Closes: Issue #33

Fixed: PHX `Switch Right` not having sequential ends
Fixed: Drastically reduce the context menu security notification times
This commit is contained in:
Deyan Dobromirov 2021-11-03 14:12:04 +02:00
parent 86cb0ab40f
commit e077a9ef27
2 changed files with 26 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ local asmlib = trackasmlib; if(not asmlib) then -- Module present
------------ CONFIGURE ASMLIB ------------
asmlib.SetIndexes("V" ,1,2,3)
asmlib.SetIndexes("A" ,1,2,3)
@ -1393,12 +1393,16 @@ local conContextMenu = asmlib.GetContainer("CONTEXT_MENU")
if(SERVER) then
-- [1] : End time to send the client request
-- [2] : End time to draw the user notification
local function PopulateEntity(nLen, oPly)
local dTim = asmlib.GetOpVar("MSDELTA_SEND")
local tHov = asmlib.GetOpVar("HOVER_TRIGGER")
local pTim, cTim = tHov[oPly], SysTime()
if(not pTim) then tHov[oPly], pTim = cTim, cTim end -- Allocate player
if(dTim == 0 or (dTim > 0 and cTim > (pTim + dTim))) then tHov[oPly] = cTim
local pTim, cTim, nDel = tHov[oPly], SysTime(), 15
if(not pTim) then pTim = {cTim, (nDel + cTim)}; tHov[oPly] = pTim end
if(dTim == 0 or (dTim > 0 and cTim > (pTim[1] + dTim))) then
if(cTim > pTim[2]) then pTim[2] = (cTim + nDel) end
pTim[1] = cTim -- Raise the flag to notify the flooding client
local oEnt, sLog = netReadEntity(), "*POPULATE_ENTITY"
local sNoA = asmlib.GetOpVar("MISS_NOAV") -- Default drawn string
local sTyp, nIdx = oEnt:GetClass(),oEnt:EntIndex()
@ -1409,13 +1413,18 @@ if(SERVER) then
if(type(wDraw) == "function") then -- Check when the value is function
local bS, vE = pcall(wDraw, oEnt); vE = tostring(vE) -- Always being string
if(not bS) then oEnt:SetNWString(sKey, sNoA)
asmlib.LogInstance("Request"..asmlib.GetReport2(sKey,iD).." fail: "..vE, sLog); return end
asmlib.LogInstance("Handler"..asmlib.GetReport2(sKey,iD,vE), sLog)
oEnt:SetNWString(sKey, vE) -- Write networked value to the hover entity
asmlib.LogInstance("Handler"..asmlib.GetReport2(sKey,iD).." fail: "..vE, sLog)
asmlib.LogInstance("Handler"..asmlib.GetReport3(sKey,iD,vE), sLog)
oEnt:SetNWString(sKey, vE) -- Write networked value to the hover entity
asmlib.Notify(oPly,"Do not rush the context menu!","UNDO")
if(cTim > pTim[2]) then
asmlib.Notify(oPly,"Do not rush the context menu!","UNDO")
pTim[2] = (cTim + nDel) -- For given amont of seconds
@ -1976,7 +1985,7 @@ else
PIECES:Record({"models/props_phx/trains/tracks/track_45_up.mdl", "#", "#", 2, "", "71.173,0,71.909", "-45,0,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/props_phx/trains/tracks/track_switch.mdl", "#", "Switch Right", 1, "", " 829.88009,0,11.218994"})
PIECES:Record({"models/props_phx/trains/tracks/track_switch.mdl", "#", "Switch Right", 2, "", "-370.03738,0,11.218994", "0,180,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/props_phx/trains/tracks/track_switch.mdl", "#", "Switch Right", 1, "", "-158.32591,338.09229,11.21899", "0,135,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/props_phx/trains/tracks/track_switch.mdl", "#", "Switch Right", 3, "", "-158.32591,338.09229,11.21899", "0,135,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/props_phx/trains/tracks/track_switch2.mdl", "#", "Switch Left [X]", 1, "", " 829.88009,0,11.218994"})
PIECES:Record({"models/props_phx/trains/tracks/track_switch2.mdl", "#", "Switch Left [X]", 2, "", "-370.03738,0,11.218994", "0,180,0"})
PIECES:Record({"models/props_phx/trains/tracks/track_switch2.mdl", "#", "Switch Left [X]", 3, "", "-158.32668,-338.09521,11.21899", "0,-135,0"})

View File

@ -2401,7 +2401,14 @@ function CacheClear(pPly, bNow)
LogInstance("Invalid "..GetReport(pPly)); return false end
local stSpot = libPlayer[pPly]; if(not IsHere(stSpot)) then
LogInstance("Clean"); return true end
libPlayer[pPly] = nil; if(bNow) then collectgarbage() end; return true
if(SERVER) then
local qT = asmlib.GetQueue("THINK")
if(qT) then qT:GetBusy()[pPly] = nil end
local cT = asmlib.GetOpVar("HOVER_TRIGGER")
if(cT and cT[pPly]) then cT[pPly] = nil end
libPlayer[pPly] = nil; if(bNow) then collectgarbage() end
return true