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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ local asmlib = trackasmlib
------ CONFIGURE ASMLIB ------
@ -32,36 +32,6 @@ just to align the pieces together, so I thought `Here is a bright idea!` and the
Also, another great achievement progress is in place, so 10x guys for
[helping me, help you, help us all](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TZyb0n2DAw) !
#### Who are the people that helped you in some way for maintaining this project ?
Here is the list of all the people that helped me by answering my questions
about their track packs or in some other way. It is possible that missed someone, so please excuse me:
* [Ron Thunderr](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198121926395)
* [Magnum](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198004847743)
* [SligWolf](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198010984952)
* [Qwertyaaa](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198033658330)
* [Mr. Train](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041277955)
* [Shinji85](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197962603247)
* [StevenTechno](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198006216679)
* [Battleship](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198170859437)
* [CalocoDoesGames](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059235055)
* [Dat-Mudkip](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198074186688)
* [AlexCookie](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198143297186)
* [Grocel](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970000386)
* [Puppyjaws](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198146226478)
* [Bullseye SBT](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198082120871)
* [AlexALX](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049628741)
* [Puppyguard12](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198077265201)
* [Gedo789](https://github.com/Gedo789)
* The Arbitor 90
* PePena
* meme
* Fennecai
* robgray026
* [SCI] Ickycoolboy(R)
* Gecko_
* kozi
#### What kind of features does this script has?
* Track curve fitting alignment based on [ray intersection for precise piece layout](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rsDHU79J50)
* Extendible database via [text file](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz0_RGwgfaY) or a [lua script](https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool/blob/master/data/autosave/z_autorun_add_pieces.lua)
@ -70,7 +40,7 @@ about their track packs or in some other way. It is possible that missed someone
* Spawning pieces on the map
* Snapping pieces on the map surface ( if checked )
* Snapping/spawning with [custom user offsets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1IK2zJ_Djk)
* Snapping/spawning with zero pitch. Good for track levelling
* Snapping/spawning with zero pitch. Good for track leveling
* Snapping/spawning at the mass-center or the active point ( if checked )
* Snapping the first piece angle to user defined value
* Snapping already spawned pieces by [using only the physgun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxMlZMMGHrs)
@ -87,7 +57,7 @@ about their track packs or in some other way. It is possible that missed someone
* Tool-tips for every button are available and can be translated easily
* Ability to spawn scripted track switches of other class ( Ron's 2ft )
* Ability to modify the bodygroups and skins of a track piece ( with duping )
* Ability to modify track piece [surface behaviour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALBnlFeC9tU) ( wood, metal, slime, tire )
* Ability to modify track piece [surface behavior](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALBnlFeC9tU) ( wood, metal, slime, tire )
* Ability to extend a track piece spawn with [additional entities](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKGBUNDMN6A)
* Includes integrated wiremod extension
@ -106,6 +76,12 @@ adjusting the next active point for the track stacking option.
This will affect what point is chosen when you continue the track you build.
The current and next active points will not be the same.
#### How do I use the old way for switching between the active points ?
There is this variable `trackassembly_enpntmscr` and as its name suggests
it controls the ***enable end-point mouse scroll***. Set it to `1` if you want
to switch the track ends via the mouse scroll or set it to `0` if you want
to use the old-school for the way of changing and selecting track ends.
#### Hey, I cannot align my track curves properly. Can you help ?
Yep sure. In the right panel, there is a drop-down menu which has a bunch of tool modes listed.
Go ahead and select the `Active point intersection`. After you change the mode, an intersection
@ -118,7 +94,7 @@ In this working mode the angular and linear offsets adjust the piece offsets rel
position where the trace and relation rays meet. Press `ATTACK1` ( Def: Left click ) if you are happy with where
the ghost is located and where the spawn piece will go at.
#### How can I use the switchers ? I can't seem to make them work.
#### How can I use switchers ? I can't seem to make them work.
Every addon has its own way for dealing with the switchers. Others that are not listed here do not
have dedicated track switchers, so to switch them you must use two track pieces inside of each other.
Swap their solidness around using the [fading door tool](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=115753588),
@ -138,12 +114,6 @@ wheels of the train will follow only the track that is currently set being solid
* `Mr.Train's M-Gauge`
* `Mr.Train's G-Gauge`
* `Battleship's abandoned rails`
#### How do I use the old way for switching between the active points ?
There is this variable `trackassembly_enpntmscr` and as its name suggests
it controls the ***enable end-point mouse scroll***. Set it to `1` if you want
to switch the track ends via the mouse scroll or set it to `0` if you want
to use the old-school for the way of changing and selecting track ends.
