* Rework submitpart and streamqueue
* Swap double timers for ProtectedCall
* Remove debug prints
* ProtectedCall the callback too
* Remove unused check
* Fix allowed check
* Use full path to include
* Remove extra newline
random() now has optional min, max arguments
random_once() generates only once per proxy showing, but it needs a seed to distinguish each instance of the function
added the ease library, with aliases InSine, easeInSine, ease_InSine and optional min, max arguments
part_distance uses two UIDs to calculate distance between parts
alternative statements: if bool then return a else return b
-event_alternative (arguments: string, number, number) takes a part's UID and tries to get its state if it's an event
-number_operator_alternative (arguments: number, string, number, number, number) compares numbers with 3 arguments
example: number_operator_alternative(1,">",0,2,3) means "if 1>0 then return 2 otherwise return 3", so this would return 2
sequential tickbox to play sound list in order, with steps option
reorganized generic properties into generic and playback categories
sound2 editor_friendly name for PlayCount to tell users they can set to 0 for looping
owner_position_x, owner_position_y, owner_position_z components from owner_position
pose_parameter_true un-normalizes the pose parameter value to get its actual value instead of having to deal with [0,1] range
optional name argument for the command function. Instead of looking up the data using the proxy part's name, this allows for multiple, different command function calls values in one expression and clearer meaning.
owner_health_fraction, owner_max_armor etc.
* transparency for camera options + another option
in preparation for a patch to view pac cameras in the editor
* editor camera management
to preview pac cameras in the editor
hitpos_world_props: stops at world or a physics prop, has normal angle
hitpos_world: stops at world, has normal angle
hitpos_world_noang: stops at world, has 0,0,0 angle
clients will see their own models' scales unlimited, if it crashes that's on them
other players will clamp with their desired max scales from pac_model_max_scales, default 10000
still a temporary fix