mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 19:03:18 -05:00
Added: Track assembly retrieve owner from entity (#44)
Fixed: Dashes saves as UTF-8 Fixed: Integrated commit hook Fixed: Switch TA initialization to ANSI Improved: Better future support Improved: The way script handles the owner Updated: Keep code conversion Updated: Version equalize Updated: WS publish now calls integrated NP Added: Commit hooks ENV variables initial commit Added: Track assembly retrieve owner from entity Removed: Hook `pre-commit.bat` timeout Removed: Timeout at the execution end
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
[hook "precommit"]
[hook "startcommit"]
cmdline = data\\trackassembly\\tools\\hooks\\pre-commit.bat
wait = true
show = true
@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ set hookOutFile=trackassembly_init.lua
set hookBasPath=%~dp0
:: The path to the Lua eceutable including
set hookLuaPath=%1
set "hookLuaPath=%LUA_HOME%\bin\lua.exe"
:: The path to the log file. Folder must exist!
set hookLogFile=%2
set "hookLogFile=%TEMP%\commit_hook.log"
:: Where to read the revision file from
set hookCpyPath=%hookBasPath%..\..\..\..\lua\autorun
@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ echo Cleanup pieces manager buid...>>%hookLogFile%
rd /s /q %hookPimMath%\bin
rd /s /q %hookPimMath%\obj
del %hookPimMath%\peaces_manager.layout
timeout 500
exit 0
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ local asmlib = trackasmlib; if(not asmlib) then -- Module present
------------ CONFIGURE ASMLIB ------------
asmlib.SetIndexes("V" ,1,2,3)
asmlib.SetIndexes("A" ,1,2,3)
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ local conElements = asmlib.GetContainer("LIST_VGUI")
local conWorkMode = asmlib.GetContainer("WORK_MODE")
conWorkMode:Push("SNAP" ) -- General spawning and snapping mode
conWorkMode:Push("CROSS") -- Ray cross intersect interpolation
conWorkMode:Push("CURVE") -- Catmull–Rom spline interpolation fitting
conWorkMode:Push("CURVE") -- Catmull-Rom spline interpolation fitting
conWorkMode:Push("OVER" ) -- Trace normal ray location piece flip-snap
conWorkMode:Push("TURN" ) -- Produces smoother turns with Bezier curve
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ if(CLIENT) then
asmlib.ToIcon("dsvlist_extdb" , "database_go" )
asmlib.ToIcon("workmode_snap" , "plugin" ) -- General spawning and snapping mode
asmlib.ToIcon("workmode_cross" , "chart_line" ) -- Ray cross intersect interpolation
asmlib.ToIcon("workmode_curve" , "vector" ) -- Catmull–Rom curve line segment fitting
asmlib.ToIcon("workmode_curve" , "vector" ) -- Catmull-Rom curve line segment fitting
asmlib.ToIcon("workmode_over" , "shape_move_back" ) -- Trace normal ray location piece flip-spawn
asmlib.ToIcon("workmode_turn" , "arrow_turn_right") -- Produces smoother turns with Bezier curve
asmlib.ToIcon("property_type" , "package_green" )
@ -272,6 +272,29 @@ function IsPlayer(oPly)
return true
function GetOwner(oEnt)
if(not (oEnt and oEnt:IsValid())) then return nil end
local set, ows = oEnt.OnDieFunctions
-- Use CPPI first when installed. If fails search down
ows = ((CPPI and oEnt.CPPIGetOwner) and oEnt:CPPIGetOwner() or nil)
if(IsPlayer(ows)) then return ows else ows = nil end
-- Try the direct entity methods. Extract owner from functios
ows = (oEnt.GetOwner and oEnt:GetOwner() or nil)
if(IsPlayer(ows)) then return ows else ows = nil end
ows = (oEnt.GetCreator and oEnt:GetCreator() or nil)
if(IsPlayer(ows)) then return ows else ows = nil end
-- Try then various entity internal key values
ows = oEnt.player; if(IsPlayer(ows)) then return ows else ows = nil end
ows = oEnt.Owner; if(IsPlayer(ows)) then return ows else ows = nil end
ows = oEnt.owner; if(IsPlayer(ows)) then return ows else ows = nil end
if(set) then -- Duplicatior die functions are registered
set = set.GetCountUpdate; ows = (set.Args and set.Args[1] or nil)
if(IsPlayer(ows)) then return ows else ows = nil end
set = set.undo1; ows = (set.Args and set.Args[1] or nil)
if(IsPlayer(ows)) then return ows else ows = nil end
end; return nil -- No owner is found. Nothing is returned
function IsOther(oEnt)
if(not IsHere(oEnt)) then return true end
if(not IsEntity(oEnt)) then return true end
@ -1587,8 +1587,8 @@ function TOOL:Reload(stTrace)
local trRec = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(trEnt:GetModel())
if(asmlib.IsHere(trRec) and trEnt:GetCreator() == ply) then trEnt:Remove()
asmlib.LogInstance("(Prop) Remove piece",gtLogs); return true
if(asmlib.IsHere(trRec) and (asmlib.GetOwner(trEnt) == ply or ply:IsAdmin())) then
trEnt:Remove(); asmlib.LogInstance("(Prop) Remove piece",gtLogs); return true
end; asmlib.LogInstance("(Prop) Success",gtLogs)
end; return false
@ -11,95 +11,64 @@ setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set gmadGitHEAD=
set gmadRevPath=%~dp0
set gmadNameLOG=gmad_log.txt
set gmadNameGIT=gmad_git.txt
set gmadName=TrackAssemblyTool
set gmadCommits=https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/%gmadName%/commit/
set gmadPathGIT=D:\Git\bin
set gmadBinPath=F:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\bin
set gmadADTools=%gmadRevPath%data\trackassembly\tools
set "gmadPathGIT=%GIT_HOME%\bin\git.exe"
set gmadBinPath=%GMOD_HOME%\bin
set "gmadADTools=%gmadRevPath%data\trackassembly\tools"
set "gmadTime=%date% %time%"
set gmadID=287012681
set gmadDirs=(lua resource)
set gmadLogs=
set gmadCRLF=^
:: New line is actually needed when escaped
title Addon %gmadName% updater/publisher
echo Press Crtl+C to terminate !