#### How to use the tool control options when building a track ?
1. Pressing ATTACK1 ( Default: Left mouse button )
@ -174,7 +144,7 @@ Will stack as many pieces as shown by the slider `Pieces count`.
4. Pressing RELOAD ( Default: R ) + SPEED ( Default: SHIFT )
* When pressing it on the world will clear the tool's selected prop to attach all the track pieces to ( anchor ).
* When pressing it on the trace prop will set it as an anchor for other pieces spawned to be constrained to.
3. If you want to obtain different grip behaviour for a wheel-powered/sliding train,
3. If you want to obtain different grip behavior for a wheel-powered/sliding train,
you must use the surface material drop-down menus as you select first `TYPE` then `NAME`.
4. If you want to use desired bodygroups and/or skins on a piece, in the text field you must type bodygroup/skin
selection code or generate one using the SCORE ( Default: TAB ) key while pointing to a prop with
@ -267,44 +237,13 @@ I will be more then happy to add them into the Track assembly tool if their coll
the minimum requirements.
( Made a model once, but it turned out quite nasty xD, so better leave the job to the right people.)
#### Could you make the tool so there will be categories for my addon?
Well, yeah, technically I can map any path given. However these with properly
ordered folders are easier to handle. Here are some good and bad practices for folder alignment.
Legend of the path elements used in a model:
/ --> Slash represents directory divider ( Like in D:/Steam/common/Garry's mod )
# --> Any kind of delimiter valid for a file name( Like dashes, underscores etc.)
%addonname% --> Name of your addon (For example: SPros)
%category% --> Category, which you want your pieces to be divided by ( Like straight, curves, raps, bridges etc.)
%piecename% --> The file name of the piece created in the addon ( Ending with *.mdl of course)
The good practices ( The category should be bordered by delimiters ):
Examples: (`#`="_", `%addonname%`="ron/2ft", `%category%`="tram", `%piecename%`="`%category%`_32_grass.mdl")
models/ron/2ft/tram/tram_32_grass.mdl ( The "tram" is taken right after "models/ron/2ft/" )
The the bad practices ( The category is missing or not strongly defined. There is not enough information given):
Examples: (`#`="_", `%addonname%`="props_phx", `%piecename%`="track_128.mdl")
models/props_phx/trains/track_128.mdl ( Here, the category "straight" is not present at all )
#### Hey, remember that roller coaster assistant addon, that was snapping pieces when you got them close to each other and they magically connect. Does this script has a feature like this ?
Yes, it does. When looking at the panel in the right, there is a check-box labelled
#### Hey, remember that roller coaster assistant addon, that was snapping pieces when you got them close
to each other and they magically connect. Does this script has a feature like this ?
Yes, it does. When looking at the panel in the right, there is a check-box labeled
`Enable physgun snap` that you must check. This makes the server to perform some
traces relative to the active points of the piece and search for other pieces to snap to.
If the snapping conditions are present, it will snap the trace piece on physgun release at
that end, which the server trace hits.
that end, which the server trace hits. Check the [wiki page](https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool/wiki/Physgun-snap-feature) for more information.
#### Can you tell me how to read the physgun snap legend drawn on the screen ?
Easy. Here are some things to know for never getting confused with this:
@ -328,143 +267,6 @@ This is an easy way of indicating which next active position ( of some )
is chosen when stacking is in place. The end of the line with the green
circle points to the next active position that is chosen.
#### Dude I've messed up my console variables, how can I factory reset them ?
Easy. First, you need to enable the developer mode via `trackassembly_devmode 1`
Then in the bodyguard/skin text box ( or `trackassembly_bgskids` variable ) type:
* `reset cvars`
Resets all cvars to the factory default settings
* `delete`
Followed by a space for deleting a bunch exported databases without quitting
the game, followed by the `prefixes` you want to delete, separated by space,
You can delete multiple prefixes at once. For client use `cl` and server `sv`.
Press enter to apply an option from these above and click the `Reset variables` button.
*Note: The console variables being set in this question will be reset also*
#### How can I control errors when the clients are flooding my server with rails, and stacking/spawning outside of the map bounds?
