Added: Projection location is utilized in case only one node is active point

Updated: Drawing HUD to include ray projection
This commit is contained in:
Deyan Dobromirov 2022-08-09 15:21:20 +03:00
parent ea73412e4d
commit e6e6287886
3 changed files with 42 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ local asmlib = trackasmlib; if(not asmlib) then -- Module present
------------ CONFIGURE ASMLIB ------------
asmlib.SetIndexes("V" ,1,2,3)
asmlib.SetIndexes("A" ,1,2,3)

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@ -4215,6 +4215,18 @@ function GetTraceEntityPoint(trEnt, ivPoID, nLen)
return utilTraceLine(trDt), trDt
* Projects a point over a defined ray
* vO > Ray origin location
* vD > Ray direction vector
* vP > Position vector to be projected
function ProjectRay(vO, vD, vP)
local vR = Vector(vP); vR:Sub(vO)
local nD = vD:Dot(vR); vR:Set(vD); vR:Mul(nD)
return vR -- Return ray projection point
* This function calculates 3x3 determinant of the arguments below
* Takes three row vectors as arguments:

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@ -781,20 +781,30 @@ function TOOL:SelectModel(sModel)
asmlib.LogInstance("Success <"..sModel..">",gtLogs); return true
function TOOL:GetNodeIntersect(iD, bM)
function TOOL:GetCurveNodeActive(iD, bM)
local ply = self:GetOwner()
local tC = asmlib.GetCacheCurve(ply)
if(iD <= 1) then -- Cannot chose first ID to intersect
if(not bM) then asmlib.Notify(ply,"Node intersect uses first !","ERROR") end; return end
if(not bM) then asmlib.Notify(ply,"Node point uses prev !","ERROR") end; return end
if(iD >= tC.Size) then -- Cannot chose last ID to intersect
if(not bM) then asmlib.Notify(ply,"Node intersect uses final !","ERROR") end; return end
local tS = tC.Rays[iD - 1]; if(not tS[3]) then -- Read previous ray
if(not bM) then asmlib.Notify(ply,"Node intersect wrong past !","ERROR") end; return end
local tE = tC.Rays[iD + 1]; if(not tE[3]) then -- Read next ray
if(not bM) then asmlib.Notify(ply,"Node intersect wrong next !","ERROR") end; return end
local sD, eD = tS[2]:Forward(), tE[2]:Forward()
local f1, f2, x1, x2, xx = asmlib.IntersectRayPair(tS[1], sD, tE[1], eD)
return xx -- Both are active ponts and return ray intersection
if(not bM) then asmlib.Notify(ply,"Node point uses next !","ERROR") end; return end
local iS, iE = (iD - 1), (iD + 1) -- Previous and next node indeces
local tS, tE = tC.Rays[iS], tC.Rays[iE] -- Previous and next node rays
if(tS and tE) then
local sD, eD = tS[2]:Forward(), tE[2]:Forward()
local f1, f2, x1, x2, xx = asmlib.IntersectRayPair(tS[1], sD, tE[1], eD)
return xx, true -- Both are active ponts and return ray intersection
if(tS) then -- Previous is an active point
if(not bM) then asmlib.Notify(ply,"Node projection prev !","HINT") end
return asmlib.ProjectRay(tS[1], tS[2]:Forward(), tC.Node[iD]), false
elseif(tE) then -- Next is an active point
if(not bM) then asmlib.Notify(ply,"Node projection next !","HINT") end
return asmlib.ProjectRay(tE[1], tE[2]:Forward(), tC.Node[iD]), false
else -- None of the previous and next nodes are active points
if(not bM) then asmlib.Notify(ply,"Node intersect wrong ray !","ERROR") end; return end
function TOOL:CurveClear(bAll, bMute)
@ -919,7 +929,7 @@ function TOOL:CurveUpdate(stTrace, bPnt, bMute)
tC.Rays[mD][3] = (tData.POA ~= nil)
-- Adjust node according to intersection
if(bPnt and not tData.POA) then
local xx = self:GetNodeIntersect(mD)
local xx = self:GetCurveNodeActive(mD)
if(xx) then
tC.Norm[mD]:Set(tC.Norm[mD - 1])
@ -1920,11 +1930,16 @@ function TOOL:DrawCurveNode(oScreen, oPly, stTrace)
local xyN = tC.Node[mD]:ToScreen()
oScreen:DrawLine(xyO, xyN, "r")
if(bPnt and not tData.POA) then
local xx = self:GetNodeIntersect(mD, true)
local xx, sx = self:GetCurveNodeActive(mD, true)
if(xx) then
local xyX = xx:ToScreen()
oScreen:DrawLine(xyX, xyH, "ry")
oScreen:DrawCircle(xyX, asmlib.GetViewRadius(oPly, xx), "b")
if(sx) then
oScreen:DrawLine(xyX, xyH, "ry")
oScreen:DrawCircle(xyX, asmlib.GetViewRadius(oPly, xx), "b")
oScreen:DrawLine(xyX, xyH, "ry")
oScreen:DrawCircle(xyX, asmlib.GetViewRadius(oPly, xx), "g")