4 e2 docs constraint
Divran edited this page 2021-04-22 20:49:42 +02:00

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Array = Entity:getConstraints()

Returns an array with all entities directly or indirectly constrained to E, except E itself. Deprecated, use E:getConnectedEntities(...) instead. (20 ops)

Array = Entity:getConnectedEntities(... This)

Returns an array with all entities directly or indirectly constrained or parented to E, including E itself. (20 ops)

Array = Entity:getConnectedEntities(Array Filters)

Returns an array with all entities directly or indirectly constrained or parented to E, including E itself. (20 ops)

Number = Entity:hasConstraints()

Returns the number of the constraints E has (5 ops)

Number = Entity:hasConstraints(String Constrainttype)

Returns the number of the constraints E has with the given constraint type (5 ops)

Number = Entity:isConstrained()

Returns 1 if E has constraints, 0 if not (5 ops)

Entity = Entity:isWeldedTo()

Returns the first entity E was welded to (5 ops)

Entity = Entity:isWeldedTo(Number Index)

Returns the Nth entity E was welded to (5 ops)

Entity = Entity:isConstrainedTo()

Returns the first entity E was constrained to (5 ops)

Entity = Entity:isConstrainedTo(Number Index)

Returns the Nth entity E was constrained to (5 ops)

Entity = Entity:isConstrainedTo(String Constrainttype)

Returns the first entity E was constrained to with the given constraint type (see the types list below) (5 ops)

Entity = Entity:isConstrainedTo(String Constrainttype, Number Index)

Returns the Nth entity E was constrained to with the given constraint type (see the types list below) (5 ops)

Entity = Entity:parent()

Returns the entity E is parented to (5 ops)

Bone = Entity:parentBone()

Returns the bone E is parented to (5 ops)

Array = Entity:children()

Returns an array containing all the children of the entity - that is, every entity whose parent is this entity (20 ops)