Easy. Just set `trackassembly_bnderrmod` to one of the following values
OFF -> Clients are allowed to stack/spawn out of the map bounds without restriction
LOG -> Clients are not allowed to stack/spawn out of the map bounds. The error is logged.
HINT -> Clients are not allowed to stack/spawn out of the map bounds. Hunt message is displayed.
GENERIC -> Clients are not allowed to stack/spawn out of the map bounds. Generic message is displayed.
ERROR -> Clients are not allowed to stack/spawn out of the map bounds. Error message is displayed.
Other value will be treated as `LOG`. But remember young samurai, this variable is only server side,
and because of that you can only access it via single player or set it in the `server.vdf` gmod
start-up file. May the force be with you and your server !
*<br>Note: The error is logged if the logs are enabled !*
#### Is there any feature which can be used to control which log messages can show up and which will not?
You can easily do that by creating settings for the logs. These are nothing more than
text files, where contents are matched to the logs you want to skip. The location that you
must create these files in is located here: `data/trackassembly/trackasmlib_sl<suffix>.txt`
There are the types of logging settings, where the file `<suffix>` matches it with down casing:
* `skip` (`trackasmlib_slskip.txt`): If a log message is found persisting in this list,
it won't show in the output (a.k.a black listed).
This is good when a function is called many times and floods
* `only` (`trackasmlib_slonly.txt`): All other log messages will be blocked besides the ones
in this list (a.k.a only ones white listed)
This is good when you want to see only one single thing
These are [mine](https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool/blob/master/data/trackassembly/trackasmlib_slskip.txt) if you want to take a look how to create one.
#### Does this thing have any wire extensions and how can I control then when my clients are abusing them ?
Yes it does. You can enable/disable the wire extension using the
convar `trackassembly_enwiremod` and set it to `0` to disable the wire
extension and `1` to enable it.
#### What do the tool versions represent?
The first number will get an increase when a new major update has arrived.
The second number is the commit number in the repository, related to
some smaller changes and fixes. For example rearranging the code, new features,
performance optimizations, doing the same thing, but in more elegant
way and such.
#### I want to use custom tweaks for my server. Could you recommend appropriate cvars ?
Here is the list of the maximum value tweaks and settings to control the script:
trackassembly_maxtrmarg - Controls the maximum time needed to perform a new player-cached trace
trackassembly_maxmass - Controls the mass upper limit of the piece spawned ( the lower bound is "1" )
trackassembly_maxlinear - Controls the maximum offset that can be applied by next x,y,z linear offsets
trackassembly_maxforce - Controls the force limit upper border on the welds made between pieces
trackassembly_maxactrad - Controls the vastness of the active point search area
trackassembly_maxstcnt - Controls the maximum pieces that can be spawned in stacking mode
trackassembly_maxfruse - Controls the maximum records that can be located under the frequent pieces list
sbox_maxprops - The maximum props on the server ( Gmod default control )
sbox_maxasmtracks - A variable for the maximum things spawned via TA
You can trigger these limits independently from one another. For example:
* Value `maxprops` is `50` and `maxasmtracks` is `30` will trigger maxasmtracks
* Value `maxprops` is `30` and `maxasmtracks` is `50` will trigger maxprops
* Value `maxprops` is `50` and `maxasmtracks` is `50` will trigger maxasmtracks
*Note: If you want a server with many props and fewer tracks, then lower maxasmtracks
Default value is 1500 for `maxasmtracks` to rely on the props limit.*
#### I want to use Lua mode because I've got third-party SQLite server. How can I switch to Lua mode ?
You can do the following:
1. On the tool screen next to holder's model validation you shall see the database mode.
2. Bring up the console and write `trackassembly_modedb LUA` ( or `SQL` to go to SQL mode respectively ).
3. Press enter and restart Gmod.
4. Look at the tool screen. After holder's model validation, it shall write the new mode.
5. Done. You are now in `LUA` mode.
Using `SQL` mode is still the best option for using the tool with for servers, because only a few models have to
stay in the cache for a given amount of time, rather than the whole database forever ( till the server
is up that is ), so please use `SQL` mode when possible if you want to save some amount of RAM.
`LUA` mode is used as a default option, because some people have third party SQL servers, which messes with
the `sql.*` library of the game and does not allow me to create the needed SQL tables and records properly.
