:trackasmlibApplyPhysicalAnchor ( , , , , ) |
Anchors the track entity to a base entity with weld 0/1 and no-collide 0/1 no-collide-world 0/1 and force limit. |
:trackasmlibApplyPhysicalSettings ( , , , ) |
Modifies track entity physical settings with physics gun enabled 0/1 , freeze 0/1 , gravity toggle 0/1 and surface material behavior |
:trackasmlibAttachAdditions ( ) |
Attaches the track entity additions when available |
:trackasmlibAttachBodyGroups ( ) |
Attaches track piece body-groups by providing selection code |
:trackasmlibGenActivePointDSV ( , , , , ) |
Exports the track entity as external database record |
:trackasmlibGenActivePointINS ( , , , , ) |
Exports the track entity as internal database record |
:trackasmlibGetAdditionsCount ( ) |
Returns record additions count by entity |
:trackasmlibGetAdditionsLine ( ) |
Returns record additions line by entity |
:trackasmlibGetBodyGroups ( ) |
Returns the track bodygroup selection list |
:trackasmlibGetName ( ) |
Returns record name by entity |
:trackasmlibGetOffset ( , ) |
Returns record snap offsets by entity |
:trackasmlibGetPointsCount ( ) |
Returns record points count by entity |
:trackasmlibGetSkin ( ) |
Returns the track skin selection list |
:trackasmlibGetType ( ) |
Returns record track type by entity |
:trackasmlibHasAdditions ( ) |
Returns 1 when the record has additions and 0 otherwise by entity |
:trackasmlibIsPiece ( ) |
Returns 1 when the record is actual track and 0 otherwise by entity |
:trackasmlibMakePiece ( , ) |
Duplicates the given track using the new position and angle |
:trackasmlibMakePiece ( , , ) |
Creates new track piece with position angle, mass by entity |
:trackasmlibMakePiece ( , , , ) |
Creates new track piece with position angle, mass and skin code by entity |
:trackasmlibMakePiece ( , , , , , , , ) |
Creates new track piece with position angle, mass, skin code, color and alpha as numbers by entity |
:trackasmlibMakePiece ( , , , , ) |
Creates new track piece with position angle, mass, skin code and color as vector alpha is 255 by entity |
:trackasmlibMakePiece ( , , , , , ) |
Creates new track piece with position angle, mass, skin code and color as vector alpha as number by entity |
:trackasmlibSnapEntity ( , , , , , , , ) |
Returns track entity snap position and angle array by holder model, point ID , active radius, flatten, ignore type, position offset and angle offset |