2 Switching the database mode
Deyan Dobromirov edited this page 2018-08-02 14:05:34 +03:00

I want to use Lua mode because I've got third-party SQLite server. How can I switch to Lua mode?

You can do the following:

  1. On the tool screen next to holder's model validation you shall see the database mode.
  2. Bring up the console and write trackassembly_modedb LUA ( or SQL to go to SQL mode respectively ).
  3. Press enter and restart Gmod.
  4. Look at the tool screen. After the holder's model validation, it shall write the new mode.
  5. Done. You are now in LUA mode.

Using SQL mode is still the best option for using the tool with for servers, because only a few models have to stay in the cache for a given amount of time, rather than the whole database forever ( till the server is up that is ), so please use SQL mode when possible if you want to save some amount of RAM. LUA mode is used as a default option because some people have third party SQL servers, which messes with the sql.* library of the game and does not allow me to create the needed SQL tables and records properly.