4 Complete Outfit Examples
CapsAdmin edited this page 2013-07-03 04:42:38 -07:00

PAC3 already comes with a bunch of examples that should let you know how to do things like custom spray and making pets. This page is intended for people who already know to make outfits, but are curious on how I work with PAC or just want to see something different for inspirational purposes. I would much rather have you make your own outfits rather than taking existing outfits. (I would love to see mine remixed though!)

However, you can download outfits I've made here, which is a live version of my public pac3 folder.


Some of them are pretty heavy outfits and shouldn't be used casually, but more in a specific context or for a short while.

And some of these use custom models from my dropbox so try not to use those as much (I don't want my dropbox account terminated because of high bandwidth usage)


combine/metal slug


robots/cleaning robot


mmorpg/mossman fiend
