Fixed: Track assembly data folder gets merged with the Gmod data folder
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
set InpFile=tmp.lua
set OutFile=trackassembly_init.lua
set BasPath=%~dp0
set LuaPath=%1
set LogFile=%2
set CpyPath=%BasPath%..\..\lua\autorun
set FrmEnds=UNX
echo Base: %BasPath%> %LogFile%
echo Lua : %LuaPath%>> %LogFile%
copy %CpyPath%\%OutFile% %CpyPath%\%InpFile%
echo Calling %LuaPath%\lua.exe>>%LogFile%
echo Call[0]: %BasPath%pre-commit.lua>>%LogFile%
echo Call[1]: %CpyPath%>>%LogFile%
echo Call[2]: %OutFile%>>%LogFile%
echo Call[3]: %FrmEnds%>>%LogFile%
echo Call[4]: %LogFile%>>%LogFile%
call %LuaPath%\lua.exe %BasPath%pre-commit.lua %CpyPath% %OutFile% %FrmEnds% %LogFile%
del %BasPath%..\..\lua\autorun\tmp.lua
echo Cleanup pieces manager buid...>>%LogFile%
rd /s /q %BasPath%..\..\data\peaces_manager\bin
rd /s /q %BasPath%..\..\data\peaces_manager\obj
del %BasPath%..\..\data\peaces_manager\peaces_manager.layout
timeout 500
exit 0
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
:: The name of the temporary file
set hookInpFile=tmp.lua
:: The name of the modify file
set hookOutFile=trackassembly_init.lua
:: Current path of this batch file
set hookBasPath=%~dp0
:: The path to the Lua eceutable including
set hookLuaPath=%1
:: The path to the log file. Folder must exist!
set hookLogFile=%2
:: Where to read the revision file from
set hookCpyPath=%hookBasPath%..\..\..\..\lua\autorun
:: The path where pieces manager tool is located
set hookPimMath=%hookBasPath%..\peaces_manager
:: The output format of the revision file
set hookFrmEnds=UNX
echo Base: %hookBasPath%> %hookLogFile%
echo Lua : %hookLuaPath%>> %hookLogFile%
copy %hookCpyPath%\%hookOutFile% %hookCpyPath%\%hookInpFile%
echo Calling %hookLuaPath%>>%hookLogFile%
echo Call[0]: %hookBasPath%pre-commit.lua>>%hookLogFile%
echo Call[1]: %hookCpyPath%>>%hookLogFile%
echo Call[2]: %hookOutFile%>>%hookLogFile%
echo Call[3]: %hookFrmEnds%>>%hookLogFile%
echo Call[4]: %hookLogFile%>>%hookLogFile%
call %hookLuaPath% %hookBasPath%pre-commit.lua %hookCpyPath% %hookOutFile% %hookFrmEnds% %hookLogFile%
del %hookCpyPath%\%hookInpFile%
echo Cleanup pieces manager buid...>>%hookLogFile%
rd /s /q %hookPimMath%\bin
rd /s /q %hookPimMath%\obj
del %hookPimMath%\peaces_manager.layout
timeout 500
exit 0
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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
This page uses [url=]steam formatting[/url]. I prefer markdawn though.
[h1] Description [/h1]
This script can give you the ability to connect prop-segmented track pieces fast. It is optimized and brings the track building time consuming to a minimum. It uses pre-defined active points to snap the segments the best way there is in Garry's Mod
@ -12,17 +14,17 @@ This script can give you the ability to connect prop-segmented track pieces fast
[*] Track segment [url=]flip over mode for mirroring[/url] already created [url=]loops and curves[/url]
[*] Track segment [url=]curve node interpolation[/url] for building custom track layouts
[*] Track curve fitting aligment based on [url=]ray intersection for precise piece layout[/url]
[*] Extendable database via [url=]text file[/url] or a [url=]lua script[/url]
[*] Extendable database via [url=]text file load list[/url] and [url=]list prefixes[/url] [url=]categories[/url]
[*] Switching database storage between Lua table and SQL
[*] Spawning pieces on the map
[*] Extendable DB [url=]text file[/url] or a [url=]lua script[/url]
[*] Extendable DB [url=]text file load list[/url] and [url=]list prefixes[/url] [url=]categories[/url]
[*] Switching DB storage between [b]SQL[/b] for SQL mode and [b]LUA[/b] for Lua mode
[*] Spawning pieces on the map for creating custom track layouts
[*] Snapping pieces on the map surface ( if checked )
[*] Snapping/spawning with [url=]custom user offsets[/url]
[*] Snapping/spawning with zero pitch ( good for track leveling )
[*] Snapping/spawning at the mass-center or the active point ( if checked )
[*] Snapping the first piece yaw to user defined angle
[*] Snapping already spawned pieces by [url=]using only the physgun[/url]
[*] Fast changing the active track ends ( Alt + mouse scroll good switching turns direction )
[*] Fast changing the active track ends ( Alt + SCROLL good switching turns direction )
[*] Custom user defined active radius based snapping
[*] Custom active point and radius location assistant
[*] Custom active point position angle and orientation adviser
@ -56,6 +58,11 @@ E2 API:
One way turns problem:
If the tool database does not seem to be correct please reset the external
DSV by deleting the [url=]data/trackassembly[/url] folder!
Please remember to backup your personal pluggable DSV database if you have created any!
