Fixed: SligWolf's body-group car and retailer missing from the list
Fixed: SligWolf's tiny hover racer missing WSID
Updated: SligWolf's addon names requested by the owner
Updated: SligWolf's model pack having single WSID
1. SligWolf's Rerailers > (SligWolf's Rerailers old and new 1,2,3)
2. SligWolf's Minitrains > (SligWolf's Mini train tracks and switches)
3. SligWolf's Railcar > (SligWolf's Railcar)
4. SligWolf's White Rails > (SligWolf's ModelPack |Mini hover tracks|White rails|)
5. SligWolf's Minihover > (SligWolf's ModelPack |Mini hover tracks|White rails|)
6. SligWolf's Tiny hover racer > TODO: Check if there is any data on this mod
Fixed: All instances of `GetReport%`
Fixed: Angle being updated to POA instead of the point
Fixed: Attachment ID to return extracted model second
Fixed: Correct return value of `entity:trackasmlibApplyPhysical%` and bodygroup/skin
Fixed: Create index crashing for phys-properties
Fixed: Decode trying to index missing attachments
Fixed: Draw color method not being logged
Fixed: E2 comment typos
Fixed: Empty count not provided when using default list
Fixed: Export AR does not trigger dummy entity update
Fixed: Flip over remove errors during spawn and validation
Fixed: Ghost elevation not calculated correctly
Fixed: Ghost synchronization with `Deploy` and `Holster`
Fixed: Ghosting now utilizes
Fixed: Ghosts not being ignored by the duplication
Fixed: Hook info returning empty toolin some cases
Fixed: Localizing `select` lua function
Fixed: Log runtime error crashing SQL index creation
Fixed: Matching may fail in DB LUA mode when exporting DSV
Fixed: Memory manager fail on one navigation step
Fixed: Processing DSV generating table indexing errors
Fixed: Timer attach and restart methods
Fixed: Track is not spawned due to incorrect empty value pickup class N/A
Fixed: Various runtime errors affecting `ExportTypeAR`
Fixed: Various runtime erros in SQL mode
Fixed: `LUA` mode not exporting internal value of track name
Fixed: `POA:Export` does not use `NULL`
Fixed: `POA:IsSame` inversed logic
Fixed: `trackasmlibGetOffset` not indexing properly
Added: Active tool validation in some hooks
Added: Addition class defaults to physics prop
Added: Attachment support for piece additions
Added: Cascade dynamic `GetVacant` as `GetEmpty`
Added: Centralized way of handling attachments
Added: Chinese translation
Added: Dedicated function for disabled strings
Added: Extra log for model `X` when processing its attachments
Added: Extra log on timer navigation fail
Added: General check for forced DB vacancy
Added: Ghost entity shared release
Added: Initial revision
Added: Input parameters when generating POA
Added: Library method `asmlib.GetReport` supporting vararg
Added: Log control client-side in TM button
Added: More conversion methods to POA
Added: Readme for factory reset via Gmod GUI
Added: Skip POA attachment indexing when index is not present
Added: Source model for errors importing POA
Added: Timer management button right-click
Added: Unified method for POA update
Added: Unified version for empty string defaulting with vararg
Added: Use library unpack method for normal angle
Optimized: POA indexing to 3 instead of 9 requests.
