Fixed: Faulty 2D rotation due to the location of {0,0} at the left top corner
Fixed: Radial menu. Added Y negation after every 2D rotation
Fixed: All rectangle drawing is now bounded to position/size
Fixed: The texture not being pre-cached and generated every frame
Fixed: Some screen OOP functions not returning self
Fixed: Textured rectangles rotation is now correct using degrees
Fixed: Performance issue material created every frame
Fixed: documentation of Lua external database generation script
Fixed: pieces managed better comment origin/angle
Fixed: Run-time error Attempt to index a nil value on drawing ghosts stack
Added: Radial menu factorization
Added: Rotated rectangle using second argument angle of rotation
Added: The screen OOP is now able to draw text centrally in XY
Added: Rectangle rotation is done in radians by internal conversion
Changed: The hash of the working mode container CONTAINER_WORKING
Changed: Ghost updater is now linked to the Think hook client-side
Updated: Radial menu center textures to squares that can be rotated
Updated: Menu divider loop
Removed: local size reference vector
Removed: Usage of /AddControl/ as it is deprecated in the documentation
Fixed: Position offsets are used relative to the base coordinate system
Fixed: Intersection relation uses closest origin as intended
Fixed: Base coordinate system to origin coordinate system distance is now drawn
Fixed: HUD vector relations not drawn correctly
Added: Radial menu to the bind press hook
Added: Retrieving angle of 2D vectors
Removed: Hashing of intersection starting with `ray_`
Added: Ability to extract basis transform (stSpawn.B[Pos/Ang])
Added: Control coordinate system size via the console
Added: Publish the workshop the last log commit message from GIT
Optimized: Coordinate systems drawing
Added: Matrix-based spawn interpolation
Removed: Component status
Added: dedicated file translations
Added: Usage of `IsEmptyString` primitive
Improved: Readability of `InitLocalify`
Added: Dynamically allocated and maintained ghosts stack
Updated: Ghosting control on stacking using ghost and stack counts client-side
Fixed: translation fail to be loaded properly
Removed: Max ghosts as it is not needed
Removed: SetLocalify as it is not needed on multiple translations
Added: Japanese translation by Petar Dimov
Added: Panel rebuild when language is changed
Fixed: Ghosting model and language update
Added: Saving client memory by removing ghosts
Updated: Ghosts stack
Added: OOP Query builder
Added: Timer management as a SQL builder methods
Removed: `StatusPrint` do to log tail call unable to locate the trace stack
Replaced `IsExistent` with `IsHere` as it's shorter
TODO: Replace also StatusLog() .... Crap !
Removed: Call tails generated by `StatusLog`
Updated: directory paths default to `/`
Added: Function call prefix for the table objects
Added: Dynamic stack function extraction on logging
Added: Memory manager timer definition update callback
Removed: IF-s on export DSVs
Fixed: Store processed timers setting into the command pool
Added: Trigger functionality ( Module factorization )
Factorized: SynchronizeDSV
Added: Insert record data triggers
Added: Builder string strip functionality
Added: String strip as primitive
Added: Query builder search for column name
Added: Header standard for exporting functions
Removed: Table definition SQL settings dedicated to `SynchronizeDSV`
Added: POA local object indexes uses instead of type check
Added: StringPOA factorization
Fixed: POA Manager run time
Removed all hard-coded function names from logging library
Updated: LogInstance with higher priority for log source prefix
Added: Check for missing table definition
Added: Tool script logs trace functions names
Updated: Assembly logging
Fixed: Table builder indexes concatenation run-time
Updated: Entity attachment
Updated: Switching active point ID
Updated: Tool logs parameter as table
Fixed: Hosts stack not completely faded on update
Added: Dynamic timer messages,
Added: Dynamically generated store hashes
Updated: ASM library
Factorized: Timers and bordering for convars
Fixed: Duplication of Insert->Values
Fixed: Attempt to index `stData` a nil value.
