mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 03:13:32 -05:00
Updated: Hooks factorization
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ local asmlib = trackasmlib
------ CONFIGURE ASMLIB ------
@ -141,8 +141,7 @@ if(SERVER) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"PHYSGUN_DROP: Snapping disabled") end
if(not (trEnt and trEnt:IsValid())) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"PHYSGUN_DROP: Trace entity invalid") end
local trRec = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(trEnt:GetModel())
if(not trRec) then
local trRec = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(trEnt:GetModel()); if(not trRec) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"PHYSGUN_DROP: Trace not piece") end
local nMaxOffLin = asmlib.GetAsmVar("maxlinear","FLT")
local bnderrmod = asmlib.GetAsmVar("bnderrmod","STR")
@ -163,10 +162,11 @@ if(SERVER) then
local forcelim = mathClamp(pPly:GetInfoNum(gsToolPrefL.."forcelim", 0),0,asmlib.GetAsmVar("maxforce" , "FLT"))
local activrad = mathClamp(pPly:GetInfoNum(gsToolPrefL.."activrad", 0),1,asmlib.GetAsmVar("maxactrad", "FLT"))
local trPos, trAng, trRad, trID, trTr = trEnt:GetPos(), trEnt:GetAngles(), activrad, 0
for ID = 1, trRec.Kept, 1 do
for ID = 1, trRec.Kept, 1 do -- Hits distance shorter than the active radius
local oTr, oDt = asmlib.GetTraceEntityPoint(trEnt, ID, activrad)
if(oTr and oTr.Hit and (activrad * oTr.Fraction < trRad)) then -- Hits distance shorter than the active radius
if(oTr.Entity and oTr.Entity:IsValid()) then trRad, trID, trTr = (activrad * oTr.Fraction), ID, oTr end
local rTr = (activrad * oTr.Fraction) -- Estimate active fraction length
if(oTr and oTr.Hit and (rTr < trRad)) then local eTr = oTr.Entity
if(eTr and eTr:IsValid()) then trRad, trID, trTr = rTr, ID, oTr end
end -- The trace with the shortest distance is found
if(trTr and trTr.Hit and (trID > 0) and (trID <= trRec.Kept)) then
@ -188,8 +188,7 @@ end
if(CLIENT) then
local oPly = netReadEntity()
function(nLen) local oPly = netReadEntity()
asmlib.LogInstance("CLEAR_RELATION: {"..tostring(nLen)..","..tostring(oPly).."}")
if(not asmlib.IntersectRayClear(oPly, "ray_relate")) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"CLEAR_RELATION: Failed clearing ray") end
@ -197,21 +196,17 @@ if(CLIENT) then
end) -- Net receive intersect relation clear client-side
local oEnt, vHit, oPly = netReadEntity(), netReadVector(), netReadEntity()
function(nLen) local oEnt, vHit, oPly = netReadEntity(), netReadVector(), netReadEntity()
asmlib.LogInstance("CREATE_RELATION: {"..tostring(nLen)..","..tostring(oPly).."}")
local stRay = asmlib.IntersectRayCreate(oPly, oEnt, vHit, "ray_relate")
if(not stRay) then
if(not asmlib.IntersectRayCreate(oPly, oEnt, vHit, "ray_relate")) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"CREATE_RELATION: Failed updating ray") end
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"CREATE_RELATION: Success")
end) -- Net receive intersect relation create client-side
function(oPly,sBind,bPress) -- Must have the same parameters as the hook
if(not bPress) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"BIND_PRESS: Bind not pressed") end
local actSwep = oPly:GetActiveWeapon()
if(not IsValid(actSwep)) then
if(not bPress) then return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"BIND_PRESS: Bind not pressed") end
local actSwep = oPly:GetActiveWeapon(); if(not IsValid(actSwep)) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"BIND_PRESS: Swep invalid") end
if(actSwep:GetClass() ~= "gmod_tool") then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"BIND_PRESS: Swep not tool") end
@ -220,8 +215,8 @@ if(CLIENT) then
-- Here player is holding the track assembly tool
if(not inputIsKeyDown(KEY_LALT)) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"BIND_PRESS: Active key missing") end
local actTool = actSwep:GetToolObject() -- Switch functionality of the mouse wheel only for TA
if(not actTool) then
-- Switch functionality of the mouse wheel only for TA
local actTool = actSwep:GetToolObject(); if(not actTool) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"BIND_PRESS: Tool invalid") end
if((sBind == "invnext") or (sBind == "invprev")) then -- Process the scroll events here
if(not actTool:GetScrollMouse()) then
@ -247,7 +242,7 @@ if(CLIENT) then
if(not devmode) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"RESET_VARIABLES: Developer mode disabled") end
asmlib.SetLogControl(asmlib.GetAsmVar("logsmax" , "INT"),asmlib.GetAsmVar("logfile" , "STR"))
if(bgskids == "reset cvars") then -- Reset the limit also
if(bgskids == "reset cvars") then -- Reset also the maximum spawned pieces
oPly:ConCommand("sbox_max"..asmlib.GetOpVar("CVAR_LIMITNAME").." 1500\n")
local anchor = asmlib.GetOpVar("MISS_NOID")..
