2 Converting source models
CapsAdmin edited this page 2013-05-22 10:26:29 -07:00

We're probably familiar with the mdl format so there is no need to have much information about it.

These are the programs we're going to use for this:

This also requires you to upload the converted files to some place. See Using Dropbox if you want to use dropbox for it.

We'll use garrysmod.org for this.

1. Download a mod

Go to http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=134110 and download the mod.

2. Convert

Once you've got the zip and found the mdl file open it up with crafty.

From crafty just do file -> export

For textures it's pretty much the same. Just open up in VTFEdit and export to jpg or png.