Added: Table cache export/import handlers
Fixed: Database synchronizer/exporter to support entity attachments
Removes LogSet API
Added: IsExact primitive flag for strings
Fixed: Logging adds extra `.` symbol on functions
Changed: Sorting key with hard-coded define
Removed: Log control status in the console
Added: `InsertRecord` and `ExportDSV` now have a table prefix
Added: `ExportDSV` success log message
Fixed: Translations crashing when non-supported language is chosen
Signed-off-by: dvdvideo1234 <>
Updated: Translations comment
Signed-off-by: dvdvideo1234 <>
Fixed: Library and tool run-time errors
Fixed: Popper logging in some places
Fixed: Some database records not having number convertible origins and angles
Fixed: Table LUA mode cache handlers now return boolean
Fixed: `stackcnt` and `ghostcnt` are now taken from the tool object in client ghosting routine
Fixed: Russian translation now uses UTF-8 BOM
Fixed: Japanese translation file run-time errors
Added: Log list checker as "IsLogFound"
Added: Decode POA log error on fail
Fixed: Elevating ghost not called on creation client-sire
Fixed: General normal spawn handler moving the piece at Vector(0,0,0) of he map
Fixed: Hard-coding literary function names to use as keys instead of relying by debug.getinfo(1)
Fixed: Reload not removing a rail due to skipped press player cache server-side
Removed: Available ghosts flag argument as it is not needed
Fixed: Ghost check flag now checks if the first ghost is valid in `HasGhosts`
Fixed: Ghost check flag `HasGhosts` now operates only client side as ghosts too
Fixed: Flag for creating the ghost stack now used `HasGhosts`
Fixed: Stack buttons are not handled due to CMD object predicate mismatch
Factorized: Current command handler
Fixed: Category for a PIECES linked prefix is not being deleted
Fixed: Track piece additions now use matrix transform handling via `LocalToWorld`
Added: Shinji's track pack categories
Removed: Current player command cache server-side
Fixed: Last log check is now part of `LogInstance`
Fixed: timer restart settings comparing nil to a number
Fixed: Export DSV missing argument unpack from definition
Fixed: ASM variables callback not retrieving local function name on logging
Fixed: Panel builder `TOOL.BuildCPanel(CPanel)` appearing in the logs as "Main"
Added: Ron's track packs database backup
Added: Additions are now logged based on Addition `LINEID`
Removed: DSV processor force-printing in console
Fixed: Mouse wheel scroll point selector goes in reverse
Fixed: Proper source for record handlers
Fixed: SQL database load times is slow
Fixed: Normal code factorization for POA register handler
Fixed: Importing DSV in SQL mode takes less time
Added: Begin and commit to query builder object
Removed: Conception for radial menu as it is not needed anymore
Fixed: Resetting offsets is now using numbers as default
Added: API for calculating SIGN
Added: Slider-button relation panel generator `SetButtonSlider`
Added: Test buttons for manipulating `TA_nextrol`
Removed: Unneeded stuff in the think hook related to GHOST rendering
Fixed: Origin X, Y, Z offsets overwritten with spawn position
Fixed: Models `models/hunter/tubes/tube4x4x025%.mdl` second point origin
Fixed: List view 5-th column to default missing model instead of empty string
Fixed: Warning entity cannot be removed while rendering via `PostDrawHUD` and `DRAW_GHOSTS`
Fixed: Working mode label is maximum 6 symbols
Fixed: Selected model is not preached server-side with `utilIsValidModel` in the Think hook
Added: SetButtonSlider handler for all offsets using `DSizeToContents`
Updated: Mass center spawn via `GetCenter`
Fixed: Button controlled option sliders are present
Added: control panel snap incremental handler
Relocated: Roll and border value
Removed: Round value and library function is used
Removed: Call of debug.getinfo from the query builder
Fixed: Determinant 3x3 not using vector indexes
Fixed: Logs for builder instead of definition
Factorized: Wire extension active point generation
Fixed: Ghosting relying on GetAsmVar and not using the tool reference
Fixed: Attempt to index a nil value when ghosts stack is not created properly
Fixed: clearing ghosts returning nil instead of error flag when processes all the ghosts
Fixed: Physics are disabled for the ghost entities client side. They do not have physics anyway.
Fixed: Available ghost array check sing the pointer to itself in the return flag
Fixed: Ghost stack not freed when entity cannot be created client-side
Fixed: Ghosts count not clamped to maximum stack count in `GetGhostsCount`
Renamed: Tool object method from `GetCount` to `GetStackCount` as there are two `counts` now
Removed: Player keys read via `CUserCmd` class use `player:KeyDown(IN_%)` anyway
Fixed: Wire extension run-time errors
Added: Offset sliders value memorize and set 90 degrees for angles
Added: Memorize for combo boxes labels
Added: Controllable Incremental snap via `TA_incsnp%`
Added: Drawing of the search and AR origin point with red
Added: Button reference to incremental snap
Fixed: Wire extension having incorrect color clamping on piece creation
Added: Separate function for body-group skin retrieval
* Reduced panel loading times
* Added: General 2D rotatory function
* Added: Basic radial menu action
* Added: Working mode as container OOP
* Draw line rotation parameter optimization
* Fixed: Radial menu run-time errors
* Radial menu update
Fixed: Normal angle creation crashing when function call receives no trace
Added: More meaningful range for the piece connect sound
Updated: Readme addon information
Added: Maximum trace margin tweak for controlling time between traces
Added: Trace margin callback and internal trace margin reference
Updated: Some logs from /Malloc/ to /Allocate/
Updated: The file now includes trace margin information