#### Can I do something about my server's performance and how can I configure the memory manager properly?
You can choose a memory management algorithm by setting `trackassembly_timermode` to `mode@life@clear@collect`
for any table sequentially divided by `/`. First of all the memory manager is available only in `SQL` mode,
because in `LUA` mode, all the records are already in the memory and thus, there is no need to manage ( delete )
anything automatically. An example timer setting looks something like this: `CQT@1800@1@1/CQT@900@1@1/CQT@600@1@1`.
Here `mode` setting is the memory management algorithm to be used ( either `CQT` or `OBJ` ) for the table.
These are explained below what they do. The `life` in the cache for the record is how much time in seconds
the data will spend sitting in the cache, until it gets deleted to save some memory ( For the example above
a half an hour for `PIECES`, 15 minutes for `ADDITIONS` and 10 minutes for `PHYSPROPERTIES` ).
The greater the number, the more persistent are the records and fewer queries will be used to retrieve the data.
Setting this to `0` will turn off the memory management for the table.
The `clear` setting if different than `0`, assigns a `nil` to the record, marking it for
deletion by Lua's garbage collector. The `collect` setting if different than `0` calls the garbage collector when a
record is marked or equal to `0` leaves it to the game's garbage collector. It's pretty much for you to decide because
every setting has its pros and cons.
1. `CQT` - The memory management is called every time a new piece is requested from the cache and
not found. Therefore a query should be processed to retrieve it from the database, so
as it does at the end it runs a "for k, v pairs(Cache)" cycle, inspecting which record is
old enough ( not used for given amount of time ) to be deleted and marks it for deletion.
* Pros: Lighter algorithm.
No need for additional memory allocation for timers.
Garbage collector ( `collect` different than `0` ) is called once to process all the obsolete records.
* Cons: Uses particular points in time when a record is used/loaded and judges by these how old is it.
Records do not get deleted from the cache at the exact moment when the life in the cache runs out.
* Used: When there is no need of many timer objects to store in the memory ***OR***
they cannot be created due to some reasons not related to the TA tool ***OR***
the time precision does not matter when the record gets deleted ***OR***
the server will run out of memory when creating too many objects ( timers ).
2. `OBJ` - It attaches a timer object ( That's why the `OBJ` xD ) to every record
created in the cache with one repetition for given amount of time ( The life )
in seconds. After the time is passed, the record is marked for deletion, and the timer is destroyed.
* Pros: Obsolete ( not so frequently used ) records are deleted at the exact given time when processed.
The timer is deleted with the record.
It uses a running process, rather than points in time to control the memory management.
* Cons: Heavier algorithm.
Needs additional memory for the timers.
Garbage collector ( `collect` different than `0` ) is called on every timer function call.
* Used: When server has enough memory for the timers ***OR***
the record has to be deleted at the exact moment the life passes.
#### Does this script store the created queries for later use ?
Yes. That way it performs faster statements generation with very little memory consumed.
Statement storage is based on caller name. Good example is `CacheQueryPiece` where
the program tries to retrieve the generated query, without going trough the trouble to
concatenate all the fields. For the most expensive function `CacheQueryPiece`, the request
is done using the model, so in the statement it is substituted as an argument provided
to `SQLCacheStmt(<hash>, <stmt>, <arguments>)`. That way the base statement
is stored once and formatted every time it needs to be used.
#### Hey, there is a text-box and a drop-down menu next to the `ExportDB` button. What are these for ?
Well, when a server owners set the `trackassembly_maxfruse` to a higher value, a slider appears.
If the client has used many pieces during his/her routine, he/she cannot possibly locate the ones
@ -478,133 +280,6 @@ you want to perform the filtering with. The result will populate the list view,
pieces, whatever desired field value is matched by the pattern given. The pattern is a standard
Lua one, which is supported by the `string.*` library and you can also [google it](http://lmgtfy.com/?q=lua+string+library+pattern+matching) ;)
#### May I become a volunteer to translate the script to my native language and how can I use translations ?
Yes you may, though always make sure to use the abbreviation for the language codes provided
[here ( Column "ISO 639-1" )](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes)
If you want to translate it into [Bulgarian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgarian_language) for example ( my [native](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_language) ) you must duplicate all the
translations like seen below. I took English translation and translated it to Bulgarian.
English : asmlib.SetLocalify("en","tool."..gsToolNameL..".activrad_con" , "Active radius:")
Bulgarian: asmlib.SetLocalify("bg","tool."..gsToolNameL..".activrad_con" , "Активен радиус:")
Change the language used by the game ( cvar `gmod_language` ) to your native. Done !
