

findDisallowPlayer(Entity Ent)

Remove specified player from the entity whitelist (10 ops)

findDisallowPlayer(String Name)

Remove player with specified name from the entity whitelist (10 ops)

findDisallowPlayerProps(Entity Ply)

Remove entities owned by specified player from the whitelist (10 ops)

findDisallowPlayerProps(String Name)

Remove entities owned by player with specified name from the whitelist (10 ops)

findDisallowModel(String Model)

Remove entities with this model (or partial model name) from the whitelist (10 ops)

findDisallowClass(String Class)

Remove entities with this class (or partial class name) from the whitelist (10 ops)


Clear all entries from the entire blacklist (10 ops)


Clear all entries from the entity blacklist (10 ops)


Clear all entries from the prop owner blacklist (10 ops)


Clear all entries from the model blacklist (10 ops)


Clear all entries from the class blacklist (10 ops)


Clear all entries from the entire whitelist (10 ops)


Clear all entries from the player whitelist (10 ops)


Clear all entries from the prop owner whitelist (10 ops)


Clear all entries from the model whitelist (10 ops)


Clear all entries from the class whitelist (10 ops)

findAllowBlockedClasses(Number Usehardcodedfilter)

Allows or disallows finding entities on the hardcoded class blocklist, including classes like "prop_dynamic", "physgun_beam" and "gmod_ghost". (2 ops)

Entity = findResult(Number Index)

Returns the indexed entity from the previous find event (valid parameters are 1 to the number of entities found) (2 ops)

Entity = findClosest(Vector Position)

Returns the closest entity to the given point from the previous find event (2 ops)

Array = findToArray()

Formats the query as an array, R[Index,entity] to get an entity (2 ops)

Entity = find()

Equivalent to findResult(1) (2 ops)

Number = findSortByDistance(Vector Position)

Sorts the entities from the last find event, index 1 is the closest to point V, returns the number of entities in the list (10 ops)

Number = findClipToClass(String Class)

Filters the list of entities by removing all entities that are NOT of this class (5 ops)

Number = findClipFromClass(String Class)

Filters the list of entities by removing all entities that are of this class (5 ops)

Number = findClipToModel(String Model)

Filters the list of entities by removing all entities that do NOT have this model (5 ops)

Number = findClipFromModel(String Model)

Filters the list of entities by removing all entities that do have this model (5 ops)

Number = findClipToName(String Name)

Filters the list of entities by removing all entities that do NOT have this name (5 ops)

Number = findClipFromName(String Name)

Filters the list of entities by removing all entities that do have this name (5 ops)

Number = findClipToSphere(Vector Center, Number Radius)

Filters the list of entities by removing all entities NOT within the specified sphere (center, radius) (5 ops)

Number = findClipFromSphere(Vector Center, Number Radius)

Filters the list of entities by removing all entities within the specified sphere (center, radius) (5 ops)

Number = findClipToRegion(Vector Origin, Vector Perpendicular)

Filters the list of entities by removing all entities NOT on the positive side of the defined plane. (Plane origin, vector perpendicular to the plane) You can define any convex hull using this (5 ops)

Number = findClipFromBox(Vector Min, Vector Max)

Filters the list of entities by removing all entities within the specified box (5 ops)

Number = findClipToBox(Vector Min, Vector Max)

Filters the list of entities by removing all entities NOT within the specified box (5 ops)

Number = findClipFromEntity(Entity Ent)

Filters the list of entities by removing this entity (5 ops)

Number = findClipFromEntities(Array Entities)

Filters the list of entities by removing all entities that are in this array (5 ops)

Number = findClipToEntity(Entity Ent)

Filters the list of entities by removing all except this entity (5 ops)

Number = findClipToEntities(Array Entities)

Filters the list of entities by removing all entities that are NOT in this array (5 ops)

Number = findClipToPlayerProps(Entity Ply)

(5 ops)

Number = findClipFromPlayerProps(Entity Ply)

(5 ops)