How do I hide bones?
You can't. The closest thing would be to set the bones size to 0.01. If you set the bone size to 0 it would stop functioning as a bone. See "how do I headhack?" for a more detailed explanation.
How do you make the player invisible?
Add the entity part and set its alpha to 0. The entity part acts like a model part, but it controls your player model instead. If you see eyes and mouth you can set the material to something random as a workaround. You can also use hide entity but it uses a different method of hiding the player which can cause some issues.
How do I do a headhack?
- Make your player invisible.
- Add both ragdoll models and check bone merge on both.
- Change the head ragdoll size to 0.01 so it will become extremely skinny.
- Add a head bone to the head ragdoll and size it to 1000 so it will look like a stick man.
- On the body ragoll add a head bone and change its size until you cant see it anymore.
That's the basics of it. Try not to change the head size to 0.001 because it will mess up the neck.
Where are outfits stored?
In garrysmod/data/pac3_outfits. I advise you to make backups of that folder up every now and then.
What is autoload?
When you are saving your PAC, You see "autoload". Autoload means that the PAC You have autoload on, Will automatically load when you spawn.
Are there any hot keys?
"CTRL + E" = focus toggle + hide the editor "ALT + E" = focus toggle
"CTRL + M" = save group
"CTRL + N" = wear group
"CTRL + Z" = undo
"CTRL + SHIFT + Z" = redo
"UP" = zoom in "DOWN" = zoom out
These keys alters property editor behavior if you hold them down:
"SHIFT" = change all numbers in a vector
"CTRL" = round number
"ALT" = more precision
- Complete Outfit Examples
- Custom Models
- In Depth Guide to Bringing Custom Models and Textures into PAC3 (2019 Revised)
- PAC in gamemodes
- Converting gamebryo models
- Converting source models
- Playing sounds using the animation event
- Video Tutorials
- Hosting Custom Content on GitHub
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