2023-08-13 13:13:02 -04:00

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In this core, you can now detect a entity when it spawns or when it gets removed. It adds some useful functions too. And best of all, it adds a system of tag. So basically It allows you to set tags on entities. With it, you can recognize a group of entities without wire and entities marker. There tags are persisting after a duplication.

Workshop Installation

The DamageCore is available on the Steam Workshop! Go to the EntextraCore Workshop Page and press Subscribe. For can go to the Expression 2 Core Collection for more extensions.

Manual Installation

Clone this repository into your steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons folder using this command if you are using git:

git clone https://github.com/sirpapate/entextracore.git



Declaration Replacing Description
event entitySpawn(Entity:entity) runOnEntitySpawn, entitySpawnClk Triggered when an entity is spawned.
event entityRemove(Entity:entity) runOnEntityRemove, entityRemoveClk Triggered when an entity is removed.

Tick Functions

Function Return Description
runOnEntitySpawn(number activate) void If set to 1, E2 will run when an entity is spawned.
entitySpawnClk() entity Returns the entity that was spawned.
runOnEntityRemove(number activate) void If set to 1, E2 will run when an entity is removed.
entityRemoveClk() entity Returns the entity that was removed.


Function Return Description
entity:creationID() number Returns the entity's creation ID.
entity:children() array Returns entity's creation ID. Unlike E:id(), it will always increase and old values won't be reused.


Allowing E2s to tag entities. The tags can be used to identify the entity in other E2s.

Function Return Description
entity:addTag(Tag:string) void Adds a tag to the entity. The tag can be used to identify the entity in other E2s.
array:addTag(Tag:string) void Adds a tag to all entities in the array. The tag can be used to identify the entity in other E2s.
entity:removeTag(Tag:string) void Removes a tag from the entity.
array:removeTag(Tag:string) void Removes a tag from all entities in the array.
entity:getTags() array Gets all tags of the entity.
entity:hasTag(Tag:string) number Returns 1 if the entity has the tag, 0 otherwise.
array:haveTag(Tag:string) array Returns an array of 1s and 0s. 1 if the entity has the tag, 0 otherwise.
getEntitiesByTag(Tag:string) array Returns an array of entities with the tag.


Allowing E2s to store data on entities. The data is stored in a key-value pair. The key is a string and the value can only be a string. The key-value pair can be used to store data on the entity and can be retrieved by other E2s.

Function Return Description
entity:setKeyValue(Key:string, Value:string) void Sets a key-value pair on the entity. The key-value pair can be used to store data on the entity and can be retrieved by other E2s.
array:setKeyValue(Key:string, Value:string) void Sets a key-value pair on all entities in the array. The key-value pair can be used to store data on the entity and can be retrieved by other E2s.
entity:removeKeyValue(Key:string) void Removes a key-value pair from the entity.
array:removeKeyValue(Key:string) void Removes a key-value pair from all entities in the array.
entity:getKeyValue(Key:string) string Gets the value of a key-value pair on the entity.
entity:getKeyValues() table Gets all key-value pairs on the entity.
getEntitiesByKeyValue(Key:string, Value:string) array Gets all entities with the specified key-value pair.
array:haveKeyValue(Key:string, Value:string) array Returns an array of 1s and 0s. 1 if the entity has the key-value pair, 0 otherwise.


  • "Color:vector" - The desired color of the halo. See Color.
  • "BlurX:number" = "2" - The strength of the halo's blur on the x axis.
  • "BlurY:number" = "2" - The strength of the halo's blur on the y axis.
  • "Passes:number" = "1" - The number of times the halo should be drawn per frame. Increasing this may hinder player FPS.
  • "Additive:number" = "1" - Sets the render mode of the halo to additive. (0 or 1)
  • "IgnoreZ:number" = "0" - Renders the halo through anything when set to 1. (0 or 1)
Function Return Description
entity:setHalo(Color:vector, BlurX:number, BlurY:number, Add:number, IgnoreZ:number) void Applies a halo glow effect to the entity.
entity:setHalo(Color:vector, BlurX:number, BlurY:number, Add:number) void Applies a halo glow effect to the entity.
entity:setHalo(Color:vector, BlurX:number, BlurY:number) void Applies a halo glow effect to the entity.
entity:setHalo(Color:vector) void Applies a halo glow effect to the entity.
entity:removeHalo() void Removes the halo from the entity.

World Tip

Function Return Description
entity:setWorldTip(string text) void Sets a world tip on the entity.
entity:removeWorldTip() void Removes the world tip from the entity.