Fixed: Transform POA attachment extraction crashing the game
Fixed: Ghosts not being removed when count is changed
Added: Current ghosts count control to tool panel
Added: Duplication flag `DoNotDuplicate = true` to prevent area-duplication
Added: Max ghosts count
Added: Maximum ghosts count control to admin panel
Changed: Bump the remove time frame to 1s
Removed: Ghosting count upper limit
Renamed: Callback internals
Update: Ghost array count calculation
Update: Ghost count upper limit to 2500
Utilize: Library function `SafeRemoveEntityDelayed`
Fixed: some of the comment typos
Fixed: Translate apply in slavic
Added: Var for library clipboard sharing
Updated: BAS with left and right click
Reduced: BAS call parameters
Removed: ELSE-case for TIP calculation
Fixed: Workshop ID `147812851` being split in two track types
Added: Lock file for extracting all addons `emd_parm_manag`
Added: Control for `START` and `END` extracting
Added: All supported addons in workshop ID list
Added: `ExportPanelDB` Writes the track type before every set
Improved: Pieces manager. Increase stack depth to 50K
Removed: Repeating define `SSTACK_STRLN`
Fixed: Default zero vector is overridden by ghosts position
Fixed: Work-mode spawn/snap not being translated in some cases
Added: Model view in frequent pieces
Added: Position is vector of (position or zero)
Updated: Second test reduce more locals
Removed: Formatting for custom translations. Tool uses properties
Removed: NaN vector check is not needed anymore
Updated: Use the correct DSV order for the command panel
Updated: DSV list manager control via context menu
Added: Translation for the new panels
Fixed: Some typos for English and Bulgarian
Fixed: Resize Y for whole BIS panel
Fixed: Panel DY was changed by `SetTall` method
Added: Lazy and precise `Set(Tall/Wide)`
Moved: Default value after memorize
Optimized: `Set(Tall/Wide)` number checks
Added: BIS dedicated custom panel
Added: BIS for more angles
Updated: SetButtonSlider to use BIS instead of parented panels
Updated: Main translations for more BIS options
Fixed: Dashes saves as UTF-8
Fixed: Integrated commit hook
Fixed: Switch TA initialization to ANSI
Improved: Better future support
Improved: The way script handles the owner
Updated: Keep code conversion
Updated: Version equalize
Updated: WS publish now calls integrated NP
Added: Commit hooks ENV variables initial commit
Added: Track assembly retrieve owner from entity
Removed: Hook `pre-commit.bat` timeout
Removed: Timeout at the execution end
Added: Conditional user spawn multy-tasking
Added: Method `QUEUE:Next` including `Retain` and `Remove`
Added: Wire module self tester
Added: Custom character support to file reader
Fixed: Ensure `\n` at the end of the generated autorun file
Fixed: Export autorun type doubling `\n` in the output
Removed: Function `asmlib.GetAngleXY`. Use `ATAN2` instead
Renamed: Method `QUEUE:Execute` to `Work`
Updated: Base file for autorun exports
Updated: External automatic DSV track pack generators
Updated: Error handling and status in separate functions
Updated: TABLEMAKER:Match using local variable