4 Converting gamebryo models
CapsAdmin edited this page 2013-05-22 10:26:14 -07:00

Fallout and The elder scrolls series has a lot of models you can use in PAC. You just need to convert the models first.

These are the programs we're going to use for this:

DDS files are textures and it may be easier to get a DDS plugin for photoshop if you already have that installed. I personally use sagethumbs for converting and and gimp for editing. For this mini tutorial we're just going to be using sagethumbs.

This also requires you to upload the converted files to some place. See Using Dropbox if you want to use dropbox for it.

There's a few websites you can get custom content off of. We're going to be using a mod one of the http://nexusmods.com/ websites for skyrim.

1. Download the mod

Go to http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35577 and download the mod. You need to register if you want to download files above 2 MB.

2. Find the model in the archive

Open up the zip file, find the data folder and go to meshes. The nif files should be somewhere in there.

If you can't find a data folder or meshes folder, the mod may be packaged into some sort of mod manager archive. You'll need to extract that yourself. I won't cover this here. There should be plenty of tutorials on how to do this on the internet.

3. Convert to .obj

Once you've found the nif file open it up with nifskope.

From nifskope you pretty much just do file -> export -> obj

Then upload it somewhere. See Using Dropbox if you want to use dropbox for it.

4. Use it in game

Once you've gotten the link use it in the model field and it should look like this (with minor adjustments) It's error texture because we didn't convert and upload the texture yet.

5. Find the texture

The texture should be in the obvious texture folder. If not see step 2 again.

With sagethumbs installed they should be showing up as thumbnails.

(dunno why the 3 others aren't showing though lol)

_d stands for diffuse which is the color (this is what you want for now) _m stands for mask which is used for environment maps (such as cubemaps in source) _n stands for normal

Right click the _d texture and convert it to .jpg. Sagethumbs should place a jpg in the same directory.

6. Use the texture in game

It looks a little bland like this because you're not using normal maps or anything.

7. Using the normal map

First of all, if you're a regular user of PAC, you should have advanced mode on by default. The basic mode is just for people who are completely new to PAC and it's nicer to use for tutorials like this. If it's off, enable it.

Cut the texture link out of the material field in model Add a material part inside the model Paste the link inside the base texture field.

Convert the _n dds file and put it in the bump map field Convert the _m dds file and put it in the env map mask field

for more information on valve materials, see their wiki