Added: Database entries for `Hanging catwalks`
Updated: Utilize `LocalToWorld` when calculating additional offsets
Updated: Track pieces name beautifier
Changed: Hover trigger convar is no shared
Changed: Drawing POA takes the point with priority to origin when provided
Updated: POA drawing now properly applies perspective on point ID
Updated: Trace entity points filter and data
Added: CAP catwalks where applicable
Removed: Open frame manual collect-garbage as not needed
Fixed: Issue #31 and improved accuracy
Added: Portal catwalk
Added: Grid snapper and value snapper
Added: Snap assist will now draw point ID
Removed: Button argument from snap buttons
Utilized: `SetUnpacked` as it is faster
Improved: Offsets for PHX cross X
Improved: Other minor improvements
Fixed: Color picker does not update the state correctly
Updated: Enable passing world to physical anchor set
Updated: Anchor set/clear now accepts world-spawn
Added: Library function for populating tool information
Moved: Factory reset to admin control panel
Fixed: Player cannot longer remove other players stuff
Fixed: Regular right-click point not working
Fixed: Client convar methods returning `GetAsmConvar`
Fixed: Slider buttons with proper panel and utilizing buttons count
Added: Make the button sliders recognizable
Added: Error-no-halt for development in header
Updated: Switch translation to use Lua tables and hashes
Updated: Loging in case of incorrect parameters via `GetReport`
Removed: Server control conditions for some server CVARs
Added: Automatic borders and control value for slider menus
Added: Borders and slider defaut are taken by cascade condition
Added: Convar name expand and process via `GetNameExp`
Added: Dedicated routine for Sliders checkboxes and buttons
Added: Dedicated routines for sliders and check-boxes
Added: Dynamic translation over constant English strings
Added: Error controls when creating panels
Added: Panel internal identifiers being printed in the log
Added: Retrieve min/max for assembly convar values
Added: TOTO stuff
Added: When trace entity is phys prop but not a track creates spawn
Changed: combo boxes and text entries tall is now `25`
Fixed: Apply colors update for combo boxes from the derma skin
Fixed: Apply translations for user and admin configuration panels
Fixed: Creating slider log is shown only once on data found
Fixed: Default panel tall is 22
Fixed: Docking on the top fro button-sliders
Fixed: Some convars have missing or incorrect borders
Fixed: Some typos in Bulgarian
Fixed: Spawn rate default is `1` and amx is 10 to reduce lag
Fixed: Translations and icons for database mode and bnderrmod
Fixed: Use local instead of global identifiers for library actions and commands
Removed the variables that are not used
Removed: External log argument for hook identifier as not needed
Reverted: Copying data from combo boxes deleted by mistake
Updated: Ghosting and HUD draw according to above condition
Updated: Language is change with a dedicated routine
Updated: Memory manager panel padding
Updated: use dynamic translations for tool control options
Utilize: GetReport# in some cases for better log readability
Fixed: Workshop ID is not being matched by DSV generator
Added: Dedicated matching patterns for autorun exports
Updated: Autorun generator base file
Utilized: Missed TYPE in phys-properties records
Utilized: Table record triggers on synchronize
Fixed: Point assist flag can not properly disable all assistance
Updated: Readability and return value of `GetCacheSpawn`
Added: Forced skipping origin circle drawing for `SCREEN:DrawPOA`
Added: Triggering active point boolean return value for `GetCurveTransform`
Added: Missing player notification for stack attempts
Added: Dedicated tool method for drawing spawn systems
Ordered: Queue argument by line length
Removed: Queue arguments for entity pointer `NEW` as it is not needed anymore
Updated: Player notifications strings
Updated: Some different colors for drawing elements
Optimized: Ghosts for curving reading `engcurve` when the curve is validated
Optimized: The general calculation and handling of `DrawHUD` routine