If the player was spawned into the server without the toolgun, they would apparently cause errors because TOO:Init() never got called and thus the required client convars never got properly assigned to the upvalues. This should ensure DrawHUD is only called when the toolgun has initialized.
I accidentally included the French binding in the commit to remove
unused phrases. Since I needed to revert that commit, I also undid the
French binding.
I never intended the halo to still be added to the hit trace entity if
the player didn't select a color scale (it was still drawing a white
halo). This will fix that.
Big thanks to Architector #4 (STEAM_0:1:38308154) and magic memes
(STEAM_0:0:60429619) for these translations!
I've been holding on to magic memes's translations for so long without
any mention of them that Architector gave me a separate translation set.
So I've tried to take the best of both. Sorry for the delay!
Apparently DarkRP doesn't have the NOTIF_* enums serverside...for
whatever awful reason. It causes errors to occur when modifying an
entities weight due to trying to send a nil instead of a number. This
will make the notification enums fallback to their hardcoded values if
they aren't detected.
The old way of reloading the spawnmenu manually was very hacky.
Thanks to reviewing the code in Easy Precision, I discovered how to
rebuild a tool's control panel without needing to reload the spawnmenu.
This makes switching languages instantaneous and 100% less hacky.
Users can now force the tooltip to always show, even when the weight
tool isn't selected. This can be useful if the user wants to see the
weights while using a different tool or no tool at all.
Users were reportedly having issues with the localization not updating
when the menu was being opened on the next frame, so I've increased the
delay to 1 second.