Updated: Date/Time handlers
Updated: Variables reset
Renamed: StevenTechno's first pack to `1.0`
Added: Category extractor and name manipulator for ST's buildings 2.0
Added: Context menu on/off convar server controlled
Renamed: Flag `en_context_menu` to `tg_context_menu`
Renamed: Flag `en_dsv_exdblock` to `en_dsv_datalock`
Added: Global callback remover hash suffix related to the file source
Updated: Wire extension using the new way for making callbacks
Updated: Log output file is now a dedicated flag `en_logging_file`
Relocated: Value related functions to the top of the module
Updated: SetLogControl
Optimized: Overall log stream handling
Fixed: Scoping of file names in the DSV related folder `sNam` -> `sCur`
Removed: Extra revision sym exported to the DSV list
Updated: DSV is deleted first and list view is cleared second
Fixed: DSV external database manipulation panel crashing when no DSV list is present
Changed: The DSV plugable external databases manipulation panel is now square
Fixed: Some menu `SERVER` side internals report empty on `CLIENT`
Fixed: Wire extension `trackasmlibApplyPhysicalAnchor`
Added: Skill-icons hashing format system
Added: Dedicated developer menu for external DBs managment ( E + MRight )
Added: Context menu available for all entities ( if enabled )
Added: Tool hash flag control system
Added: No-Collide world constraint using a ragdoll AdvBallsoket joint
Added: Pieces constraint control to the context menu
Added: Translations for the new dedicated external DBs menu
Updated: Tool frequent pieces menu without using containers
Updated: Incremental snap is now a library function
* Added: Context menu list
* Fixed: GetPhrase not working on the server
Replaced: TAB auto-fill with context menu option
Added: Requirement `gamemode.Call` is nice to be called
* Added: Control label for `bgskingid`
Added: Entity and ID transfer routine
* Removed: Dedicated space from translations of `pn_routine_hd`
* Fixed: Switched values of `model` and `model_con`
Fixed: The proper name of `phyname` instead of `physmater`
Fixed: Transfer method does not recieve reference to `self`
Added: Translation hash for `phyname_con`
Added: Context menu for `model`, `freeze`, `gravity`
Added: Trimming of `:` and spaces in the context menu
Added: Con-var callback for updating `phyname` dedicated combo box in the control panel
* Fixed: Russian swapped control and description
Renamed: `Freeze on spawn` to `Freeze piece`
* Updated: Freezing a piece is bind to `EnableMotion` and switched to `motion`
* Added: CLIENT/SERVER function evaluation data ID 3
* Optimized: `GetDirectoryObj` using a local reference `pList`
* Updated: Context menu
* Version sync with master