Theme System
StarfallEx currently supports TextMate themes.
How to import a theme
If you want to copy theme from your current editor(It has to support TextMate) then just find your .tmTheme file, open it and then copy contents.
If you want to find themes compatible with TextMate, just google it or use
When you have contents of file or URL to theme, you can enter editor settings(cog icon in upper right corner), proceed to "Themes" tab and press "Add".
Now you have to paste url/text to popup window and press "ok".
🎈 Congratulations! You imported a theme! 🎈
My editor says theme is incompatible!
Server you are playing on has newer/older version of starfall installed than one you imported theme on. Sometimes we change our theme file structure so your files aren't compatibble anymore.
To fix that all you have to do is remove and import said theme again.
Basic Themes
You can find some basic themes made for SF here