echo Press a key if you do not want to wait !
echo Rinning in %gmadRevPath%.
echo Npp Find --\h{1,}\n-- replace --\n-- in dos format before commit !
:: Extract repository source contents
rd /S /Q !gmadRevPath!Workshop
del !gmadRevPath!!gmadNameLOG!
echo Press Crtl+C to terminate^^!
echo Press a key if you do not want to wait^^!
echo Rinning in: %gmadRevPath%
echo Npp Find --\h{1,}\n-- replace --\n-- in dos format before commit^^!
echo Extracting repository source contents^^!
if exist !gmadNameLOG! del !gmadNameLOG!
if exist !gmadNameGIT! del !gmadNameGIT!
if exist Workshop rd /S /Q Workshop
timeout 5
md %gmadRevPath%Workshop\!gmadName!
md "%gmadRevPath%Workshop\!gmadName!" >> !gmadNameLOG!
for %%i in %gmadDirs% do (
echo Extracting %%i
timeout 3
xcopy !gmadRevPath!%%i !gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!\%%i /EXCLUDE:!gmadADTools!\workshop\key.txt /E /C /I /F /R /Y
echo Exporting addon content: %%i
call xcopy "!gmadRevPath!%%i" "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!\%%i" /EXCLUDE:!gmadADTools!\workshop\key.txt /E /C /I /F /R /Y >> !gmadNameLOG!
call copy !gmadADTools!\workshop\addon.json !gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!\addon.json
call !gmadBinPath!\gmad.exe create -folder "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!" -out "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!.gma"
call copy "!gmadADTools!\workshop\addon.json" "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!\addon.json" >> !gmadNameLOG!
call "!gmadBinPath!\gmad.exe" create -folder "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!" -out "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!.gma" >> !gmadNameLOG!
:: Obtain the latest commit hash from the repository
call !gmadPathGIT!\git.exe rev-parse HEAD>!gmadNameLOG!
call set /p gmadGitHEAD=<!gmadNameLOG!
call del !gmadRevPath!!gmadNameLOG!
echo Obtain the latest repository commit log^^!
:: Obtain the log message from the latest revision
call echo !gmadTime!>!gmadNameLOG!
call echo.>>!gmadNameLOG!
call echo !gmadCommits!!gmadGitHEAD!>>!gmadNameLOG!
call echo. >> !gmadNameLOG!
for /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('call "!gmadPathGIT!" rev-parse HEAD') do (set "gmadGitHEAD=%%i")
!gmadPathGIT!\git.exe log -1 --pretty=%%B>>!gmadNameLOG!
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('type !gmadNameLOG!') do (
IF DEFINED gmadLogs (
set "gmadLogs=!gmadLogs!!gmadCRLF!%%i"
) ELSE (
set "gmadLogs=%%i"
:: Publish if ID is available or create if it is not.
echo .
echo .
echo .
echo .
echo !gmadLogs!
echo .
call echo !gmadTime! >> !gmadNameGIT!
call echo. >> !gmadNameGIT!
call echo !gmadCommits!!gmadGitHEAD! >> !gmadNameGIT!
call echo. >> !gmadNameGIT!
call "!gmadPathGIT!" log -1 >> !gmadNameGIT!
timeout 15
call !gmadBinPath!\gmpublish.exe update -addon "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!.gma" -id "!gmadID!" -icon "!gmadADTools!\pictures\icon.jpg" -changes "Generated by batch !"
) ELSE (
call !gmadBinPath!\gmpublish.exe create -addon "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!.gma" -icon "!gmadADTools!\pictures\icon.jpg"
if defined gmadID (
call "!gmadBinPath!\gmpublish.exe" update -addon "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!.gma" -id "!gmadID!" -icon "!gmadADTools!\pictures\icon.jpg" -changes "Generated by batch" >> !gmadNameLOG!
) else (
call "!gmadBinPath!\gmpublish.exe" create -addon "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!.gma" -icon "!gmadADTools!\pictures\icon.jpg" >> !gmadNameLOG!
:: Tell the user we are done and clean-up the directory
echo !gmadName! Published^^!
rd /S /Q !gmadRevPath!Workshop
call "%WINDIR%\System32\notepad.exe" "!gmadRevPath!!gmadNameGIT!"
echo !gmadName! Published !
timeout 500
echo Cleaning up the working directory^^!
:: Give a chance to copy the logs
del !gmadRevPath!!gmadNameLOG!
rd /S /Q "!gmadRevPath!Workshop"
del "!gmadRevPath!!gmadNameLOG!"
del "!gmadRevPath!!gmadNameGIT!"
exit 0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user