Fixed: Default zero vector is overridden by ghosts position
Fixed: Work-mode spawn/snap not being translated in some cases
Added: Model view in frequent pieces
Added: Position is vector of (position or zero)
Updated: Second test reduce more locals
Removed: Formatting for custom translations. Tool uses properties
Removed: NaN vector check is not needed anymore
Updated: Use the correct DSV order for the command panel
Updated: DSV list manager control via context menu
Added: Translation for the new panels
Fixed: Some typos for English and Bulgarian
Fixed: Resize Y for whole BIS panel
Fixed: Panel DY was changed by `SetTall` method
Added: Lazy and precise `Set(Tall/Wide)`
Moved: Default value after memorize
Optimized: `Set(Tall/Wide)` number checks
Added: BIS dedicated custom panel
Added: BIS for more angles
Updated: SetButtonSlider to use BIS instead of parented panels
Updated: Main translations for more BIS options
Fixed: Dashes saves as UTF-8
Fixed: Integrated commit hook
Fixed: Switch TA initialization to ANSI
Improved: Better future support
Improved: The way script handles the owner
Updated: Keep code conversion
Updated: Version equalize
Updated: WS publish now calls integrated NP
Added: Commit hooks ENV variables initial commit
Added: Track assembly retrieve owner from entity
Removed: Hook `pre-commit.bat` timeout
Removed: Timeout at the execution end
Added: Conditional user spawn multy-tasking
Added: Method `QUEUE:Next` including `Retain` and `Remove`
Added: Wire module self tester
Added: Custom character support to file reader
Fixed: Ensure `\n` at the end of the generated autorun file
Fixed: Export autorun type doubling `\n` in the output
Removed: Function `asmlib.GetAngleXY`. Use `ATAN2` instead
Renamed: Method `QUEUE:Execute` to `Work`
Updated: Base file for autorun exports
Updated: External automatic DSV track pack generators
Updated: Error handling and status in separate functions
Updated: TABLEMAKER:Match using local variable
Fixed: Menu label cannot be obtained server side
Added: Standard for panel translation via resources
Added: Icons for most recent pieces panel
Removed: Call `asmlib.GetPhrase` to `languageGetPhrase`
Removed: GetPhrase, GetLocalify, InitLocalify
Updated: Include resource directory into the GMA
Updated: Apply BOM to translation resources
Fixed: Return values of ray projection match convention
Fixed: `InitLocalify` is procedure and return nil is not needed
Updated: Readme to include missed `Plarail Advance` [1512053748]
Renamed: Some of the internal variables `simetral` to `bisector`
Fixed: Cached node location being used for projection origin
Fixed: Using actual flags indicating active point node source
Fixed: Some runtime errors of extra end crashing the tool
Fixed: Drawing actual node origin instead of hit for turn projection/intersection
Updated: Local variable name update
Added: Curve data info point enabled stored in `tC.Info.Rays`
Added: Curve insert array flag element when POA available
Added: Curve remove adds management of `tC.Info.Rays`
Added: Curve update when not POA is present with intersection point
Added: Dedicated API to run library intersections `IntersectRayPair`
Added: Drawing for node intersection
Added: Node is taken from intersection and normal from nodes addition
Added: Node transformation stores original POA angle
Added: POA flag in the curve insert procedure
Fixed: A bunch of runtime errors
Fixed: Inserting curve node uses a vector copy
Fixed: Use correct intersection colors for HUD
Fixed: Use existence of POA instead of working mode
Removed: Trigger node intersection via ALT and use non-POA instead
Renamed: Unified intersect table `Rays`
Renamed: `CurveUpdate` `stData` to `tData`
Updated: Client curve management
Updated: Curve node transformation
Updated: Node intersection with mute mode for client
Updated: Tool method `GetCurveTransform` to return one single pointer
Utilize: New `IntersectRayPair` in `IntersectRayHash`
Improved: Drawing speed of `GetCurveTransform`
Factorized: Node intersection conditions