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# EntextaCore
In this core, you can now detect a entity when it spawns or when it gets removed. It adds some useful functions too. And best of all, it adds a system of tag. So basically It allows you to set tags on entities. With it, you can recognize a group of entities without wire and entities marker. There tags are persisting after a duplication.
## Workshop Installation
The DamageCore is available on the Steam Workshop! Go to the [EntextraCore Workshop Page][EntextraCore Workshop Page] and press `Subscribe`. For can go to the [Expression 2 Core Collection][Expression 2 Core Collection] for more extensions.
## Manual Installation
Clone this repository into your `steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons` folder using this command if you are using git:
git clone https://github.com/sirpapate/entextracore.git
## Documentation
### Events
| Declaration | Replacing | Description |
| event entitySpawn(Entity:entity) | runOnEntitySpawn, entitySpawnClk | Triggered when an entity is spawned. |
| event entityRemove(Entity:entity) | runOnEntityRemove, entityRemoveClk | Triggered when an entity is removed. |
### Tick Functions
| Function | Return | Description |
| runOnEntitySpawn(number activate) | void | If set to 1, E2 will run when an entity is spawned. |
| entitySpawnClk() | entity | Returns the entity that was spawned. |
| runOnEntityRemove(number activate) | void | If set to 1, E2 will run when an entity is removed. |
| entityRemoveClk() | entity | Returns the entity that was removed. |
### Info
| Function | Return | Description |
| entity:creationID() | number | Returns the entity's creation ID. |
| entity:children() | array | Returns entity's creation ID. Unlike E:id(), it will always increase and old values won't be reused. |
### Tags
Allowing E2s to tag entities. The tags can be used to identify the entity in other E2s.
| Function | Return | Description |
| entity:addTag(Tag:string) | void | Adds a tag to the entity. The tag can be used to identify the entity in other E2s. |
| array:addTag(Tag:string) | void | Adds a tag to all entities in the array. The tag can be used to identify the entity in other E2s. |
| entity:removeTag(Tag:string) | void | Removes a tag from the entity. |
| array:removeTag(Tag:string) | void | Removes a tag from all entities in the array. |
| entity:getTags() | array | Gets all tags of the entity. |
| entity:hasTag(Tag:string) | number | Returns 1 if the entity has the tag, 0 otherwise. |
| array:haveTag(Tag:string) | array | Returns an array of 1s and 0s. 1 if the entity has the tag, 0 otherwise. |
| getEntitiesByTag(Tag:string) | array | Returns an array of entities with the tag. |
### Key-Value
Allowing E2s to store data on entities. The data is stored in a key-value pair. The key is a string and the value can only be a string.
The key-value pair can be used to store data on the entity and can be retrieved by other E2s.
| Function | Return | Description |
| entity:setKeyValue(Key:string, Value:string) | void | Sets a key-value pair on the entity. The key-value pair can be used to store data on the entity and can be retrieved by other E2s. |
| array:setKeyValue(Key:string, Value:string) | void | Sets a key-value pair on all entities in the array. The key-value pair can be used to store data on the entity and can be retrieved by other E2s. |
| entity:removeKeyValue(Key:string) | void | Removes a key-value pair from the entity. |
| array:removeKeyValue(Key:string) | void | Removes a key-value pair from all entities in the array. |
| entity:getKeyValue(Key:string) | string | Gets the value of a key-value pair on the entity. |
| entity:getKeyValues() | table | Gets all key-value pairs on the entity. |
| getEntitiesByKeyValue(Key:string, Value:string) | array | Gets all entities with the specified key-value pair. |
| array:haveKeyValue(Key:string, Value:string) | array | Returns an array of 1s and 0s. 1 if the entity has the key-value pair, 0 otherwise. |
### Halo
* "Color:vector" - The desired color of the halo. See Color.
* "BlurX:number" = "2" - The strength of the halo's blur on the x axis.
* "BlurY:number" = "2" - The strength of the halo's blur on the y axis.
* "Passes:number" = "1" - The number of times the halo should be drawn per frame. Increasing this may hinder player FPS.
* "Additive:number" = "1" - Sets the render mode of the halo to additive. (0 or 1)
* "IgnoreZ:number" = "0" - Renders the halo through anything when set to 1. (0 or 1)
| Function | Return | Description |
| entity:setHalo(Color:vector, BlurX:number, BlurY:number, Add:number, IgnoreZ:number) | void | Applies a halo glow effect to the entity. |
| entity:setHalo(Color:vector, BlurX:number, BlurY:number, Add:number) | void | Applies a halo glow effect to the entity. |
| entity:setHalo(Color:vector, BlurX:number, BlurY:number) | void | Applies a halo glow effect to the entity. |
| entity:setHalo(Color:vector) | void | Applies a halo glow effect to the entity. |
| entity:removeHalo() | void | Removes the halo from the entity. |
### World Tip
| Function | Return | Description |
| entity:setWorldTip(string text) | void | Sets a world tip on the entity. |
| entity:removeWorldTip() | void | Removes the world tip from the entity. |
[EntextraCore Workshop Page]: <https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714598720>
[Expression 2 Core Collection]: <https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=726399057>
[GitHub Page]: <https://github.com/sirpapate/entextracore> |