Added: A CLOSE-CALL :D For opened Luapad

This commit is contained in:
dvdvideo1234 2023-06-01 15:33:24 +03:00
parent 6f8a28eebf
commit b5607d5c78
2 changed files with 18 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ local asmlib = trackasmlib; if(not asmlib) then -- Module present
------------ CONFIGURE ASMLIB ------------
asmlib.SetIndexes("V" ,1,2,3)
asmlib.SetIndexes("A" ,1,2,3)
@ -955,6 +955,8 @@ if(CLIENT) then
luapad.AddTab("[CATEGORY]"..pnSelf:GetText(), fileRead(sCat, "DATA"), sDsv);
luapad.Frame:SetVisible(true); luapad.Frame:Center()
luapad.Frame:MakePopup(); conElements:Push({luapad.Frame})
function() fileDelete(sFile)

View File

@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ function TOOL:LeftClick(stTrace)
asmlib.LogInstance("Trace missing",gtLogs); return false end
if(not stTrace.Hit) then -- Do not do stuff when there is nothing hit
asmlib.LogInstance("Trace not hit",gtLogs); return false end
local poQueue = asmlib.GetQueue("THINK")
local poQueue = asmlib.GetQueue("THINK")
local user = self:GetOwner()
local trEnt = stTrace.Entity
local weld = self:GetWeld()
@ -1518,7 +1518,7 @@ function TOOL:Reload(stTrace)
if(not stTrace) then
asmlib.LogInstance("Invalid trace",gtLogs); return false end
local trEnt = stTrace.Entity
local user = self:GetOwner()
local user = self:GetOwner()
local workmode = self:GetWorkingMode()
local bfover = self:IsFlipOver()
local upspanchor = self:GetUpSpawnAnchor()
@ -1599,7 +1599,7 @@ function TOOL:Holster()
function TOOL:UpdateGhostFlipOver(stTrace, sPos, sAng)
local atGho = asmlib.GetOpVar("ARRAY_GHOST")
local atGho = asmlib.GetOpVar("ARRAY_GHOST")
local tE, nE = self:GetFlipOver(true, true)
if(tE and self:IsFlipOver()) then
local nextx , nexty , nextz = self:GetPosOffsets()
@ -1776,14 +1776,18 @@ function TOOL:Think()
local model = self:GetModel()
if(utilIsValidModel(model)) then
local workmode = self:GetWorkingMode()
if(CLIENT) then -- Precache the model or it is invalid otherwise
local bOld = asmlib.IsFlag("old_close_frame", asmlib.IsFlag("new_close_frame"))
local bNew = asmlib.IsFlag("new_close_frame", inputIsKeyDown(KEY_E))
if(not bOld and bNew and inputIsKeyDown(KEY_LALT)) then
local pnFrame = conElements:Pull() -- Retrieve a panel from the stack
if(IsValid(pnFrame)) then pnFrame:Close() end -- Call close on it !
end -- Shortcut for closing the routine pieces. A `close` call, get it :D
if(CLIENT) then
local bO = asmlib.IsFlag("old_close_frame", asmlib.IsFlag("new_close_frame"))
local bN = asmlib.IsFlag("new_close_frame", inputIsKeyDown(KEY_E))
if(not bO and bN and inputIsKeyDown(KEY_LALT)) then
local oD = conElements:Pull() -- Retrieve a panel from the stack
if(asmlib.IsTable(oD)) then oD = oD[1] -- Extract panel from table
if(IsValid(oD)) then oD:SetVisible(false) end -- Make it invisible
else -- The temporary reference is not table then close it
if(IsValid(oD)) then oD:Close() end -- A `close` call, get it :D
end -- Shortcut for closing the routine pieces
end -- Front trigget for closing panels
end -- This is client closing the routine pieces