@ -299,8 +294,7 @@ if(CLIENT) then
asmlib.PrintInstance("RESET_VARIABLES: Variables reset complete")
elseif(bgskids:sub(1,7) == "delete ") then
local tPref = (" "):Explode(bgskids:sub(8,-1))
for iCnt = 1, #tPref do
local vPr = tPref[iCnt]
for iCnt = 1, #tPref do local vPr = tPref[iCnt]
asmlib.RemoveDSV("PIECES", vPr)
asmlib.RemoveDSV("ADDITIONS", vPr)
asmlib.RemoveDSV("PHYSPROPERTIES", vPr)
@ -315,14 +309,10 @@ if(CLIENT) then
local frUsed, nCount = asmlib.GetFrequentModels(oArgs[1])
if(not asmlib.IsExistent(frUsed)) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"OPEN_FRAME: Retrieving most frequent models failed ["..tostring(oArgs[1]).."]") end
local defTable = asmlib.GetOpVar("DEFTABLE_PIECES")
if(not defTable) then
local defTable = asmlib.GetOpVar("DEFTABLE_PIECES"); if(not defTable) then
return StatusLog(nil,"OPEN_FRAME: Missing definition for table PIECES") end
local pnFrame = vguiCreate("DFrame")
if(not IsValid(pnFrame)) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"OPEN_FRAME: Failed to create base frame")
local pnFrame = vguiCreate("DFrame"); if(not IsValid(pnFrame)) then
pnFrame:Remove(); return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"OPEN_FRAME: Failed to create base frame") end
local pnElements = asmlib.MakeContainer("FREQ_VGUI")
pnElements:Insert(1,{Label = { "DButton" ,languageGetPhrase("tool."..gsToolNameL..".pn_export_lb") , languageGetPhrase("tool."..gsToolNameL..".pn_export")}})
pnElements:Insert(2,{Label = { "DListView" ,languageGetPhrase("tool."..gsToolNameL..".pn_routine_lb"), languageGetPhrase("tool."..gsToolNameL..".pn_routine")}})
@ -337,14 +327,12 @@ if(CLIENT) then
if(not IsValid(vItem.Panel)) then
asmlib.LogInstance("OPEN_FRAME: Failed to create ID #"..tonumber(iNdex))
iNdex, vItem = 1, nil
while(iNdex <= iSize) do
vItem, sItem = pnElements:Select(iNdex), ""
while(iNdex <= iSize) do vItem, sItem = pnElements:Select(iNdex), ""
if(IsValid(vItem.Panel)) then vItem.Panel:Remove(); sItem = "and panel " end
asmlib.LogInstance("OPEN_FRAME: Deleted entry "..sItem.."ID #"..tonumber(iNdex))
iNdex = iNdex + 1
pnFrame:Remove(); collectgarbage()
end; pnFrame:Remove(); collectgarbage()
return StatusLog(nil,"OPEN_FRAME: Invalid panel created. Frame removed")
@ -527,11 +515,9 @@ if(CLIENT) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"PHYSGUN_DRAW: Extension disabled") end
if(not asmlib.GetAsmVar("adviser", "BUL")) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"PHYSGUN_DRAW: Adviser disabled") end
local oPly = LocalPlayer()
if(not asmlib.IsPlayer(oPly)) then
local oPly = LocalPlayer(); if(not asmlib.IsPlayer(oPly)) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"PHYSGUN_DRAW: Player invalid") end
local actSwep = oPly:GetActiveWeapon()
if(not IsValid(actSwep)) then
local actSwep = oPly:GetActiveWeapon(); if(not IsValid(actSwep)) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"PHYSGUN_DRAW: Swep invalid") end
if(actSwep:GetClass() ~= "weapon_physgun") then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"PHYSGUN_DRAW: Swep not physgun") end
@ -541,22 +527,19 @@ if(CLIENT) then
if(not actTr) then return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"PHYSGUN_DRAW: Trace missing") end
if(not actTr.Hit) then return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"PHYSGUN_DRAW: Trace not hit") end
if(actTr.HitWorld) then return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"PHYSGUN_DRAW: Trace world") end
local trEnt = actTr.Entity
if(not (trEnt and trEnt:IsValid())) then
local trEnt = actTr.Entity; if(not (trEnt and trEnt:IsValid())) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"PHYSGUN_DRAW: Trace entity invalid") end
local trRec = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(trEnt:GetModel())
if(not trRec) then
local trRec = asmlib.CacheQueryPiece(trEnt:GetModel()); if(not trRec) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"PHYSGUN_DRAW: Trace not piece") end
local actMonitor = asmlib.GetOpVar("MONITOR_GAME")
if(not actMonitor) then
local scrW = surfaceScreenWidth()
local scrH = surfaceScreenHeight()
local scrW, scrH = surfaceScreenWidth(), surfaceScreenHeight()
actMonitor = asmlib.MakeScreen(0,0,scrW,scrH,conPalette)
if(not actMonitor) then
return asmlib.StatusLog(nil,"PHYSGUN_DRAW: Invalid screen") end
asmlib.SetOpVar("MONITOR_GAME", actMonitor)
asmlib.LogInstance("PHYSGUN_DRAW: Create screen")
end -- Make shure we have a valid game monitor for the draw OOP
end -- Make sure we have a valid game monitor for the draw OOP
local nextx = asmlib.GetAsmVar("nextx", "FLT")
local nexty = asmlib.GetAsmVar("nexty", "FLT")
local nextz = asmlib.GetAsmVar("nextz", "FLT")
@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ It uses pre-defined active points to snap the segments the best way there is in
## General FAQ:
#### Donations
I am supporting this tool in my free time mostly and it was quite a ride since I already first
created it. But since my lack of time for playing gmod has been drastically increased some
people asked me if I accept donations, here is [the link to my PayPal](https://www.paypal.me/DeyanVasilev).
#### How can I install this?
You can subscribe to it in the workshop [here](http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=287012681)
or download the latest stable release from [here](https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool/releases).
@ -45,6 +50,7 @@ about their track packs or in some other way. It is possible that missed someone
* [Puppyjaws](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198146226478)
* [Bullseye SBT](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198082120871)
* [AlexALX](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049628741)
* [Puppyguard12](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198077265201)
* [Gedo789](https://github.com/Gedo789)
* The Arbitor 90
* PePena
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