#### Hey, how should I proceed when I am experiencing errors ?
First of all if the error origin is not the TA,
I can't pretty much help you with it, but I will do my best
If the error is related to the TA then:
1. Delete the external configurations in `..common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/data/trackassembly`
* Delete database ( if any ) located in `dsv/*.txt`.
Remember to back up your personal database if any ! ( optional )
* Delete the DSV auto-load list located in `trackasmlib_dsv.txt`
Remember to back up your personal database if any ! ( optional )
* Delete the Lua exports ( if any ) located in `ins/*.txt` ( optional )
* Delete the Log program settings located in `trackasmlib_sl*.txt` ( optional )
* Delete the whole folder if necessary ( optional )
Remember to back up your personal database ! ( optional )
2. Delete the TA's `*.gma` file from `garrysmod/addons`
3. Delete the cache `../GarrysMod/garrysmod/cache`
4. In the game library, right click on Gmod and select `Properties`
5. Navigate to `Local Files` and click `Verify integrity of the game cache`
6. Enter Gmod and while in-game open the console and paste `trackassembly_exportdb 0` ( without the quotes )
7. Done ! It all should work now. If not, proceed as below ( 8 - 14 )
8. Enable the logs via the console `trackassembly_logsmax 10000` hit enter
9. Enable the log file via the console `trackassembly_logfile 1` hit enter
10. Enable developer mode via `trackassembly_devmode 1`
11. Server: Point to the world in-game and press RELOAD ( Default: R )
12. Client: Click the `Reset Variables` button
13. Now the hardest part[.](https://mondomedia.com/embed/Vpbbbc) While in-game do some stuff and make it crash again.
14. Navigate to `..Steam/steamapps/common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/data/trackassembly/trackasmlib_log.txt`
15. Report the log and the errors [here](https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool/issues)
16. If you don't bother using the workshop ( Yeah, I hate it too ), then please use the
[GitHub link](https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool/tree/master)
or the [SVN](https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool/trunk) instead.
Be sure to download only a stable [release version](https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool/releases)
#### How can I add some personal models to TA to extend the database ?
For every active point, you have to add a line in the table PIECES.
1. The first method involves editing the general database. That way your custom track
pieces are not divided and are inside the general data pool for client and server.
This is good if you want to test something fast.
1. In the console ( Bring it up with `~` key under ESC ): `trackassembly_exportdb 1` [ press enter ]
2. Server: Point the crosshair anywhere on the map, then hit SPEED ( Default: Shift ) + RELOAD ( Default: R )
3. Client: Just bring up the Frequently used pieces screen, then click the `Export client's DB` button
4. Use Excel or another table editing program to edit the files `sv_*.txt` and `cl_*.txt`
5. After exporting, tables are located under `..common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/data/trackassembly/dsv/` [DSV Folder]
6. Navigate to the DSV folder using explorer(Windows)/nautilus(Linux) and proceed
7. Open all *TRACKASSEMBLY_PIECES.txt files and make your edits using tab-delimited [Excel 2010]
8. [Excel 2010] `File` -> `Save As` -> Navigate to the `DSV` folder if you are not in there already
9. [Excel 2010] File name: `*TRACKASSEMBLY_PIECES.txt`
10. [Excel 2010] Save as type: `Text (Tab delimited)(*.txt)`
11. [Excel 2010] Replace it if you must (don't worry you can always generate it again ( points 3. and 4. )
12. [Excel 2010] It will prompt you that the file you are saving does contain features not compatible with `TAB Delimited` format
13. [Excel 2010] Click `Yes` and close Excel
14. [Excel 2010] It will want you to save it again, so just click `Don't Save`
15. [Excel 2010] You are good to go
If you have trouble with this step by step tutorial, maybe [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz0_RGwgfaY) will help
2. The second method involves personal `DSV` database. This option is mostly used when you want to
separate your own stuff from the general data pool. The track pack creators use this method to
add their custom track models in the database via [Lua script](https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool#how-how-can-i-make-a-script-which-synchronizes-the-database-of-my-track-pack-). Let's call the `<database_prefix>` `MyStuff_`
( what's added ) and your addon name `John Doe's trackpack` ( who has added it a.k.a the data exporter )
* Navigate to `..common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/data/trackassembly`
* Open the file `trackasmlib_dsv.txt`. If it does not exist then just create it.
