survivaler049 — 02/23/2022

and if you can
can you change the projectile 10 sec to 20 sec
and attract radius to 1500
because in pac3 you can make anything right
and I made a projectile that behave like a enemy NPC
that follows player and kill's them over time
this is why I need it
then if you can change it to more like 20 sec and attract radius to 1500 max
I don't wanna them to die on 10 sec it is too low
20 sec is good enough
survivaler049 — 02/24/2022
and did you increases attract radius ?
because then my eye wont kill those it will just fly and do nothing
this is why I need attract radius because it is allow the projectile slowly or fly to walk to players or npcs
because the attract radius is too low
I would be great to increase it on 3000
this sounds good enough
survivaler049 — 02/25/2022
you can add a new command
that on servers they can disable it
pac_attract_radius max 3000    1 is ON  0 is off
if it is disabled like 0 off
that mean it will be the old 500 max
those are just ideals
survivaler049 — 03/05/2022
@CapsAdmin is the suggestion good ?
survivaler049 — 03/05/2022
@CapsAdmin Caps
can you tell me where can I find the attract radius ?
                net.WriteInt(ent:EntIndex(), 16)

            ent.pac_projectile_uid = part.UniqueID

            ply.pac_projectiles[ent] = ent

            ent.pac_projectile_owner = ply
I can't see it in code
(it is only for me because I really don't wanna wait you to make it)
I just can't find anywhere the attract radius
Caps ?
@CapsAdmin that you think
I really need you help
and only you know about pac3
survivaler049 — Yesterday at 6:59 PM
@CapsAdmin did you add the new feature yet please I really need it if you wont do it just make it for me
you can make it for me only
the attract radius
survivaler049 — Yesterday at 7:09 PM
@CapsAdmin can you do it ?
This commit is contained in:
CapsAdmin 2022-03-12 23:42:51 +01:00
parent 843b1162d0
commit de81f8419a

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@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
local enable = CreateConVar("pac_sv_projectiles", 0, CLIENT and {FCVAR_REPLICATED} or {FCVAR_ARCHIVE, FCVAR_REPLICATED})
local pac_sv_projectile_max_attract_radius = CreateConVar("pac_sv_projectile_max_attract_radius", 300, CLIENT and {FCVAR_REPLICATED} or {FCVAR_ARCHIVE, FCVAR_REPLICATED})
local pac_sv_projectile_max_damage_radius = CreateConVar("pac_sv_projectile_max_damage_radius", 100, CLIENT and {FCVAR_REPLICATED} or {FCVAR_ARCHIVE, FCVAR_REPLICATED})
do -- projectile entity
local ENT = {}
@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ do -- projectile entity
self.projectile_owner = ply
local radius = math.Clamp(part.Radius, 1, 100)
local radius = math.Clamp(part.Radius, 1, pac_sv_projectile_max_damage_radius:GetFloat())
if part.Sphere then
@ -174,7 +176,7 @@ do -- projectile entity
phys:SetVelocity(phys:GetVelocity() + dir)
elseif self.part_data.AttractMode == "closest_to_projectile" or self.part_data.AttractMode == "closest_to_hitpos" then
if self.next_target < CurTime() then
local radius = math.Clamp(self.part_data.AttractRadius, 0, 300)
local radius = math.Clamp(self.part_data.AttractRadius, 0, pac_sv_projectile_max_attract_radius:GetFloat())
local pos
if self.part_data.AttractMode == "closest_to_projectile" then