2023-06-26 12:58:15 -07:00

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Advanced Duplicator 2 License Discord Workshop

An addon for Garry's Mod which implements a tool similar to the Duplicator, but with many added features. It is a fork of the Advanced Duplicator.

⬇️ Installation

Addon Workshop GitHub
Wiremod Wiremod
AdvDupe2 AdvDupe2
Wire Extras None yet

For git, inside of steamapps/common/Garrysmod/garrysmod/addons, run git clone

📖 Documentation

You can find documentation on our wiki!

🤝 Contributing

Before contributing to wiremod, take a look at the code of conduct.

💡 Suggestions

To submit a suggestion, use the discussions page.

🐛 Bug Reports

To submit a bug report, make an issue.

🧑‍💻 Pull Requests

Before making a PR, ensure your code follows the developer style guide.