6 Beginners FAQ
CapsAdmin edited this page 2013-09-03 03:26:17 -07:00

How do I open the PAC3 editor?

Hold down C to enter the context menu, click on PAC Editor underneath Player Model.

Open the spawnmenu, go to the options tab on the right, click on PAC3 in the list and then click on show editor.

Type pac_editor in console

How do I move the camera around in PAC3?

The camera in PAC3 is just like noclip in gmod. You use WASD to move the camera around. You can use the up and down arrows on your keyboard to zoom in and out as well.

How do I make a part?

Right click in the tree and select a part. Parts should be in groups, so if you don't have a group create one, right click that and add a part.

How do I edit bones?

To edit outfit owner/your bones add bones to the group part, or the entity part if you're using that. If you want to modify the bones of a part just add add bones into the part itself.

How do I choose a model?

Click on the "..." box to bring up the browser.

From the spawn menu you can click on a prop and it should replace the model. If it doesn't (because the server doesn't allow you to spawn models (yeah it's hacky)) you can right click on the model select copy to clipboard

and paste it in the model field

How do I use custom content?

To use a custom model, use an url as model path.

To use a custom texture, use png or jpg url as material path.

To use a custom sound, you need to enable advanced mode and create the ogg part. Sounds require events to play and I don't want to cover that on this page.

How do I make the model follow something other than the head?

Left click on the "..." button in the bone property.

It should give you a world selection of bones like this:

Right click on the "..." button in the bone property would give you a selection/list of bones like this:

When you see the bone you want, you click once and then select the bone out of the circle list.

You can also right click on the "..." button to get a more standard list.