Updated: User exit fail-safe when adding DSV

This commit is contained in:
dvdvideo1234 2023-05-04 23:30:50 +03:00
parent 85e6c62cb4
commit 67df03736a

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@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ local asmlib = trackasmlib; if(not asmlib) then -- Module present
------------ CONFIGURE ASMLIB ------------
asmlib.SetIndexes("V" ,1,2,3)
asmlib.SetIndexes("A" ,1,2,3)
@ -785,11 +785,16 @@ if(CLIENT) then
local nID, pnRow = pnListView:GetSelectedLine()
local tDat, sMis = {}, asmlib.GetOpVar("MISS_NOAV")
for iV = 1, tpText.Size do tDat[iV] = tpText[iV]:GetValue() end
tDat[1] = ((tDat[1] ~= nil) and tostring(tDat[1]) or "X"):Trim():sub(1,1)
tDat[1] = ((tDat[1] == "V" or tDat[1] == "X") and tDat[1] or "X"):Trim()
tDat[2] = ((tDat[2] ~= nil) and tostring(tDat[2]) or ""):Trim()
tDat[3] = ((tDat[3] ~= nil) and tostring(tDat[3]) or sMis):Trim()
tDat[3] = (asmlib.IsBlank(tDat[3]) and sMis or tDat[3]):Trim()
-- Active line. Contains X/V
tDat[1] = tostring(tDat[1] or "X")
tDat[1] = (tDat[1]:Trim():upper():sub(1,1))
tDat[1] = ((tDat[1] == "V") and "V" or "X")
-- Database unique prefix. Contains non-spaces
tDat[2] = tostring(tDat[2] or "")
tDat[2] = tDat[2]:Trim():gsub("[^%w]","_")
-- Additional information. It can be anything
tDat[3] = tostring(tDat[3] or ""):Trim()
tDat[3] = (asmlib.IsBlank(tDat[3]) and sMis or tDat[3])
if(not asmlib.IsBlank(tDat[1]) and not asmlib.IsBlank(tDat[2])) then
if(nID and nID > 0 and pnRow and not tpText[1].m_NewDSV) then local iU = 1
while(pnRow.Columns[iU]) do pnRow:SetColumnText(iU, tDat[iU]); iU = iU + 1 end