* You can always comment an addon to prevent it loading its pieces to the database via `#`
a hash tag symbol in front of the line which you want disabled.
* Inside the file you just have to add the content `<database_prefix>[TAB symbol]<data_exporter>`
* For the example above you will have `MyStuff_[-->]John Doe's trackpack`
* The second value is optional, but you will need a tab symbol to separate these
two if you put it there. If you don't put it, you need only the prefix
* Open the file `dsv/MyStuff_TRACKASSEMBLY_PIECES.txt`
If it does not exist then just create it. This file is mandatory. Now insert
[your track piece models](https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool/blob/master/data/trackassembly/dsv/Test_s_track_packTRACKASSEMBLY_PIECES.txt)
and they will be loaded during the tool initialization
* Open the file `dsv/MyStuff_TRACKASSEMBLY_CATEGORY.txt`. If it does not exist then just create it.
This is optional ! It is done when you want to use classification categories for your database
The format contains open definition delimiter, closing one and a separator.
Between these you must have your addon name and a function defined as a string. The token
opening the definition is `[===[` `(1)`. The token used for delimiter is `===` `(2)`. The closing
sequence for the definition is `]===]` `(3)` and it means that the definition ends.
Between `(1)` and `(2)` you must have the addon name (ex. John Doe's trackpack)
Between `(2)` and `(3)` you must have an actual Lua function written as string
`function(m) ( do some stuff ) end`, where the `m` parameter is dynamically populated
with the track piece model path. You must use that value to extract the category
you need. Usually this is one of the
[sub-directories of the model](https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool/blob/master/data/trackassembly/dsv/Test_s_track_packTRACKASSEMBLY_CATEGORY.txt)
path or piece prefix/suffix
* Open the file `dsv/MyStuff_TRACKASSEMBLY_ADDITIONS.txt`
This is optional ! If it does not exist then just create it. This file hold definitions of what props
must be spawned with the track pieces. These are like scenery, buttons and stuff.
A good example for an addon which uses [ADDITIONS](https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool/blob/master/data/trackassembly/dsv/cl_TRACKASSEMBLY_ADDITIONS.txt) parameters is `Shinji's track pack`
* Open the file `dsv/MyStuff_TRACKASSEMBLY_PHYSPROPERTIES.txt`
This is optional ! If it does not exist then just create it. This part is optional if you need
additional physical properties
*Note: After adding these models, the database can be exported again.
This will generate export data, that can be located under `../data/trackassembly/exp/`
If you want me to review your custom models/addon, please provide these inserts to me.
Whether it is for PIECES, ADDITIONS, PHYSPROPERTIES, these files will be generated with
the instance prefix also `( cl_*.txt and sv_*.txt )`. **Please provide me the client side file.***
#### How, how can I make a script which synchronizes the database of my track pack ?
You must add your addon to the auto-load pieces list located in `/data/trackassembly/trackasmlib_dsv.txt`
This registers your `*.txt` files for automatic database insertion during tool script initialization.
To disable an addon from loading its pieces in the database, you can always comment it via a
hash tag `#` in front of the line definition that you want disabled. The addon registered multiple
times will not be loaded on start-up until the user makes a review of the auto-load list for the
repeating sequences for the given prefix. The adding is done using the function `RegisterDSV`.
Beware that you need a lock file not to add the same addon on both client and server.
After this is ready you must add your pieces. You must create you own Lua file which generates
the table data in `DSV` format ( tab delimited ). There is this `SynchronizeDSV`
function, which does exactly that. It's always good to have the pieces table used for a locking file.
If you want to use categories for your custom pieces list, you must use the `ExportCategory` function.
Every question you may have for creating such script is explained in the example below,
where you have to call it on auto-run. For example: `your_addon/lua/autorun/your_script.lua`
[like this](https://github.com/dvdvideo1234/TrackAssemblyTool/blob/master/data/autosave/z_autorun_add_pieces.lua).
After you test your script and it does work with TA you can add it to your track pack,
upload it to the workshop without any hassle as it is `*.lua` file and it will not be rejected.
*Note: When all your script goes according to the plan you will have this:*

#### May I put this thing in another third party website ?
***No I will not give you my permission to do that... Why ...***
That way you will upload some half-baked malicious tool, waste your time with stupid
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