2023-08-13 13:12:49 -04:00

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DamageCore is an extension module for the Wire Expression 2 Chip. It enables players to detect and/or deal damage to other entities.

Workshop Installation

The DamageCore is available on the Steam Workshop! Go to the DamageCore Workshop Page and press Subscribe. For can go to the Expression 2 Core Collection for more extensions.

Manual Installation

Clone this repository into your steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons folder using this command if you are using git:

git clone https://github.com/sirpapate/damagecore.git



Declaration Replacing Description
event damage(Victim:entity, Damage:damage) runOnDmg, dmgClk, lastDamage, lastDamageVictim Triggered when an entity takes damage.
event trackedDamage(Victim:entity, Damage:damage) Triggered when an entity in the list of tracked (with "E:trackDamage()") entities takes damage.
event playerDamage(Victim:entity, Damage:damage) Triggered when a player takes damage.

Tick Functions

Function Return Description
runOnDmg(N) If set to 1, E2 will run when an entity takes damage.
runOnDmg(N,E) If set to 1, E2 will run when specified entity takes damage.
runOnDmg(N,R) If set to 1, E2 will run when specified entities take damage.
E:trackDamage() E2 will run when the specified entity takes damage.
T:trackDamage() E2 will run when the specified entities take damage.
E:stopTrackDamage() E2 will no longer run when the specified entity takes damage.
R:stopTrackDamage() E2 will no longer run when the specified entities take damage.
getDamageTrackedEntities() R Returns a array of all tracked entities.
E:isDamageTracked() N Returns 1 if the entity is tracked. Returns 0 otherwise.
dmgClk() N Returns 1 if the chip is being executed because of a damage event. Returns 0 otherwise.
lastDamage() XDM Returns the last damage.
lastDamageVictim() E Returns the victim of the last damage.

Damage Type

Function Return Description
damage() XDM Makes an empty damage.
XDM:clone() XDM Returns a copy of the damage.
XDM:toTable() T Converts the damage into a table.
XDM:getDamage() N Returns the damage amount.
XDM:getAttacker() E Returns the attacker of damage.
XDM:getForce() V Returns a vector representing the damage force.
XDM:getPosition() V Returns the position where the damage was or is going to be applied to.
XDM:getType() N Returns a bitflag which indicates the damage type of the damage.
XDM:getInflictor() E Returns the inflictor of the damage. This is not necessarily a weapon.
XDM:isBulletDamage() N Returns 1 if the damage was caused by a bullet.
XDM:isExplosionDamage() N Returns 1 if the damage contains explosion damage.
XDM:isFallDamage() N Returns 1 if the damage contains fall damage.
XDM:setDamage(N) XDM Sets the amount of damage. Returns itself.
XDM:setAttacker(E) XDM Sets the attacker of the damage. Returns itself.
XDM:setForce(V) XDM Sets the directional force of the damage. Returns itself.
XDM:setPosition(V) XDM Sets the position of where the damage gets applied to. Returns itself.
XDM:setType(N) XDM Sets the damage type. Returns itself.
XDM:setInflictor(E) XDM Sets the inflictor of the damage for example a weapon. Returns itself.

Applying Damage Functions

Function Return Description
canDamage(E) N Returns 1 if the entity can be damaged by the player.
E:takeDamage(XDM) Applies the damage specified by the damage info to the entity.
E:takeDamage(N,E) Applies the specified amount of damage to the entity. (Damage Amount)
E:takeDamage(N,E) Applies the specified amount of damage to the entity. (Damage Amount, Attacker)
E:takeDamage(N,E,E) Applies the specified amount of damage to the entity. (Damage Amount, Attacker, Inflictor)
blastDamage(XDM,V,N) Applies spherical damage based on damage info to all entities in the specified radius. (Damage, Position, Radius)
blastDamage(E,E,V,N,N) Applies explosion damage to all entities in the specified radius. (Attacker, Inflictor, Position, Radius, Damage Amount)