The DSV database is located in the [url=]data/trackassembly/dsv[/url] folder!
Reuploading and source stealing will not be tolerated !
Selling it is also out of option, as the open source suggests !
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ local gtInitLogs = {"*Init", false, 0}
------------ CONFIGURE ASMLIB ------------
asmlib.SetIndexes("V" ,1,2,3)
asmlib.SetIndexes("A" ,1,2,3)
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ pointing at a piece. Keep this maxed out if you don't want to bother with track
5. `Stack count` control value shows the maximum number of pieces to be snapped in `Stacking` mode.
Change this to something larger than one if you want to extend your track by stacking.
6. `Angular alignment` control
The slider is used to snap the first piece ( Requested by [Magnum]( )
The slider is used to snap the first piece ( Requested by [Magnum][ref-magnum] )
to a user-defined angle ( Usually `45` ) so that the track building process becomes easier. The
whole track build will be snapped also because you are building it relative to the first piece.
7. `Force limit` control ( Requested by `The Arbitor 90` ) defines the maximum force to be applied
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ additional user offset regarding the next track piece to be spawned.
#### What will happen if something gets updated?
First of all this FAQ will be UPDATED AS THE TOOL GOES. So everything that
the tool supports will be represented here as a manual or something.
More information I publish you can also find in [the wiki page here](
More information I publish you can also find in [the wiki page here][ref-wiki].
That's what is this FAQ for anyway ( Though most people don't bother to read it before asking )...
#### Which addons did you work on?
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ The ones that are **included** in Garry's mod do not have links and are marked b
* [Bobsters's two gauge rails](
* [Mr. Train's G-Gauge rails](
* Ron's 56 gauge rails ( Removed by the addon owner and [discontinued][ref-discontinued] )
* [Ron's 2ft track pack]( ( [Maintained by the owner]() )
* [Ron's 2ft track pack]( ( [Maintained by the owner][ref-maintained] )
* PHX Tubes **(INCLUDED)**
* [Magnum's second track pack]( ( Ignore, not designed as prop )
* [qwertyaaa's G Scale Track Pack](
@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ The ones that are **included** in Garry's mod do not have links and are marked b
* [Joe's track pack](
* [StevenTechno's Buildings pack 2.0](
* [Modular canal props]( ( Interior only )
* [Anyone's Horrible Trackpack]( ( [Maintained by the owner][ref-maintained] )
#### Where are the trains/vehicles[,](ref-easter) are there any of these?
Dude seriously, make them yourself, what's the point of playing Gmod then ... xD
@ -428,14 +429,17 @@ Yes, it does. You can find the manipulation panels description in the
That way you will upload some half-baked malicious tool, waste your time with stupid
things and confuse everybody with this so-called `unofficial` version of the Track assembly tool.
Not to mention that the stunned people ***will NOT GET ANY updates*** !
The best you can do is just point to the [original GIT repository](
The best you can do is just point to the [original GIT repository][ref-TA-GIT]
avoiding any version mismatches and confusions. So please don't upload the script to any other sites. ***[I mean it!](***
@ -450,13 +454,13 @@ avoiding any version mismatches and confusions. So please don't upload the scrip
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ set gmadName=TrackAssemblyTool
set gmadCommits=
set gmadPathGIT=D:\Git\bin
set gmadBinPath=F:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\bin
set gmadADTools=%gmadRevPath%data\trackassembly\tools
set "gmadTime=%date% %time%"
set gmadID=287012681
set gmadDirs=(lua)
@ -22,8 +23,7 @@ set gmadLogs=
set gmadCRLF=^
:: Ne new line is actually needed when escaped
:: New line is actually needed when escaped
title Addon %gmadName% updater/publisher
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ md %gmadRevPath%Workshop\!gmadName!
for %%i in %gmadDirs% do (
echo Extracting %%i
timeout 3
xcopy !gmadRevPath!%%i !gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!\%%i /EXCLUDE:!gmadRevPath!data\workshop\key.txt /E /C /I /F /R /Y
xcopy !gmadRevPath!%%i !gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!\%%i /EXCLUDE:!gmadADTools!\workshop\key.txt /E /C /I /F /R /Y
copy !gmadRevPath!data\workshop\addon.json !gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!\addon.json
copy !gmadADTools!\workshop\addon.json !gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!\addon.json
call !gmadBinPath!\gmad.exe create -folder "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!" -out "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!.gma"
:: Obtain the latest commit hash from the repository
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ for /f "delims=" %%i in ('type !gmadNameLOG!') do (
:: Publish if ID is available or create if it is not.
:: Publish if ID is available or create if it is not.
echo .
echo .
@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ echo .
timeout 15
call !gmadBinPath!\gmpublish.exe update -addon "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!.gma" -id "!gmadID!" -icon "!gmadRevPath!data\pictures\icon.jpg" -changes "Generated by batch !"
call !gmadBinPath!\gmpublish.exe update -addon "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!.gma" -id "!gmadID!" -icon "!gmadADTools!\pictures\icon.jpg" -changes "Generated by batch !"
) ELSE (
call !gmadBinPath!\gmpublish.exe create -addon "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!.gma" -icon "!gmadRevPath!data\pictures\icon.jpg"
call !gmadBinPath!\gmpublish.exe create -addon "!gmadRevPath!Workshop\!gmadName!.gma" -icon "!gmadADTools!\pictures\icon.jpg"
:: Tell the user we are done and clean-up the directory