Changed: Locate index logging
Changed: `Record not located` to `Error missing`
Removed: the rest of concatenation and replace with `GetReport`
Removed: The usage of square root were not really needed
Removed: Time stamp
Removed: `POA:IsZero`
Removed: Dynamically initialized angle/vector/wire indexing nonsense
Removed: Internal format values for `GetReport`
Removed: Library function `GetEmpty` vararg count loop argument
Removed: Rest of `sub(1,1)` checks
Removed: Third argument of `getPieceOffset` wire not needed anymore
Removed: Usage of Depricated STRING:Implode(TABLE)
Removed: Usage of `oPly:GetNWBool(gsToolPrefL.."enghost")`
Removed: `ARRAY_DECODEPOA` not needed anymore
Removed: `SubVectorXYZ`, `AddVectorXYZ`, `AddVector` and `SubVector` are not needed anymore
Removed: `TOOL:Deploy` as it is not needed anymore
Renamed: Log searcher
Renamed: `POA:Decode` to `Export`
Renamed: `Source` to `Raw` data
Renamed: Some local variables
Renamed: `MakePOA` to `NewPOA`
Renamed: `Make~` to `New~`
Renamed: `POA:Table` to `POA:Array`
Replaced: Other log concatenations and printouts with `GetReport`
Replaced: Rest of "Make" with "New"
Updated: Method `POA:Set` to support tables
Updated: All library concatenation to `GetReport`
Updated: Bail out the luapad option when not installed
Updated: Database storage `CL/SV` to `LUA/SQL`
Updated: Export DB manual mapped to right click
Updated: General purpose export and AR
Updated: Input arguments for `GetAttachmentByID`
Updated: Method `POA:Decode` to support empty values
Updated: POA export method
Updated: Pieces trigger/export micro-optimization
Updated: Point parameterization is not mandatory
Updated: Post-processing to force remove routine
Updated: Return the current status of model validation
Updated: Store snapshot of the database
Updated: Use library quick sort instead of Lua one
Updated: Use vararg when updating POA
Updated: Utilize log `GetReport` when creating tables
Updated: Varargs info for `GetReport`
Utilize: library functions for type checks
Utilize: Vector `IsZero`
Added: Decode `POA` fail logging for additions
Renamed: `GetTransformOA` to `GetAttachmentByID`
Renamed: Transform spawn via locate `sO` and `sA` to keys
Fixed: Model transform points not being initialized
Added: Rearranged the think hook for models validation
Added: Comment classifications about luapad and how to close its panel
Added: Populate origin/angle transform when spawning ghosts and snapping pieces
Added: Selection search point slot being taken with priority
Updated: Spawn margin sends message to the user
Changed: Use `IsModel` instead of pre-caching every frame
Changed: Use @SligWolf model validation
Added: Extra ghost entity piece before spawn
Added: Spawn flag for the valid model check
Replaced: Some `fileExists` calls on models with `IsModel`
Removed: Multiple checks and replaced them with `IsModel`
Removed: Pre-cache validation check on ghosts to be rendered correctly
Updated: Model check for SV/CL including deep model validation on spawn @Grocel
Fixed: Transform POA attachment extraction crashing the game
Fixed: Ghosts not being removed when count is changed
Added: Current ghosts count control to tool panel
Added: Duplication flag `DoNotDuplicate = true` to prevent area-duplication
Added: Max ghosts count
Added: Maximum ghosts count control to admin panel
Changed: Bump the remove time frame to 1s
Removed: Ghosting count upper limit
Renamed: Callback internals
Update: Ghost array count calculation
Update: Ghost count upper limit to 2500
Utilize: Library function `SafeRemoveEntityDelayed`
Fixed: some of the comment typos
Fixed: Translate apply in slavic
Added: Var for library clipboard sharing
Updated: BAS with left and right click
Reduced: BAS call parameters
Removed: ELSE-case for TIP calculation
Fixed: Workshop ID `147812851` being split in two track types
Added: Lock file for extracting all addons `emd_parm_manag`
Added: Control for `START` and `END` extracting
Added: All supported addons in workshop ID list
Added: `ExportPanelDB` Writes the track type before every set
Improved: Pieces manager. Increase stack depth to 50K
Removed: Repeating define `SSTACK_STRLN`
Fixed: Default zero vector is overridden by ghosts position
Fixed: Work-mode spawn/snap not being translated in some cases
Added: Model view in frequent pieces
Added: Position is vector of (position or zero)
Updated: Second test reduce more locals
Removed: Formatting for custom translations. Tool uses properties
Removed: NaN vector check is not needed anymore
Updated: Use the correct DSV order for the command panel
Updated: DSV list manager control via context menu
Added: Translation for the new panels
Fixed: Some typos for English and Bulgarian
Fixed: Resize Y for whole BIS panel
Fixed: Panel DY was changed by `SetTall` method
Added: Lazy and precise `Set(Tall/Wide)`
Moved: Default value after memorize
Optimized: `Set(Tall/Wide)` number checks
Added: BIS dedicated custom panel
Added: BIS for more angles
Updated: SetButtonSlider to use BIS instead of parented panels
Updated: Main translations for more BIS options